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Everything posted by Razor

  1. in my opinion a geek is generally sombody who spends more time with a computer thanspending time with friends and socialising Or in the way of counterstrike"0MG n00b 1337"..lol you get the point
  2. Arn't They both the same..i just thought that Megabyte was the plural of Megabit...anyway im pretty much sure it would be megabyte, for the reason that i think the term megabyte is more of a popular measurment in space than megabit
  3. Now thats what i call awsome , all the colours work together perfectly on my opinion...with the orange lines and the way the navigation text is layout....with the little orange arrows etc..keep up the good work !!!
  4. those pictures are kinda distrubing......i personally think it has to do with evoloution also....i mean we all have tail-bones...right...so mabye in some cases..theirs is bigger..in otherwords..actually comes out as a tail...just like some peoples hands are bigger than others..anyway thats what i think on it.i dont know about it being a mark of the devil tho , but if it is anything like against christianity..then it just must be somthing exxagerated..after all it could just be a birth defect and its god that supposably...creates life..in a way i would say its contradicting itself..Nice find man it was intresting
  5. Right so i was happily browsing around this gaming website...which featured an article on shisgys free time...anyway concentrating on the last few paragraphs of this article it said.....: Full Article Can Be Found Here It was that last paragraph that made me think that mabye..somtime after the Nintendo Revoloution is released ...they may try designing somthing other than a TV as a viewing system....I was thinking hologram type thing ? could be even meaning somthing about the games generation after xbox360 , ps3 and revo... but id like to see some of your guys views ...
  6. Lol yer..i was making the first letter in my Username a capital letter..and i was pulling my hair out at it...but then i found out (obviously) that it was all in lower case..ive kinda always kept my passwords the same since i stepped foot ont he internet 4 years ago...it consists of numbers and both lower and upper case letters ..and is quite long..i dont know how i remeber it ..but it certainly does the job..it means if anybody tries to copy my password when i type it..its too long for them to memorise what i typed,so i dont have to change my password..and rethink a good one up
  7. 9.34455 / 10 :DWow dude..im loving the colour's in it .calm on the eyes..i pretty much think the design is pretty awsome....but i would probably concider about (mabye if its possable) to try and smooth out the edges on the little monitor screen when your at the main page (the one at the preloader is fine)..but other than that man its pretty awsome..and the navigation is pretty smartly done with the buttons on the tower pc thing.keep up the good work
  8. What i was thinking is that a black hole...is just a gravitational pull ..so basically..whatever it "sucks up"..would just get carryed around in it..abit like a hurricane or somthng ...but if there is somthing beyond that..like to another dimention (wow)..lol it could be intresting..cus it could basically be a rip in the space continium thingy majicker that people keep talking about .have there actually been a supernova recorded ? have they got out that far to see other stars etc ? lol because it does confuse me how they know things like this..or like how they know what they look like (from looking at the pictures).
  9. Intersting in a confusing way......but i mean wow...somthing being shrinked withut any excess....then it sureley is a defiance in gravity...gosh its confusing when you think about it...now if it was to be used in bad ways ..lol like getting rid of dead bodies..lol it could be used as some sort of alternative of cremating , wow.i dont think it would be used in this way tho ...it seems like a really expensive machine..and would be a rarr-ity in places...so i dought people would have acces to it to just fling in the odd corpse ..(still a scary thought though).And on the subject of reducing landfill type things...reducing things that are irr-removable...nuclear waste could probably be used in this machine to reduce the amount of waste space tooken up...but i suppose the people working with it could probably get posioned..after all the air beeing used in it must be going somwhere .Man it is true what they said about it "the only limit of what can be used is your imagination"..really gets your brain goin.
  10. I think i have the same problem as you..i have just learnt do deal with it..does it just stop being online...and your data LED stop flashing ( if you have one , i have one that flashes when information is being taken / sent online)..cus thats what mines does..to fix it i can either restart my pc or i go into my network connections in control panel...find that connection and then disable it and enable it...and it basically brings it back to life...i should mabye get the problem fixed though ..cus its annoying when im downloading a big file..or playing a game.
  11. LOL ...did u mean you were the one doing that...lol pretty well done job there man..i think the bit at the start is pretty much the best part , is it just alot of practicing or ...is it just sounds you can make that you randomly can do for some weird reason ..kewl beans..very impressive !! and weird
  12. wow..i think from some of those screenshots..it looks quite smooth , clean and sleek..will this replace msn messenger ? like msnm 5.0 replaced the last windows messenger or somthing..
  13. I think this would be a good idea...in exchange for credits..but generally i do see better benifits just paying ..but the advantage i see over this is the fact that some people do not have ways of transfering money...do not earn enough money etc....just a thought ...if the domain was to be in exchange of credits ..PER MONTH..wouldnt th ebest way to do that ..to be just to reduce the amount of credits you get for posts..basically meaning you need to write more quality to get the same credits as before (if that makes sense)overall i do think free domains would be pretty awsome !!
  14. If you mean salts that make you sleep better than somthing..the reason they wprk ..if you have no sense of smell..would be a reaction on the skin ..or because of the inhalation ..it does somthing to your brain lol..man a woodpecker....20 times a second..damn thats fast !!
  15. wow..perhaps us as a human race ..if we were to live much longer...for example that woman....mabye older...it is natural that we get a new set of teeth..wow dude that is amazing
  16. lol yeah your better off buying the pc version if you get all that..plus the games ..Day of Defeat and counterstrike...are so damn awsome to play..the chances are you will be playing them more than half life 2 ...plus it only takes up..what around around 4 gb of space in your HD..for all those games .(because its the same game engine or somthing)...definatly somthing you want for the pc dude .
  17. Generally the content blocks..are niceley done..and the color's are awsome..it isnt hard on the eyes..however i think the height of the header could be reduced slightly..its abit too big..other than that its pretty awsome..keep up the good work man
  18. back when i was 8-9 years old with a playstation...i used pirated games..when your that age you dont care where you get your games from etc...but now i wish i never done it in the first place...and im not even a fan of sony !!It is just crap for the company because they are putting so much money into somthing..and people are copying games ...it probably drops the sales of the original games by over 50 % ..? ..probably does.i dont think nintendo had a problem though..well at least until the releasment of the GC because discs are apparently more easier to rip , and they used carts...and about the ripping of cartrages for emulators..i can understand doing it for dead consoles though...i would actually like to learn how to do that ..like when you rip sprites from games ..but not for consoles that are still be produced .
  19. i actually quite like that template, but for the type of site it is..it should still mabye have a vertical navigation table ? ..justa suggestion...but the layout is clean , smooth sleek ..and i think the fact of it being dark is alright..i personally prefer dark layouts..just my opinion like i said.
  20. I have used some weed a few times at a party..but i dont have a problem with it..which is good because i know some addicts ..in which their money is really drained from them ..when i do use drugs though its not as if i am proud of myself..i am totally 100% against them yet i use them ..but then ther's alchohol if you want to class that as a drug in this context ...to me i only drink because it tastes rather nice
  21. yah im sure you can transfer files for free ..aslong as the other phone has bluetooth...and im thinking you could probably connect it to your computer if you use a bluetooth HUB ? who knows.
  22. I probably will not buy it as i have the GC animal crossing , and it basically gets boring after a year of it being played because your been to all the events etc , wild world...the only difference in it really is that the graphics is different..kewl thing is tho that its portable tho..and through WI-FI you can have another 3 freinds to join you in your town at the one time..where you can chat etc...then you have a hairstyle i know you can set up etc..so with those factors i might change my mind at the time if i want it or not..but if you have not owned the GC version before...,AC Wild world will be definatly worth it cus everything will be new.
  23. Lol his family might look in the cuboard to see who makes the teabags..and attempt to sue them.LOL , he must have been playing around or somthing..like gurgling it then somthing happaned..because i cant imagine somone peacfully drinking tea then they suddenly collapse .
  24. Ive heard this whole "Kiddy Thing" loads of times about the gamecube ....i own a GC and i like the library of games that are for it ..the only thing that ubsets me about it on this issue is that some decent games come out on PS2 & XBOX but not on GC..its times like them when i wish i owned an xbox or ps2 ..but im a nintendo worshiper .
  25. Im sure theres a way you can run Linux as a program for windows....i dont know if the person that told me this was true but he was talking abiut installing it as a program..so as standard he would use linux whenever he was hosting things for tempoary times...then switching it back off as easy as one click ..and your back on windows.that may be worth finding out about..anyway , god knows if that is possable..good luck !
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