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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I was talking to the vBulletin guy ;)As for support on the SMF forums, I help out with that (around 900-1000 posts related to providing support there). There are many tools that we use to make sure that all questions get an answer. Just make sure to bump your thread every 24 hours.I'd be up for a MOD thread. I'll post my dreams :P

  2. I looked at the demo, and I really like it. The theme is much better than SMF's default (though I may retract that comment when Curve comes out).I personally like the way that themes were coded in SMF 1.1. There were only a few necessary files, and all the css was in one file. There are many more css files in 2.0, which make it a lot more confusing. There are some good themes out, but there are lack of themes in general.One thing I didn't like was that all MODs had to be manually coded, instead of in SMF where you can just upload a package. The community seems to be good with creating MODs, but as with themes, there seems to be a lack in MODs.I may look into coding with them, or themeing. There seems to be a small community there, and anything I can do to help them out would be beneficial, especially since there aren't that many people using it.

  3. Here's my position on Obama-I dislike him and almost everything about him.


    (A small note, I am not a racist, a supremicist, nor a hater. I have friends of all races, sexual orintations, and the such)


    Now to the why part.


    Obama doesn't keep his promises. Anybody remember when Obama said that if his recovery act were to be passed, unemployment wouldn't hit 8%? Well the bill passed, and unemployment is around 9.5%! Also nobody seems to bring up all the promises that were made during the campaign. I'm not seeing tax cuts like he promised during the campaign either.


    Obama's view on abortion. Ok this is my personal opinion, and can differ from others, but I find that Obama's view on abortion one of the worst, even when it comes to liberals. He has opposed bills that would ban late term abortions (and as far as I remember he was the only person who voted on that bill to oppose it (it was an Illinois bill or something similar). And yet he has said in an interview that fatherhood believes at conception. Logically this means that Obama doesn't mind that babies are being killed. After all in these late term abortions some people think that a baby being murdered while it is still in the birth canal is perfectly fine, but if the baby were to be born and soon after killed, the murderer would be arrested and be considered a dispicable human being.


    Obama's past with Rev Wright. Do I even need to explain this? Obama has spent enough time listening to this radical to believe everything he says.


    Obama's response to the Cambridge arrest. Now forgive me because I forgot their exact names, but this is what happened. A woman called the police reporting a break in, at her neighbor's house. The police arrived and found a man inside who "appeared to reside there". The police asked the man to identify himself to prove he was the owner. The man responded saying "Why? Because I'm a black man in America?". Turns out the guy did live there, but the resident was arrested because of disorderly conduct.


    So as the story goes, during Barack Obama's speech for healthcare, a reporter asked him about what he thought about the situation. His first comment was that he knew almost nothing about the situation. The next thing that he said was that it was "safe to say that the Cambridge police acted.....stupidy".


    A few problems with this statement. If you are the President of one of the most powerful nations in the world and you don't know much about a particular situation, you don't judge it on the spot. You look at the facts and judge it after, not during a press conference. Another problem with his statement is that he called the police stupid. I don't care what the police do, but they NEVER act stupidly. They may make poor decisions, but they never act stupidly. Every day police officers go to work not knowing if they will come home. They stop cars that might have a murderer in it. They never know what will happen and have to make split second decisions. Not to mention that Obama's statement probably will make police officers nationwide think twice before voting for Obama in 2012.


    One last comment on this, as of right now, Obama hasn't apologised. Instead he invited the police officer to the White House for beer.


    His socialization of medicine. The fact is that the United States has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Making the healthcare system government run will just mess up things even more. I have heard of people who can't get care in Canada, but flock to the United States to get life saving treatments. In nations like the UK and Canada there are waiting lists for family doctors. As far as I know with privately run healthcare, there aren't waiting lists years long for family doctors. I'm not against everybody being insured, infact I think it isn't a bad idea, but socialized medicine is not the way to go.


    I'll post more later. Feel free to respond to any and all of these statements.

  4. On the topic of ancient religions, the polytheistic religions in Mesopotamia and in Rome and Greece are quite old. They came to be to explain natural events such as a storm or a draught, and the people believed that the Gods were mad at them. Of course we now know why they happen (or we are quite sure we know why they happen), but the ancient politheistic religions seem to have started to get people believing in a God-like power or powers.

  5. Rayzor edge, don't get an iPod touch 2G until the new iPod touches come out, or get the new one when it comes out. There is supposed to be many more features and possibly a camera, which would be nice. As for running the iPod without iTunes, it is completely possible if you run a jailbreak. I'm a fan of the itunes software, but I completely dislike the fact that iTunes doesn't play most lossless file formats. And that the only videos that can be put on iPods are .mp4 and .mov. Yes, that's right, iTunes will tell you that the video that plays fine on your computer won't go on your iPod (but they play fine in the Safari browser in the iPod touch).The Genius Bar people rarely help me in my issues, but Apple restricts what they can do. They can't take anything apart, which often has to happen to solve my issue. Be careful with iPod touches. They get stolen all the time, but thankfully mine hasn't been stolen. I wouldn't be suprised if iPod touches get stolen more than the other more expensive iPods. One more thing that I don't like about iPod touches is that there isn't much space. The maximum size is 32GB, which isn't that much if you like movies or TV shows. Just pay attention to the file size of the music you put on. Often you can downgrade a 10MB mp3 (provided that the song isn't long) to a 5MB mp3 without the quality being so bad.

  6. Buying at MSRP is stupid. In fact buying a car new is stupid. You could get a used, last year's model of that car with 10,000 miles on it for thousands less than a new car. Good point about the buying on credit thing. I don't plan on getting a credit card anytime in the future (and currently don't have one). The only reasons why I may get one is so that I can buy things online (which is only a little easier than using a debt card) and I'll have the money until the end of the month, so it can collect intrest in the bank. The way America is currently, everybody lives in the moment, so they'll buy and buy no matter how little money they have. I have family that own apartments in a city, and when I go there to do work a great amount of the people there have expensive cars, a large television, and no job. This usually leads to eviction, or being supported by welfare. It seems like nobody knows how to save money these days which leads to recessions. Oh and I'm not saying that it is completely terrible to use credit to buy something. After all, who has a spare $200,000 to pay for a house in cash.

  7. I think that this plan is possibly the worst possible thing to do in this economy. Useful cars are being destroyed, and car dealerships can't use any of the parts. It is creating more waste in a poor attempt to "stimulate the economy". Instead a better thing would be to give people a grant to turn in their current cars for something more fuel efficient. Creating more waste is a terrible idea, and sure won't be to the approval to Al Gore, who is focused on stopped 100% of CO2 emissions. You brought up a good point about the cars being paid for, and now more loans are being taken out. This surely isn't going to help out this economy, but is going to be digging to hole deeper. Now there's going to be more repossessions, and more banks are going to be in debt and in need of a bailout. We're in the hole 11.5 trillion dollars, what's another bank bailout? The answer is more debt for our kids and grandchildren. The United States are going to be in debt for decades the way the mindless spending is going. Obama has really been going downhill from what most people thought he was going to be, as his approval rating is now lower than 50%. Unemployment is now higher than 8%, the amount that Obama promised that it wouldn't go above if his stimulus was passed. But that's another topic.

  8. Email support about it. It seems as if possibly your IP is banned from the server. It happens quite often due to using the wrong username/pass when trying to get into cpanel. Some find it annoying, others find it extremely good (it makes brute-forcing much, much harder as you would need a new IP every 5-10 tries).

    Exactly what happened to me. If you can't access your regular site either then you have definitely been banned by the server. I think it is better rather than harming. If you are blocked you can submit a ticket with support and be back in a day. In the mean time you can use another internet connection or use as proxy.

  9. I actually find that having a database is easier to backup and restore. You can just download a database and all the pages are in it. With static pages you have to download each page, which all have the same layout when you can just have the layout on one file and all that data in the database. Also I find that if you are running something off a database it uses less space.

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