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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Need any more assistance with your forum? I coincidentally saw you on TAZ.For you, I'd say upgrade to 2.0 unless you need something that is in 1.1 currently. RC2 will be out in no time (charter members already have it), and the new theme is going to be great.

  2. If members DO get pruned (which I don't think is a bad idea) prune members that are >3 years old on here that have 0 posts. Most likely if those people were to come back, they would forget their password anyway, so they would make a new account.As a speed issue, I'm not noticing any difference in speed.

  3. Here's a short guide to help you get off your feet when it comes to advertising, and incorporating a bit of SEO.


    Figuring out your niche

    When you start a website, you have to know what it is going to be about. In general, you want to be as specific as you can, while still getting traffic. If you want to start a shop online that sells computer parts, computer parts is a wide term, so you may first want to start selling laptop parts, or even Dell laptop parts to start off with. It will be hard to conquer the keyword of "laptop parts" but if you work up from "Dell laptop parts" to "laptop parts", it will be easier to dominate than starting off with "laptop parts".


    Naming a website

    For the most part, you will want your website name to be somewhat relevant to the topic of the website. For example "Al's Dell Laptop Parts" for your laptop parts store. With the new Web 2.0 phenomena, there are such things as web 2.0 names. These names are chosen completely random, and are nice if you are looking for a .com domain that isn't taken yet. You can find a good Web 2.0 name generator here: http://www.dotomator.com/web20.html .


    Relevant keywords

    It's a proven point that META keyword tags aren't as important as they used to be. Google admits they don't use them, and other search engines don't factor them in that much into results. I would suggest putting in 4-8 relevant keywords into your META keywords tag, just to cover what a few search engines use to calculate your ranks. META description is a great factor into where you are in search results, so make sure you create a good, enhanced description in your pages.


    When you link your site in other sites, make sure you link it with a relevant keyword attached to it. Yisit My Website gives you nothing in SEO, except maybe a backlink. Al's Dell Laptop Parts is much better, as you link your company name and a keyword or two to this site. However Laptop Parts is probably the best thing to do, as very few people will search for "Al" when they are looking for laptop parts.


    When you are setting up links, try to set them up on dofollow sites, as opposed to nofollow sites. Nofollow means that a search engine will ignore the link, and won't associate the link with the site it is linking it to. This is almost useless when it comes to placing your site on other sites, if the link is nofollow, minus a few people who click on the link. Dofollow means that the search engine will follow your link, and associate it with the site linking to your site, which is good for your site.


    Nofollow is a great tool for SEOing your site though, if you want to block off a section from search engines, you can do so with nofollow. It is also good if you have redundant links.


    Overall, that is all I can think of for now. If you want me to expand or have any questions, please post here.

  4. I am personally against all efforts to end piracy. It is going to happen anyway, so why try to put these measures out? It is just going to give pirates a "Challenge" to crack the system, and the company will be back to step one.I buy a great amount of my music that I can (keep in mind that some of my music is hard, if not impossible to find online, so physical copies rarely exist), but don't see anything wrong with piracy. If you want to get stuff ilegally, you will.

  5. I tried this site today. It seems quite legit, but I won't be continuing my account that I started today. I'll probably make a new account once they get out of beta, and actually release the full site. I'm against people launching "beta" sites for the most part. Why put stuff out to the public when it's half finished. If it's full of bugs, the website will get a bad reputation. For the most part, Lockerz looks like it got lucky. People seem to like the site. I think it is ok, but it loads slowly, and there's not much to do on it. Just login and answer a question each day until the full launch? Sounds boring to me.

  6. Best way is to go open source, at least at first. Unless your software has some really impressive features, people may be skeptical of a new, unknown software. I'd say stay open source and rely on donations, just because I like open source stuff, but becoming closed source and a paid for software isn't that bad. You will have to watch out for nulls and warez, but you'll gain money each time somebody downloads the software.

  7. Thanks guys. I lowered it to 30 seconds, since I'm only getting around 60 posts per day around now. The rate the posts is only enabled on a few boards, and the rating system doesn't get used that much, so it *shouldn't* be using up a lot of memory.Yeah, that's why I was asking. The default setting was 10 seconds which is high for even a forum like this. The only other forum that I know of that uses a similar feature is DigitalPoint, and theirs gets updated every second.

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