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Everything posted by Razor

  1. lol, i still think itll be awsome man...im just not too keen on them games, i suppose it will be good while it lasts...now on the subject about graphics..i would say from looking on to the DS (Not enlarged shots etc) i think it will pretty much be alot like the GC graphics which will be pretty awsome, cus im sure the DS still renders at 128bit ?..at least i think it does. :)its just the screen that can make it look "polygony" lol new words.ya i probably will buy it now, but i do want to make sure i definatly get money put away for the Super Mario Bros DS ...now thats gona be the "pwnage" lol..do you think itll be any good... ?
  2. I am still trying to debate weither or not i want to get mario kart DS, but ive alwasy gotten bored eventually at the MK games ...well double dash was alright, thats still fun.if i have a spare ?30 lying around my house at the time of its release date i will probably go down the shops and buy it...kewl thing is that it will be online, i just hope that theres gona be more than a few game stores with the Nintendo Hotspot things for online play...i cant be bummed buying a wireless router, just so i can play my DS online..hmm i wonder if you could get a virus....LOL.and as im on the online subject...i think id rather get Animal crosing DS as there are gona be much more items in it than the GC version, and your little character dude can have lots of diff appearances, that will be an awsome online game, you can have 3 players total in one time, which i find pretty awsome......
  3. im sure that renders are actuall 3D models from the game, that have been rendered , into ..orginally and usually PNG format, then the developers of the game distribute them.I dont know if im completly wrong on that one, but what i said does explain how you do actually render 3D objects in 3d programs.
  4. Spyware is annoying, it can be easy to remove ,, or hard...viruses dont exactly bother me, as it is up to your own risk if you wanna download somthing and it turns out to be a virus......but the worst thing for me would probably be when u visit an awsome website, you like to genuinly go to, in which their sponsers are porn / webcam networks ;)and you get ad banners, popups etc all over your screen.
  5. What i dont get is how they can use the host --ebay & paypal--In their email address , i can understand how they rip the websites etc to get it looking like the real thing,but how do they get the .paypal.com or paypal.com/or even @paypal.com
  6. And a 10th thing i hate about vending machines,When it DOES get caught on the twirly bit, then sombody buys that exact same sweet thing as you , they get your jammed one and the one they paid for, then you have to either fight them for it , argue for it , or just go mentally insane. Yer in school after its finished me and my friends go up to them,If you grap the top of it and push it against the wall, then let go, the sweets can fall out, makes a hell of a racket tho,we have 2 people on watch , and 1 person per machine, somtimes 2 depending on the way it is built,After doin it to a water bottle machine, we broke all the hatches to hold them inwe got away wth like 15 bottles each of that lucozade sport stuff and fruit water
  7. Razor


    Remember they may drasticly change the look ,remeber what they done with the Nintendo DS it originally looks like a chunky sandwhich, then around 3 months later they showed the new lookthe sexy look it has now :(Plus u do not know if the Revo is gona be better than 360 or PS3 until you have played them
  8. wow i never knew there was an official "market" for selling weapons to countrys, anyway i think what they r doing is stupid :lol:i suppose they probably have trackers built inside them or somthing lol"Hey mr president one of our F-16 we gave away is heading towards the building at maximum speed, are they giving us it back sir ? "LOLRocket BOOM, "thats one F-16 we could rebuild sir "
  9. wow i wouldnt know weather to sell a DS for A ticket or not anyway,I really dont think they are going to show the Next nintendo home console : codenamedNintendo Revoloution , Satouro Iwata at that last Technology confrence in vegas saidthey will not unveil what the revoloutions handset will look like as it may give ideas for other companys.Also describbed at NOE website they said the revoloution will be the height of three dvd cases lying on top of each other, thats around 4 - 5 cm yeh ?and slightly longer than a dvd box longways.But even if they do not unveil the Nintendo RevoloutionThere will be more information on the new Legend Of Zelda
  10. Yeah when i first came here a few weeks ago i didnt like the idea of posting , but its a great community which makes forums get awsome just like this forum its got everything .basically your having fun to pay for your hosting, how awsome is that
  11. Wow now im not alone, yey, i say to my friends that i think i can read the furute or somthing, and there all like aaaaaaaaaaha.hey but now i know its normal , well for you guys anyway,yeah i get them around every week once or twice, its weird :S
  12. I cant wait for it, i already got my ?40 stashed away for it Im gona get it 9:00 when the shops open i cant wait to see the Real and official Boxart, ive viewed the new trailor and by god man it looks awsome, the fact is for me,weither i lose the money for it for whatever reason, i will have it, i will just have the damn thing I WILL HAVE ITif i have to steal it i will , if i get caught and put in jail, sombody will give the game to me, and if that dont happen, it will just appear in my hands WOA thats how hyped i am for thisLet the hero of time make time go by quicker so i can get it NOW lmao
  13. Most of my friends of msn are not aware until i say"Dude im not accepting that, thos .exe files can be really bad things"and they are like"WTF I NEVER SENT U ANYTHING"if u know what i mean, when my stupid sister acepted one of these viruses my computer immediatly caught it and its registered as a virus,i actually thought it was just sombodys stupid exe program,but they are viruses so, well to me... all i think is needed is a decent anti-virus , mines is a fee edition of AVG and it works fine
  14. I think you could be better off buying a dell, consideringthat in a way they always have what you want, its like buying your custom computer and they put it together foru.but then again when you go to build your own pc, the parts can be cheaper if you go to a warhouse to buy your stuff.Good luck on getting your new computer
  15. Hearing about these things just makes me angyfirst of all, raping is just bull**** and very sickok now doing it to a young girl, now thats just not right,and its sick,. just shows that he must be some sick alone b******,and yeh the punishments aint enough .personally i think all these sex offendersshould be send to an island, so they can do what they want to each other. >
  16. Pehaps it is being made to offer all of googles servicessuch as gmail (when its finished beta) , obiusly the searchesand mabye other services google are going to make,and that .org will be a homesite if you know what i mean
  17. LOL very amuzing (Is that spelled right ?) if you dont mind me sayingthe bottom one makes me laugh u know the ways companys do that, and make em shake,i say you did a good job even if there supposed to be rubbish,its a kind of mock of them traditional ones that some people fall for as normal windows thats why i like it, the animation is pretty good alsogood job
  18. Church bible things aint my thingbut i think that this is good for that sort of stuffi like the colours you have usedvery professionly done ,the flash is used well, it is not totally 'overused' with flash, which makes it good, usually people use too much flash animation and it just looks out of place,you have use it well and i like itgood job m8
  19. Reggie isnt that one of the lead NOA merketing guys,lol damn lucky youA PEZ DISPENSER, AND A WALLET,LOLI would put that stuff in a glass casing etc lolbut then again im obsessive with nintendoanyway well done m8 im happy for you
  20. Yeah could do with more detail,but the shape/main design of them is pretty good and could look very good if improved good luck in your further modelling p.s. Did you use C4D ??
  21. Lol , after 20 days ur guts wouldnt be working the right way,the KFC would probably make you last abit longer considering chiken is VGood for you but mcdonalds, would totally ruin your guts me?? well i wud have PeanutButter & Jam / Jelly Toast Sandwich w/ milk yey
  22. I would but im not sure how things work as , im not that technicall smart, although i am smarter than the technicall support crap,lol i dont know if buying a new modem on its own would run with the same isp with no extra internet charges im aware i can buy like faster modems, but i dont know if that wud mean i would have to pay for that highr speed if u know what i mean, serverph ill try out your strategy see if it helps thanks for your support
  23. Ive had this problem for 2 years now, i surf the net websites, online games , you know the usuall stuffthen the modem/router (1MB Speed) dissconnects, i realise this when i see that the pages wont load,i get a connection interupt in the game , then i look at the modem light,and the data light stops flashing, i then have to either, turn off the modem and back on and wait 60 seconds for it to reload,and connect, or i go to my control paneldisable then enable it .Now ive asked my ISP (provider of my modem) since i have been having this problem since i got the modem it has always doing it unexpectantly dissconnects,they say its not their problem its with my computer.People say its because my proccessor (1.0 GHZ lol) is too slow so the information in the modem doesnt get proccessed fast enough so it locks up in it.im posting this here since there might be sombody that this has happened too,and im wondering if anybody knows whats happening, and how it can be fixed without any technical help from my ISP, because anything they do to try and fix it, i can basically do and nothing helps it.Thanks in Advance p.s - If this is in wrong subforum, sorry:p
  24. What i think is good is that, I liked, the fireworks animation engine much better than the image ready one,just think Adobe with some of fireworks not much but better uniqe things,mabye even an animating system like for flash only in photoshop stlye if u know what i mean because flash didnt offer much features except from the vector shapes etc,, so what im thinking isFully free, image editing program that allows you to put transparent flash images in, with filders in it etc :lol:THE DREAM LOL
  25. The next thing hmmmit will be a real pain to get rid of the next Internet 'Apocalpse' LOLconsidering the software to remove/ stop it would take ages to make lol,theres a new thing, for 56k's or any dial ups ,its a pop-up where, it says uve won a holiday , it tells u phone number and tells u ur ip (as far as i know) it doesnt matter if u clik it or not but apparentlyit auto dials your phone to this company, and your constantly being charges for the calls u dont make lol,youve probabl heard of this, what im getting at is,WILL THEY FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT WITH BROADBAND WILL THIS BE THE NEXT TERROR.God knows whats next
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