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Everything posted by haberjj01
Who Is The Hottest Girl In The World? Hottest girl ever?
haberjj01 replied to nosoup4u's topic in General Discussion
My fiance Kristin. -
Look man, don't believe anyone when they say that you should keep telling yourself that it is just a crush. If you feel this strongly about her then you will always wonder your whole life of what could've been, TRUST ME. Definately don't just go up to her and tell her how strongly you feel about her, especially if you have not spent that much time with her. Ask her out on a non-threatening date like a sports event or just to hang out and get pizza or something. It's very likely that she likes you too. I mean, she definately likes to talk to you right? Just build on that. You will never know if you really do want to be with her if you don't get to know each other better.
I started smoking mainly because i wanted to see what the big deal was. I grew up with my parents smoking so it was so normal to me. Then I kept smoking because it did give me a buzz which was cool for a while. But mainly the reason why I have stayed to smoking is because it makes it easier to meet people and is an awesome stress reliever for me. Now that I am older and very much addicted, I want to quit but it ain't easy. As for the government stepping in to stop it; that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If they put an end to smoking what then? Alcohol? Skateboarding? Trampolines? Seriously, smokers are already banned from most restaurants, hotels, and now bars (how ridiculous is that, save the people who are damaging their livers with alcohol from cigarette smoke). If someone is blowing smoke in your face that's one thing, other than that just stop being so offended. People have a right to slowly kill themselves with cigarettes. They know it's not good for them but they do it anyways. That's their right.
I made this survey that asks some questions about your feelings of our country and our government at this current time. This isn't for anything particular, just for my own interest. Answer in any kind of format you feel like.1. What are your current feelings about how our government is handling our country? (not Iraq) Couldn't be worse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 They are geniuses2. What do you think we should do about Iraq? A. Get out immediatly B. Stay the course C. Drasticly rethink our plan D. Gradually withdrawl E. I'm down for 100 years there3. Do you think we should have an increased communication/discussion with all countries? A. Definatly yes! B. I guess C. No, what we have now is fine D. who cares4. Who do you want to be the next president A. Obama B. Clinton C. McCain D. They're all bums!5. What are your feelings about the American people as a whole? A. Complacent B. Concerned about Current events C. Same as they ever where D. Only care about their own lives6. Are you concerned about government spending? Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It makes me want to move to Canada7. What are your thoughts about our health care system? A. It should stay the same B. Everyone should get basic health care C. Everyone should get full health care D. I don't know8. Do you think that mass protest between American citizens could spur on change in our country? A. What are you an anarchist? B. Maybe some change is possible C. I think we could make alot of positive changes D. Heck yeah lets do it!9. All in all, what are your feelings about our country? A. It's bad B. We're gonna be o.k C. Nothings changed D. We're better than everybody10. What is your age, marital status, job field?To all of you that took the time to answer the questions, thank-you so much. Let me know if you liked the survey or thought is was trash. Either way your answers will be interesting to me. Again, thank-you
Im in college taking summer courses right now and I just got a job at CVS. It seems to be a pretty decent job, I get paid 7.50, employee discount (20% on CVS brand, 15% on other brands). Has anyone else worked at this place? Did you have a good experience with it or not?
As a college student i think that I could probably serve as an expert source on Ramen noodles. I have this seasoning thing that my mom gave me that has like 5 italian seasoning in it that is supposed to be used with olive oil for an italian bread dip. But i usually use one of the flavors in place of the seasoning packet that comes with the Ramen. Another cheap way to eat is to buy the big cheap bag of boneless chicken breast then cut them into strips and bake at 400 until thier done. Then buy the cheap stir fry mix in the freezer aisle and make some damn good chicken stir fry. You don't always have to eat crap to eat cheap.
Our Country Is Meeting Its Demise Via The Media.
haberjj01 replied to Mermaid711's topic in The Vent
Yes America is f'd up right now (don't say it isn't because it is, i'm not gonna get into the specifics). And Yes every country has it's problems. However, America's problems are everyones problems, and believe it or not, everyone else's problems are our problems. With the increase in technology, we are all now becoming closer together and more heavily reliant on each other. The problem is, we American's have gotten so damn complacent about the things that have an effect on our lives; gov't spending, health care, social security, poor neighborhoods, excessive lawsuits, shady politicians (just to name a few). But what do I see on the news every night? I see celebrities, reality show updates, and the bull*** democratic nomination slander. The fact is that as long as Americans have their tv shows, their myspace, and their materialistic celebrity idols, nothing is going to change. -
I feel ya man. I'm in college now but I was just like you when I was in highschool. Oh if I only knew then what I know now about women. First off, and I know everyone says this, but you have to be yourself around her. This is totally true. If you are yourself when you talk to her it will make it easier for her to talk to you. Believe me, if your so damn nervous when you talk to her she will probably be equally nervous b/c your making her nervous. Confidence is key. You have to be confident with yourself and who you are if you are to ever get a girl like the one your talking about. Not only will this help you with the females but it will also help you with school, jobs, interviews, etc. Talk yourself up. Lie to yourself about how confident you are. Lie to other people about how confident you are. Soon enough they will think you are one cool cat, then so will you and BAM! Your all of a sudden one confident S.O.B. When she told you she just wants to focus on school that was a lie. Sorry to tell you this, but don't despair. At least she didn't tell you flat out no. Your next step now would be to be friends with her. Talk her up but don't ask her out. What you should do is ask her to go do something that is not so datish. For example, ask her if she wants to eat lunch with you and your friends. Or get your friends together (or her friends if possible) to go to a movie and ask if she wants to come with. Anything non-threatening only something friends would do (usually with a group of people). Talk to her on Myspace or Facebook. Be friends with her friends (this is a really good idea). Just remember, your only 16 and this love will probably pass. I thought I was in love with a girl in highschool till I got to college. Then when I was in college we started talking alot on myspace and she said she wanted to see me when I got home (cha ching!). But then I met this amazing girl and now we're engaged. Crazy right? You never know what is gonna happen or where/when you will find love. Hang in there guy, it'll happen for ya.
I love music. I listen to pretty much anything thats good. My favorites are Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Red hot Chili Peppers, Dispatch, Sublime, Wu-Tang Clan, Apathy, and more than I can list. Anything from Sinatra to Jam Bands. One thing that I recommend to everyone who loves music is pandora.com, it's basically an internet radio that selects songs that are similar to a band of your choosing. Then it plays songs similar to the band and you give them a thumbs up or thumbs down to guide what music will be on the station. You can have up to 100 different radio stations. And the best thing is it's all free. The only downside is that you can't go back to previous songs or skip more than 5 songs every hour. Really sweet website though for all you muzik freaks out there...
What Pets Do You Have tell us about your adorable babies...
haberjj01 replied to Archangel_Baw's topic in Home & Garden
Right now me and my fiance have a cat named chloe. She is the craziest cat I have ever seen; more like a dog than a cat. Pretty smart though. She plays fetch, and tries to immitate birds outside the window. funny stuff. -
Are You For Or Against Cloning? what would be your reason?
haberjj01 replied to adriantc's topic in Science and Technology
Tough question. I think that I agree with cloning to some degree. Obviously I don't think that cloning should be used to create humans. But if we could use cloning to cure a disease or cancer, I think that we should. Banning any scientific research on species cloning is moronic. We learn things by doing and experimenting. Scientific discoveries are some of the most important things we have as a people. However, if extensive cloning is to be conducted for scientific research in the future, it should be strictly monitored by some independent agency that citizens would be able to know whats going on. Trying to wrap your mind around the ethics of cloning is so complicated that I cant even begin to know where to start. -
Don't underestimate the power of the human mind. If you subconciously truly believe something your body could go into a state of shock and you may eventually die. While I have never heard of this happening, I do think that it is very possible if a person is already in a state of mental illness.
I have to tell you that stories like this really warm my heart. Recently, my best friend's older brother passed away from an overdose. He had been clean for nearly a year. He had just got a good job and was starting to take classes at community college. Then he relapsed and O.D'd. This tore me apart inside because my friend was really close to her older brother. Just remember that there will always be someone there for you no matter what problems you have. Congratulations on all your successes.R.I.P. Phil We all miss you.
The Kite Runner A fictional novel by Khaled Hosseni.
haberjj01 replied to shiroisenryou's topic in General Discussion
I personally have not read this book yet... and I refuse to watch the movie before I have read the book. My mom and dad have both read the book and say that its very good. I look forward to both. -
It all depends on the type of acne you have. I had really bad acne and it definatly worked somewhat, but in the long run I still had ridiculus acne. For serious cases of acne, Accutane is the best. But if you don't have cystic acne (that means the really big ones that burst) Proactive will probably work for you. I completely recommend it.
Best Ways To Reduce Acne need help
haberjj01 replied to Unregistered 012's topic in Health & Fitness
I had struggled with acne my whole teenage life. I have literally tried everything. Of all the medications, astringents, and cleansers I have tried only two actually did anything. Proactive (that stuff you see on commercials) is the first thing that really worked. It comes with 3 things you put on your face. This stuff greatly reduced the number of pimples on my face. However, in the long run this just wasn't enough for me. Depending on what kind of acne you have this will show measurable improvement but not enough. For some it clears up their skin entirely, for me it didn't. The holy grail of acne medication for me was (drum roll please) Acutanne. This stuff was absolutely amazing. Not only does it start to clear up you skin within like 3 weeks, it keeps it that way forever! For about 95% of the population with acne who uses acutanne, this is the result that they will have. For the other 5% (like me) it is a little different. Ok, so my skin didn't clear up in 3 weeks (started too though) but it actually took about a month and a half. Then I think you are on the medication (which is in pill form) for like 5 months. By month 3 you are supposed to be completely clear and not getting new pimples. This never completely happened for me. My skin did clear up, but I still got SOME pimples. Now, my dermatologist said that I was in this 5% and that I would have to wait 5 months and then go on another 5 month period on acutanne. Which I did not want to do because there are some *BLEEP* drawbacks to acutanne.Firstly, YOU CAN NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOL WHATSOEVER WHILE ON ACUTANNE!!! Acutanne puts your liver at a severe risk to alcholol. So much so that you have to get blood work done every month. Secondly, acutanne has been know to cause you too loose hair. This happened to me also. While it looks natural, I still know I have what looks like a receeding hairline. It isn't bad whatsoever and now that I have been off acutanne it has stopped but no hair has or will ever grow back. So i guess you have to way your options. If you do go on acutanne it will probably be the maricle that it is for 95% of those who try it. Not to say that I'm not happy with what I have. I barley break out, and when I do get a few pimples, they are not very bad at all. I could have gone for another 5 months of treatment but decided that I wanted to party again. lol. When you go to a dermatologist, they will put you on everything they can before they put you on acutanne. This is a last resort if nothing else works. So now all I do is wash my face with Noxema face wash once a day and my skin stays relatively clear. I'm sure if I went back to Proactive it would probably clear my skin up completely but I haven't done that yet. Also, it really doesn't matter what you eat. Food doesn't effect acne at all so eat what you want. However, resting your hands on you face or excessive touching your face will rub dirt and bacteria into your pores so try not to do that too often. One last piece of advice. Don't wash your face more than 2 or 3 times a day! The face washes that you use dry out your skin to much sometimes and washing excessively will actually cause more acne! You want you skin to be not too oily but not too dry either.Good luck! -
A Sociological Experiment With pennies
haberjj01 replied to thejestergl's topic in Science and Technology
I love little experiments like this. A few years ago at my university a girl did her psychology research project on how helpful people would be if she dressed up real pretty and looked sexy. She asked people to help her move a table and kept having them move it over and over until they gave up. One guy moved it like 50 times! However, when she didn't take a shower and wore grungy clothes, people hardly helped her at all. Also, recently in the news some girl from a Texas university is under some heat because she did an experiment where she put an American flag on a hallway floor and counted the number of people who walked on it and those who walked around it. Pretty interesting stuff.... -
Of course there isn't a difference. Its just choosing the lesser of 3 evils.
New Evidence Of Another Dimension Or Seperate Universe?
haberjj01 replied to haberjj01's topic in Science and Technology
Good point. I do think that this is where the big bang occured however. I dont really remember the article, but if I remember right they observed a sort of "mirror" effect. As far as not having enough energy to keep the gateway open, who knows how much energy is needed for that. The energy remaining from the collision could be enough to keep it open. It might not even be a gateway, it could just be the remains of the gateway. Crazy stuff though. -
Obviously this democratic nomination race is still going on. But should it be? It seems clear to me that Hillary has almost no chance of winning the nomination because even if she does win Pennsylvania, Obama will probably get enough districts to cancel out any delegates she wins. I live in PA and I am definitely voting for Barrack Obama. Who do you think will make a better president, and who do you think would more likely be able to defeat John McCain in the presidential race?
I'm not sure if anybody has heard too much about this (I read about it in New Scientist and don't really remember the specifics) but apparently during the ongoing project of creating a map of the universe, scientists have found an anomaly that suggests there might be a huge tear in the universe. This was discovered by thermal imaging which shows an enormous irregular space of extreme temperature drop and absence of galaxies. Some scientists have theorized that this is where our universe and another universe are touching. Has anyone else heard about this? What do you think it is?
Is There Life Anywhere Else On The Universe ?
haberjj01 replied to red_dragon_here's topic in Science and Technology
The probability of there being a planet much like ours and has life on it (much like humans) is very high. The probability of there being life on another planet (bacteria, microscopic organisms, etc...) is even higher. Actually, I remember whatching some show on this very subject in my astronomy class which said it is practically impossible for there NOT TO BE LIFE elsewhere in the universe. -
The Atom Everything weve ever known is wrong.
haberjj01 replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in Science and Technology
I guess that we know there are electrons because of the forces that objects put themselves unto other objects. But in a way you have a point. We have never seen an electron before. And when we have tried to see and electron by predicting where it would be, the electron turned up somewhere else. This is the really freaky thing: Electrons can never be seen because if you look for them by trying to predict where they will be, they will turn up in completely different places, almost as if they know you are looking for them. I'm pretty sure this is correct. If it isn't then I'm in the ballpark. I have forgot allot about this stuff but if you are interested in this kind of thing you should check out string theory- pretty damn interesting. -
Whats wrong with America's youth you ask? I'll tell you exactly what is causing this sh** storm. It is the fact that as the world's population is growing larger we, as a people, are becoming more isolated and easily offended by each other. Everyone thinks that they can sue anyone if they drink their coffee too fast and burn their f***ing throat! " I burnt my throat because you didn't put a warning on the lid!" Bulls**t. And you wonder what is wrong with us youth. It is because we live in a world where everyone is more concerned about why Britney Spears is shaving her head or that Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab when no one gives a s*** that our economy is trash, our president ran up the national debt to over 5 TRILLION DOLLARS, people can barely afford health care, and our privacy rights as citizens are being slowly taken away! The crappy way kids speak, the fact they are dropping out of school or don't care about their high school education is nothing new. That isn't the problem.