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Everything posted by WindyDreams

  1. Ignoring your dreams as really something you can not or will have as part of your imagination especially if Life struggles or simple issues are disrupting in your life that day ,you will likely dream somewhat similar areas to How your life played out that day ,you was not willing to listen to your thoughts during the day ,just maybe you would be in your Dreams You may not realize it or Understand it completely ,When sleep, our brain goes on processing our complicated Life on a much deeper level. The Dreams and visions that play out in Dreams ,can lend some interesting profound insight , Only willing to listen, Sometimes t same time ,our Dreams can be just silly ,at same time actually hold some form of meaning that portrays to your ever day lifestyle too or event that is soon take place .Are you having a reoccurring dream ,concerning about events in your life or similar to them ?Shall we say that perhaps can?t shake the thoughts of a dream, that keeps taking place ,just in different manner . Thing to remember in Dreams ,there is a purpose , should wake up and pay attention. There are always scenarios, along with possible interpretations in Dreams that if listen and try to pay attention just may help you bridge the gap between your dreams and real life. Sometimes in our Dreams ,things come to us in many ways ,we are not really aware of it happening ,much less accept it could happen that way in our Dreams too .Then there are Dreams that just occur with no really reason at all .Listen to your Dreams on some levels .Life gets to busy ,during the day ,that when we slow down they seem to try unravel out in our sleep .
  2. SmilingJHow many Times ,A parent hears that .Yes we Learn things each day ,and yes as Parents we argue and do not take in ,How it affects our children ,over hearing those arguments .We complain and whine over and over at our children .Seem always show up inexpertly ,when our kids ,don?t wish it .Heck sometimes we may say things ,at those precious moments to just embarrass you .You have your Parents now and deepest love you could ever feel ,is still breathing inside you .A love that is for your Parents .You know this be true ,despite all the surfaces stuff in Life that we all have to deal with .Never changes that Love that breaths between families .Ever get self into a bind ,Who do we run too in LIFE ,Our Parents .Till one Day ,you find self without those Parents and you sit quietly outside and talking to them as if they are still there ,which in fact they are still watching over you .You realize that Love you always held for your parents and How much They tried being there for You ,the bes way they knew How too.No one is perfect and to our children ,well at times it just seems unfair of all the Why?s Parents make mistakes Parents do wrongs just as much as Rights We are all learning each Day .Things bother you , have a talk with your parents ,Tell them ,share with them ,open up your heart with your parents ,Speak from the Heart .They will hear you .Maybe not at the moment Deep down inside themselves they will hear YOU Only if speak from the Heart .I raised my Kids to be out spoken and blunt and freedom of speech during family Times or isses ,although I never wanted hear what they had to say ,umm more not what they had to say ,it was How they chose to say it in there own way ,I allowed them to speak from heart in How they needed to communicate to there parents best way they knew how too.To me during family Times that was Respect of allowing everyone to be who they are and How they could communicate on there levels ,as we all held those difficulties from time to time .Although down fall to this ,is when they grow up as young adults ,those family moments and freedom of speech ,always seem stay strong and as a parent ,you could just kick self for raising them that way .Everyday Life gets to much sometimes not even for children ,it happens to Parents too .Why is is great! To speak from the Heart and be known How things bother you and affect you .Have Family Time At least Try to release what is inside you to your parents
  3. Sometimes parents find difficult right time to tell a child there adopted or what some say truth in those areas .The thing is ,those parents you already knew your entire life ,grew to love and hold years of memories Is the truth that came very pure from them to you ,to you to them .Years pass by and sometimes adults ,just get used to life and so happy and cherished this love as a gift ,they lose all thoughts of that one day telling that child ,there adopted .to the parents ,that word is not even a issue ,for the love is strong and never ending .Not saying that is right ,not saying that is wrong either .Sometimes life just keeps going and what seemed important at the time ,seemed just fly out the window because the strong love and happiness of being a family ,seemed always most importance .My youngest son is Adopted, When he was born ,I was the coach for his birth mother ,I was first besides the doctor ,to see This child being born .It was such a warm magical feeling ,That any worries of loving this child of not being mine ,was gone as the wind blowing out side ,it was love at first sight JOh! How I love him to this very day ,with all I hold inside ,He was a handful and delight at same time .He is 19 years old now ,although issues of a Divorce ,separated the family ,years down the road ,The pride and Love ,I hold for my son ,is so high and strong ,will always stay within me .I tried my best ,in keeping respect with always saying He had two mothers that Love him ,1 birth mother 2 A mother In his baby book of memories ,held pictures of both mothers ,was never hiding that truth of being adopted .When it came a time to tell ,it seemed never proper time to just hold discussion concerning it .You see my son was asperser autism too.The right time ,seemed never come ,as expected it would happen .Then the Divorce happened after 27 years ,The Timing once again did not seem proper.Although so many people felt it was there job to state the truth to this boy even after the Divorce .I felt it was such ,changing event ,of the Divorce ,that strongly affected my son ,that telling him ,Hey you are also adopted ,was to much to make a issue of it at time ,for my son to handle .Maybe I was scared ,maybe My son wasn?t able to cope with Divorce of his parents and finding out he was adopted .It was a choice that should have been his parents not a choice that anyone else should of made .Well needless to say ,his father ,told our son ,He was Adopted ,not sure if it came from the heart or only create issues between son and mother a the Time after the Divorce ,So left hurtful feelings between My son and Me as his Mother .Although This boy?s response was ,We was his only parents ,He knew and strongly Loved ,it didn?t really seem to matter ,as to him this was his Family ,and The one he chose to be a family always in his Life .My son and His father are very close Right now .That is good to actually see in my eyes .Although I am not a part of his Life ,right now ,I held strong area of his growing up years and tons of memories inside my heart I cherish ,for rest of my Life ,He brought so many smiles in my Life .As my Son !Maybe We was wrong not find time to say he was adopted .It seemed our Family ,was always growing and happy and strong Love that ,never was right Time to state that .Also being disabled ,it was difficult decision ,trying find correct Time Then teenager years ,Seemed there was always ,some area that was difficulties in handling certain things .Maybe we as parents was wrong and filled with excuses in all the why?s Truth was and still is .Your parents ,They Love you ,with such strong Love ,it could not of been any different ,if you was there own child or adopted ,because to them ,you are there child ,and They Love you so much ,nothing could ever change that in there Hearts .Every Child is Magical and A Gift .Weather it is your own or Adopted .Magical Love ~~Can never Tell the Difference JParents make mistakes to and learn each Day ,no matter How old you get .The Magical Love never makes mistakes ,it just keeps on Loving ,with such strong feeling ,that nothing could ever change or replace that Magick.So When ,comes a Time in Life ,that you can sit down and weigh out all those feelings ,you store inside of you negative ,Think of that Magical Love ,you also hold inside you to this very day too.How much of Magick to have that feeling within yourself ,that two people ,loved you just the way you are now and four ever in there hearts to yours .That is Truth ~ The Magical Love that will always stay inside you too.
  4. Seriously ,when your having pain and those issues ,need stop trying self medical diagnose yourself and go get a physical check out ,to see what actually is wrong .At least get some form of peace of mind here in own self .
  5. Creating PSI ball based upon energy before trying this ,one must understand we are all created as form of energy our selves ,each of us ,all Life created in life force ,pervades the complete universe ,it is evident all dimensions of our Life force ,and reality.It is based upon Fundamentally in energy from which things are created ,in integral aspects that are natural.Once things are excepted then one can experience Energy working accomplishments with understanding .All things created in success comes from within your own self in your own mind in how you believe things are true despite what others or life should tell you or expect you to believe .You have search your own self for truth and know your own mind .Without belief within your own self all things tried in experiences will hold a failure at task ,all abilities will seem beyond your own abilities in beyond your reach .All in all is energy movements of how to relax and Quiet your mind from day events ,racing thoughts ,relax your physical body as well as mental, once you accomplish this ,your on your way to more enlighten and rewards of energy that becomes peaceful and very magical to your own well being .All Things will hold a success in accomplishing ,once you actually believe in your own self and trust who you are in Life .
  6. Has anyone ever been in Codependant Relationship?orUnderstand What that really is ?Every Ask yourself , you happier when you are Helping for others more each day or you do things in life that is for another person more than adding yourself in those efforts too. Have you felt guilty spending money over things that failed in efforts you placed out there for another to succeed in ,Have you tuned life into taking on other peoples problems in searching out there negative or suffering to make it issues in solving those problems even when that person seems okay in way life is at the time ,although the need becomes stronger in own self in fixing there problems or suffering Despite What is actually helping for that other person to cpe with ,it becomes more important to fix that person in your own way of thinking and seeing ,that results actually only turns out ,to be not so rewarding ,always limiting that person towards feeling they are damagd or needing improvments constantly within there own self and Life .You become depressed in issues that are unable to Fix another ,in all your efforts you placed out there and your Time .Then become Angry that areas that you was there for another ,does not get appreciated or supported in return being there or giving the Thanks needed for being there in all areas you done for them and placing own self out there for another .If you answer "yes" to the areas maybe that is a codependent relationship?So I ask you what is actually a Codependent Relationship ? I read many areas that those who are in Codependent relationship it is based on being a victim throughout your relationship ,weakness that gets paid close attention too and always needing a fix to those areas of another ,It seems as like there is unrealistic Responsibility for actions that are not your own ,feelings that some how to manipulate a person or environment an bring all negative towards a positive change for that person .A relationship that is codependent one is always striving to change ones own self ,always improving themselves for there partner ,there always feeling if only they could change themselves there relationship will get better ,only if they was not a victim of there own doing in Life .Then maybe there partner would treat them better and there relationship would be more loving towards each other ,only to find ,yourself never healed or on way towards living a life filled with happiness ,that you stay weak minded and All the improvements you strive to change and attempts one makes ,the other is never held accountable for there negative behavior as one is attempting to do better .Therefore that relationship is perpetuated and help is not sought out as a fix or solution .Those in Relationship that is ,Codependents may appear to see themselves in relationship , or even fool themselves or others into believing that are loving and kind and giving. In own self more than one there in a relationship with ,Is it true that codependents relationships seek out enjoy relationships with areas than there other half is a victim or lived past that was filled with suffering , as these kinds of relationships or people they meet ,help codependent to feel good about there own selves they hold issues in themselves in being insecure . Their acts of Love or helping hand is only of control and manipulation. It is clearly seen there is enormous amounts of Time and energy trying to "fix or help" the victim; if the victim gets stronger, it does not really meet their purpose as that person always holds some form of a issue that keeps them a victim and weaker than that other person ,Is it True in there own selves, They need to feel "needed" and Supportive thus enabling the victim to remain in day to day ,unhealthy Relationship.Is it true that most codependent relationships gain some form of sense of there own self worth from a relationship towards , needy partner . Is it True in Codependent Relationship that person that is always needing to fix another or solve another?s problems is actually in there own self is lavishing all of their time and attention another , that person is not really looking at there own self or full filling there own insecurities or that emptiness in there own personalities . Has anyone ever been in CODEPENDANT Relationship ,if so How Did you actually realize you was in that type of Relationship ,your own self ?Would be interested in Hearing other peoples views on Codependant Relationships .
  7. Working with Disabled Children to me is very Rewarding in Life ,To assist helping Children gain goals in There life ,That they struggle so hard each day to accomplish or Fit in society?s eye of How one should be or live or much less act .Autism children ,like aspersers is some what a hidden Disabilities that sometimes does not get taken ,strongly when others view them with challenges ,they feel ,should be easy and rewarding for that child to perform in there own self .Sometimes they just get pushed so far in themselves with expectations they seem to over react and snap that makes these children seem cruel or out control then with out understanding they act out in aggression that makes things worst at times .Working with children that have Disabilities of any kind ,should not be a push and shove completion or applying pressure to change that child to fit into a world that is even hard for typical children of any age .I have trained many years with M pact and Protection Advocacy for disabled ,in helping parents become there own Advocacy for there own child in knowing and understanding how to be there for there own child in creating I.E.P. that is designed or that one child and not the whole school or law book of labels that seems to place children with disabilities as such .Also to help support Children to attend there own I.E.P. meeting and have a voice in speaking out at there own meeting ,in areas that they really are having difficulties in every day school and social .Only one that can really offer direction in areas that child needs in support or Receiving public education is That child ,People should really take the time out to really listen to children when they speak out .Not just offer that child a label to receive state funding and brush hat child off into special education and that is where ,that child stays and offer limited education that does not even motivate that child?s mind or ambitions in life .I do believe that when a child gets to certain age ,part of there Education ,instead of books and certain areas that the Transitional changes should become a bigger part of that child?s I.EP. In areas that helps that child prepare in life ,once that child leaves school environment ,weather it was in public transportation ,social cues in Living in world on there own ,use of phone books ,use of emergency ,or offering some form of goals in training areas for that child?s interest in working or training ,depending on child?s disabilities .To me it is rewarding Helping Children with disabilities and Offering support towards parents in most honest manner ,to receive that sparkle in that child?s eyes and that smile to me is very well rewarding in Life .No child should ever be left behind in this world ,there should always be open doors in all directions ,no matter if disabled or not .It warms my heart in such a way that ,is magical to me and rewarding .The love you receive is very strong .Special note : being around a child who is autism ,is a special warm Love that is cherished .The care ,and supportive that comes so natural ,from these children ,they hold such huge hearts Although can be trying and challenging from day to day ,Sometimes it?s like a big teddy bear that just want to cuddle and you are limited as they do not like to be touched or cuddle or offer eye contact ,or show difficulties in offering communication ,You struggle to understand ,being around a child ,like this ,because you find a need to just hug that child ,extremely ,You have to search out other ways to offer that affection that is pleasing to them .It is a Love that is strong tht always stays in that child ,they strive to understand .Strive just be Loved no matter what occurs in Life .Sometimes they hurt you ,with there actions ,as they grow older at times .Seem so distance ,as life goes on ,it is not that child that loses understanding ,it is the adults that struggle to understand and hold expectations for that child that is far and above there means and challenges in Who they are .It is a love that ,once really see that love ,it is not a hurt or rejection you are receiving ,it is a stronger Love they offer all ,only if accepted them as they are .A gift to Live and be themselves .They strive on Love and not on that famous Hurt that life can offer each day .We can all learn so much from that child ,sometimes ,they can be the teacher instead adults always trying to teach and guide .We all think we understand children with disabilities ,sometimes we do ,and sometimes we just never take time to ask that child , About themselves .Given a chance ,Children Love others Unconditionally .~The Right Way ~ With nothing or expectations to be Returned It is just Pure Love ~
  8. When Life becomes out control with stress and it seems that anything your doing is not right some how your losing your way ,losing some part of yourself or your relationship is becoming distance and filled with areas that is not meant to be between the two ,Sometimes its time to wake up from that stale living and take a closer Look on to what really is so important in Life and own self of Healing . Sometimes Life gets over whelming for you and one your in relationship . So many wrong turns ,so many wrong expectations and those walls around you are falling in ,caving in on your life and relationship seems to of taken off in direction that scares you that ,if life continues onward in this direction maybe next day there will be nothing ,Left. We are all not Robots ,dedicated to Societys eyes of always stressing ,always working ,always trying accomplish bigger things each day to improve . When you came into a relationship that person was most important in your life besides your own self ,you shared dreams and goals ,filled with promises of the future and present ,that took you both towards blissful happiness . So happy sharing those dreams and being together . Then so many expectations and striving to more and more started taking control of life around you . Till it seems that relationship was not what you thought it really was . Or there is no compatibilities shared between each other . Sometimes that is such a fake thought in our own selves . When life gets way to busy each day ,either trying accomplish areas that really are not you or maybe stressed out with trying keep up .Taking each other away farther from sharing Time together . Sometimes we have stop! Look at life around you . Know everything will still be there waiting for you each day . Although living a life with distance and direction leading you and one you love astray in complete different lifestyles ,that is slowly tearing your relationship apart ,allowing all those dreams seem just what it sounds like a dream that never comes true . You really need look around you closer . Without the one you Love ,sharing your Life each day . By your side ,as from the start . What is worth all that has happened ,it would hold no meaning . We do get to busy in our lives and it sometimes sneaks up on relationship and takes away some form of that dream both shared from the start ,things start to crumble ,down around you . It is Time to reach out to one you love ,grasp there hand ,tell them ,it is Time to take this relationship out this environment ,if not for one hour ,for one day ,if lucky for a week and share what is most important ,between you two in life . Get back to basics of happiness in Life ,that brought you two closer together ,that you both created and shared dreams together and held laughter and excitement during these times without that rush or expectations ,that life sometimes easily place on each other . That is a new beginning ,new start that refreshes Spirit s Everything will still be there When you both return . Although you both will be stronger than before ,your relationship will be healthier as that is important to ever accomplish any dream shared between you two . Never get to busy in own self or Life that we forget What is really important . Or Allow Life to be so stress that we lose touch with our self or the one we actually Love . Live Life with happiness and a filled belief each day ,that nothing is more important than one you love . Share yourself with those . not share the stress leave it behind ,offer what really lives within your spirit .
  9. Anxiety attacks are very real to those that experience them ,sometimes they go unnoticed and undetected as something else instead having anxiety and panic attacks though .Anxiety sometimes is real threat to thought process at the moment .Adrenalin is running high through out your body ,you end up confused and all you want to do is run away or flea from the problem or threat your assuming is cause of the anxiety attacks in form of panic rush ,just run away .When in most cases there is no real problem or threat that causes the body to experience this adrenalin to higher lever to escalates into anxiety attack.Although anxiety seem threatening although no real threat is present or hold true fear in environment ,to that person it feels as most crucial pain in threaten you completely .sometimes subconscious in your mind they occur ,out of the blue and at any time though .Living in environment that is on going stress on daily process can result into Anxiety attacks to occur more often .I have anxiety and panic attacks ,learned over years in small was how to over come them before they take control and blow things out perspective .not always work out ,the way I think sometimes .When I feel one coming on ,I try to change and move self around to help areas in How I am thinking at the time ,giving me better out look at things or environment that changed and calming feeling sometimes takes more stronger affect than ,before this was performed .Although each attack for each person and reasons are different and can never be explain as the same .We all hold different triggers in our lives that go unaware ,why it triggers off these anxiety attacks in our life .Think of areas in your environment that really sets you off ,and look at yourself and view self in those areas ,does this stress you out or you fearing when someone comes home ,it will turn into a fight or someone is drinking and long discussion will end in a fight or something in your environment ,you know is not pleasing to you .So often as women we keep quiet on areas that stress us out or bother us extremely by doing this ,we tend to feed into those anxiety attacks taking control mentally and physically .Sometimes it is best be true to yourself and remove self out stressful environments or learn those triggers and most of all speak out your thoughts ,your likes and dislikes ,despite refraining from acting upon those areas that what you say or holding in can upset someone else ,holding things in is harming your own self ,I am not saying be down right cruel with things ,a release in keeping things bottled up is important key to healing and understanding .Sometimes our minds play tricks on our self and anxiety comes as result of out come too.Lots medical feel cure all is medication at same time may work for some and sometimes only increases the anxiety within you ,and if do not pin point areas that are triggers ,nothing really gets healed just nicely covered up .Do not allow self feel isolated due to having anxiety or feel others may feel there just idiot attacks for the one experiencing those attacks are very real to total affects upon you mentally and physical .Try to better understand why there happening and triggers in your own life .We may feel we cured ourselves from experiencing anxiety or panic attacks from happening ,far from truth ,it is part of you each day ,you just are learning yourself better and the triggers and how to cope on better level where those attacks do not control you mentally or physically ,that you some how hold strong grip on them .They pop there ugly head up every now and then although do not get blown out control most times as it?s you that is coping better through out your life and self in better understanding your own self .Hang in there ,with a smile ,in living Life in understanding your own self and life around you .
  10. Arguments stem from being repeating issues ,yes there is a problem between you both here ,Arguments that are non_ stop in marriage ,get to root of the arguments ,try solve and talk through those areas without someone having finial word or powering over the other in working out solutions ,that will never work out and important thing for both to understand is allowing each other to be open and honest and say what is on your mind that is stemming from repeating arguments without always interrupting the other or using what they shared with you as a tool to become overly sensitive to what you are hearing by allowing them to be open with there own feelings that creates arguments by doing this getting hurt by what you heard only creates more arguments and solves nothing and stops! anyone from sharing themselves with the other in honest way of communication and once that is limited then arguments are created once again and one or both partners sit back wondering with blaming the other ,why is this happening .you have your answer in the why's.You both will not allow the other to be themselves and openly be honest with problems that may or may not hurt ,when you hear them for first time and only become a issue once you hear them ,feeling of guilt of being blamed ,that to me is so childish in ones own self .You hear each other and not get hurt by what you hear but try come together and find some workable solution to fixing the problem slowly ,little by little till are areas are ironed out and heck marriage arguments are always happening, if can not allow each other to be honest and say what there feeling ,then will always hold repeating arguments .To me a man or Woman ,does not hold power over the other in Life and should never lay down that type of path in a marriage .Locking yourself away in another room and hiding ,solves nothing ! at all between working solutions in a marriage ,unless take space for self at reasonable time ,then coming to the other ,trying work through problems .Turning the TV up loud or any other area of annoyance is only prolonging the arguments between each other or trying have that control over your own life .When partners start using areas against each other to gain selfish control ,leads only into more arguments it is never solving nothing .it is using hurt upon hurt and where the heck does Love fit into all that Hurt .The truth that lies between you two in relationship, your Love ,it s not repeat hurt each other without solving issues ,you love each other so why not respect each other with that Love and come together and allow each other be open and communicate freely without the other getting hurt by what one may hear and work through those arguments .is not Love worth saving These days without always allowing that hurt to grow bigger and bigger till that Love is loss underneath .There are reasons in arguments .ONLY if people just take time out to hear those reasons with Respect of the one they Love .
  11. Every thing has to be like a forced issues in Just doing something for one you love out Respect ,or just because You Love that person .Simple put .Should never be a issue or Debate in a marriage ,if you open the door or pay for dinner or put toilet seat down or Who would be the first to offer something of themselves not because had too ,because you wanted too ,with love and respect .A marriage or relationship should just happen and flow within ,of what you want offer self to one you Love with nothing in return of expectations .I for one yes ,get up in middle night ,wander to bathroom and do not expect to sit down and seat is up ,I admit honest that ,It has happened many times to me in night or if was in a hurry ,I don't look ,simple at same time I just ,put toilet seat down ,without complaining about it to my Husband ,as it's like this if he does not want do that ,that is okay ,I would of done it for him although ,as Wife ,there are many areas ,a wife does for her Husband each day ,that really come on guys ,have you ever washed your boxers and wonder ,How you could of wore them ,thank goodness ,you decided to change that day .Although see it's your wife ,normally washes those Boxers and never complains .Now would be a different story if your wife ,made a flag of protest out those boxers in our front yard as a Debate now wouldn't t .So toilet seat ,seems kind of lame to be complaining about it between men and women ,it really depends on issues of Respecting each other or just doing small things you know ,your partner would like ,because you love each other ,without any Debates .Simple really is .
  12. Very well spoken in your reply mermaid ,it was to the point of reality and this person should take some gret advice given here .There is nothing ,should be dumped on a woman or a woman be put in there place ,because a man can and will do it .Do not expect a woman to respond with being spoken that way ,although sometimes men get to sensitive and hurt if woman responds being treated like that in return ,as if life its okay to speak your feelings out as a man or treat certain way although not okay for a woman ,that is completely wrong .Maybe this woman held good reasons why she never spoke out ,telling she was with child ,right from the start .When a child is involved it is not just about that man and How he should come as importance ,it is about that child and future of raising this child .As for women turning the roles in reality becoming a lesbian in there chemistry here .life sometimes turns out that way ,when a woman gets to living life with man ,all that love turns into that woman carrying weight of the world on her shoulders ,always doing for the one she love ,used and emotional abused upon day to day ,never hearing a sweet kind word of respect ,living a life of isolation ,Feeling the ma having last finial word of power that controls your own life ,creating nothing happy or motivated in ones own self ,the list goes on and on inside a woman?s head in windy thoughts ,yes so they turn to another same sex ,as in life at least there being understood and accepted ,as each have experienced the same disrespect in sweet Kind word of Love .This woman with a Child I hope she takes a good look at her Life for sake of herself and wonderful respect of well being of her child .Being a Father in child?s life is not wow I got a brand new toy here now that changes everything till the new wears off .It is a life time giving with all Respects of own self ,freely and loving with understanding and acceptance filled with knowledge ,life is not just about you no more and Who you want to be ,as it surrounds around that child ,that was created and ensuring bright loving happy future with so much room to grow in .Hard Road to offer especially if one has lived a life that was created only for himself and Who he wants to be and live as .There has been great advice from everyone in this topic ,in hopes maybe this guy will absorb something from all this .
  13. Children are very Important in Life ,that is for sure although some parents do not know there a parent till years down the road at same time you really have to wonder why that person waited to tell till later instead sharing news then .Now that you know you have a daughter ,should stay part of that child growing up years and even though a child grows up ,never stop being there for them at any given time .although allow acceptance that child has to experience there own good and mistakes in learning and growing up as young adults too.Still be there as a parent though .Responsibilities are big scary ordeal for anyone to master or share into without blaming anything in life as a excuse to keep from handling those responsibilities ,it is great to give advice to anyone in this world ,it is a shame one can not live out there own advice without excuses .When you are in a Relationship and speak pretty words of Love to another ,you just do not wake up one day and tell them hit the road without explanations or trying smooth out the wrinkles in relationship ,so what if she became overwhelmed with you talking with mother of your child ,maybe she held good reasons too ,maybe no one cared to ask her those reasons without just using emotions of anger or don't give a hoot for anyone's feelings except there own ,that is and never will be a relationship when one places own self above anyone else in life .Art of growing up is speaking from the Heart and not through emotions which said easier than acted upon I know .Calling women screwed up is wrong to even speak .First of all ,speaking your side as if it the real side is wrong ,it does take two sides that should be considered in life or relationship weather there is hurt or bad choices in relationship ,if both parties do not ever come together to talk from the heart yes! there is going to be complications and mistakes that always end up hurting you or the other .It seems no one ever told this other woman what to expect in all this and women?s emotions run strong and yes sometimes that tiny voice inside our heads make our emotions stronger that really is not the case at all although nothing ever gets solved as nothing gets discussed or another?s feelings respected .The grass is always greener in neighbors yard especially if there is something much more waiting for you .Or do we always assume that .You exactly right there in last posts which normal woman would like to be compared or always hearing about the ex ?not many .Sometimes there has to be understanding in relationship ,be heard ,be sensitive ,love always seems find its way that filters through . How easy when Life gets tough or something better comes around it is to blame another for expectations placed on that person ,without speaking from your heart or trying to be understood and allow own self to allow self to understand why another acts the way they did without coming to down fall in laying that blame or using words against another ,maybe it should make another feel good ,acting this way .In a relationship and can act this way ,makes life sad that we can treat others certain way and use words I love you and make decisions to walk out that relationship because of lack of understanding or expectations or not speakin from the heart .Sometimes expectations are to high for another to handle and what is sad is no one see it till its to late .So you know you have a daughter and hope you will always be there with acceptance and complete understanding ,even when that child grows up and maybe hurts you as a father ,that you would have matured enough in own self to never see it as hurting so much for own self for mistakes done in life ,more on lines to reac out with your heart and love your daughter no matter what .Without expectations .you see getting hurt is one thing ,misunderstanding is another .Love holds a package in Life .What happens if another woman comes along and says hey your father of my son !What will you do then ?stop! and ignore your ex whom is mother of your child and maybe your own daughter because hey grass is greener next door with your ex that is saying you have a son and is there father .You really need take a closer look on yourself and How you view others that touch your lfe ,having children is not just about yourself no more ,knowing it is one thing ,taking closer look on How you will adjust own life and combine your life in that little girls heart and never isolate her or ignore her .Take life with ALL it's packages with utter most love ,you hold strong within yourself .Now it is not just about you.Knowing this ,What do you teach your child ,its okay to hurt peoples feelings and use words to judge them due to fact maybe you never made your own self clear in first place .
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