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Posts posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I think it could happen, though it isn't very likely. Apple has already dominated many markets (MP3 players for example), and they are busy working on the success of their current electronics.It could be possible, as they may wish to use their success in the other markets to work on video gaming ("I already have a cool iPod, so I think the new [insert game console name here] by Apple sounds good"). It will bring more competition to video gaming as well.

  2. I haven't and wouldn't advise many people to do so. There are already a ton of forum software out there that you can either use or build upon. Building your own would mean that you would have to fix bugs and security updates. You would need a ton of SQL and PHP knowledge to say the least, and many companies are already much further ahead than you would be if you were to start now.I'm not telling you NOT to make one, I'm just instructing you one some of the realities of making a forum software.

  3. I think that since the recent increase of spam, invite threads (Lockerz) and referral links should only be allowed for those with greater than 50 posts. Due to the large SEO that Xisto has, a simple thread could give a spammer a lot of traffic to a referral link or the such. I feel that once you have given a good amount of content to Trap (ex 50 posts) that the large amount of traffic to Trap can work for you.In the past few days there have been tons of these threads created (including one by me) and most of these members have only made that one post (or multiple equally spammy posts) and left. It makes the people that have been here for a while feel cheated.Or maybe I just speak for myself :shrug: . Any other opinions?

  4. Two big factors in the great search engine rankings that Xisto has: all of the members and OpaQue's work behind the scenes.


    No offence to OpaQue and his hard work :) , but the biggest factor is probably all of us and the excellent content everyone puts on to Xisto :( Having useful, well written content is vital for search engine rankings, and Xisto has that content in bucketloads thanks to the content we all write. By using good topic titles and writing content in clear and correct English (as opposed to leet-speak or whatever), the search engines can easily pick that content up. Once the search engines 'trust' Xisto as a source of good content, they keep coming back and new content is added to their databases much quicker. A lot of forums don't have the same rules we have at Xisto about the quality of posts. So, those forums may have many more posts but ther aL1 \/\/ri77e|\| lyk dis so the search engines rightfully ignore them - they just don't have decent content. Xisto, on the other hand, has high-quality, well written and informative posts, and the search engines love that.


    OpaQue's work on the technical side is also vital. The URLs at Xisto are all search-engine friendly HTML pages rather than long strings of variables on a PHP page. This is something that search engines love, and it makes it much easier for them to work out what a page is about, so results appear higher. Also, if a URL contains a word you have searched for (rather than that word just appearing in the page content) then that result will appear higher in the rankings. The second major thing is the pages the search engines see. If you click a Xisto result from a search engine you'll see that you are served with an SEO version of the forums - clean and simple, putting the content first and in a format the search engines love.

    The SEO version is also plagued with ads, but it pays for the servers! I have seen quite a few of my posts on Google, and they are high up in the ranks. For example if you were to spend some time searching for forum rank images, one of my posts would be near the top (I forgot the exact wording I used for the title of the post).

  5. Well technically lenses are also a form of glass isnt' it? :P And it isn't a complete solution and can become dangerous at times too. I wouldn't switch to lenses in a hurry as many people around me have reported problems using lenses. It's convenient for a short while but not a healthy long-term solution.

    Contact lenses are perfectly fine. I know people who use them long term, and don't have any problems with them.

  6. More socialism in the world. How will the government pay for them? Isn't it considered censorship if they don't allow you to use your laptop to go on appropriate websites. Or what if you are taking a class in C++ and you have to download your program onto the laptop?Also, can you import programs through a USB drive?I'm sure eventually they will be able to be hacked. You know how many things that were "unhackable" ten years ago that a 10 year old can hack now?

  7. I totally agree with this... forcing the greedy to take pay cuts can only be a good thing. I mean look at our current economical crisis, the way capitalism has been played lately gave these sorts of greedy people the opportunity to take advantage and of course they took what they could. In doing so, they threw the global economic balance totally out and drove many within the populace into distressing situations.
    The wealth these people acquire is just overkill (especially for the crap business decisions some make on behalf of their corporation, or the service it provides to society). If he genuinely follows through with this and continues along this track, then this will prove him to be an incredibly strong character and a president with the kind of integrity America needs right now.

    I respectfully disagree with you. I have a ton of family that are still working far past retirement (they're well over 70) and they still work. They don't make a ton of money, but they don't make peanuts. Still they may be considered "rich" by some means, so one may agree to cut their pay, or tax them.

    I don't know about you, but if I worked hard my entire life, and saved my money and at the age of 75 I had a net of ~$5 million (my relatives have less, just making a point) do you think I should get taxed heavily? Taxing the rich heavily tells people to spend as much as they can, and not save their money. It teaches that you don't have to work hard to get far in life, as the government can help you if you need it. It teaches you that even if you DO work hard in life, there will be people all over the place that will put their hands in your money and take it away from you.

    This makes what Obama is doing look like socialism, as that is what it nearly is. I don't mind giving money to people that are in need, but if people are just looking for a free ride through life from the government, I will not support them. I understand it is hard to get a job now, but you have no idea how many people are abusing the USA unemployment system.

  8. iPhoneModem / OpenSSH you can use to connect a computer to wifi. Lets say you have your iPod Touch on you and your wireless card just happened to break. With that app, you can connect your computer to the wireless internet with the iPod Touch.Just don't go crazy with the jailbreak apps. They WILL slow down your iPod (go to safe mode, and you will see the difference).And yep, backups take a long time to make, and don't include music. How nice.

  9. I almost never believe in conspiracy theories, some of them are ridiculous. But in the morning 9/11 I had my doubts when I watched the video of the fall of World Trade Center, over and over again. The first question was, If a plane have the power to collapse a building, Why did the terrorist only use 6 planes when they could hijack a lot of planes?


    And why the WTC collapse like a demolition?

    Why this? Why that? I had doubts all the time and I thought and thougth but I was a child and never imagine that the own American Goverment could be behind the attacks until I saw the Zeigest documental.

    From right there I see that you don't know all the facts. They hijacked four planes. They chose to use these planes since they weren't fully booked (less people to deal with rebelling) and they were cross country flights. If they were to hijack 10 planes they would need more people, and even less attacks would be successful. Because the middle of the building was weakened and caved in due to the fire. The top floors (above where the plane hit) added to the weight (creating an almost free fall speed) and pulled the building down with it. Ever played Jenga?

    Sounds like a load of bologna to me, this documental.


    Well I have watched a lot of documentaries and I am going to post topics related to the 9/11 here if you dont mind to expose the truth about 9/11. Please dont be closed mind. If you have prejuices please push "Alt + F4" in your keyboard right now.

    I have prejudice about liars, but that's about it.


    1) Using a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan and 19 Saudi Arabian hijackers with box-cutters, Osama Bin Laden fooled the most expensive and sophisticated military defense establishment in the history the world.


    We accept this official explanation that Bin Laden did it even though no evidence has been provided that proves this.

    Indeed he did. Two bored idiots managed to fool the same system, and killed 168 people doing it (Oklahoma City Bombings). 9-11 was just a larger scale.

    Other than the numerous videos showing Osama praising the attacks and the numerous training facilities that were found, you are correct about that last part.

    2) The attacks of 9/11 are the result of "intelligence failures."


    3) 9/11 was a "New Pearl Harbor." We unquestionably accept this paradigm and prepare for a righteous world war.

    4) Bin Laden and Al Qaeda constitute America's #1 enemy. We forget that both Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are fabrications of American intelligence agencies like the CIA.



    5) Three WTC buildings exploded, disintegrated, and collapsed at nearly the speed of gravity due to the impact of hijacked airliners into the buildings and the jet fuel fires. We believe this even though:


    a. no steel buildings have ever collapsed due to fires and it is physically impossible for them to do so,



    b. Building 7 was never hit by any kind of aircraft, and c) the planes that hit the WTC 1 and 2 most probably were not the hijacked airliners, but rather military drones steered by remote control.

    a. Three happened on the same day. These aircraft were used as missiles and were driven into the buildings at a high speed. The aircraft were FILLED with jet fuel. Add to that the weight of the many floors above it, the weakening of one main area could cause the whole building to collapse, which is EXACTLY as it happened. See: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    b. You're telling me that you've never seen a fire spread to another building. Add the debris from the other two buildings, a fire can bring it down.


    c. You're joking right? I assume you have never seen the pictures.



    6) The Pentagon was hit by Flight 77. And all the debris and human remains of this approximately 100-ton Boeing 767 disappeared because they were completely incinerated by jet fuel fires. We believe this story, even though:


    a. the hole in the West Wing of the Pentagon is only 16 feet across and


    b. no images of a Boeing 767 striking the Pentagon have been shown on any video tape. We are ignorant or unconcerned about the fact that



    c. within 5 minutes of the crash, FBI agents confiscated surveillance camera film from three nearby buildings and have never released these to the public. Expert 9/11 researchers believe that what actually hit the Pentagon was a missile followed by a military aircraft such as a Global Hawk or F-16 fighter.

    See: http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon-photos.html

    a. http://www.oilempire.us/oil-jpg/hole11.jpg 16 feet is a load of bolonga.


    b. The security cameras at the Pentagon didn't capture it because the plane was moving so fast!


    c. See the website. In re to the tapes, whenever a crime is committed, surveillance tapes are always seized if they may have images of the crime. It happens all the time. A good amount of the time they are never released to the public either.


    8) The U.S. government would never be involved in attacks upon "the Homeland." We believe this despite a long succession of "synthetic terror" events that have been staged in the past by our own government in order to galvanize public opinion to support imperial wars abroad and frighten them into giving up their civil liberties.



    9) The U.S. needs to spend upwards of $450 billion a year to prosecute an endless "war on terrorism" in order to defend itself against state-less Al Qaeda "terrorists." We believe this even though:



    a. the U.N. has estimated there are only about 2000 to 3000 members of Al Qaeda worldwide, and


    b. Al Qaeda itself was created and funded and is still controlled by the CIA,


    c) numerous documents prepared by neoconservative think tanks indicate that the goal of the Bush administration is to establish "full spectrum dominance" of the world, i.e., a global Pax Americana.

    a. Wouldn't you want those 2000 to 3000 jailed and prosecuted? Obama is continuing the war as well.


    b. Another joke.


    c. That goes against 99% if not 100% of the conservative mentality.



    10) Probably the biggest lie of all is the "war on terrorism;" the notion that the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had anything at all to do with 9/11 or Osama bin Laden and the 19 alleged hijackers.

    You're telling me that the Taliban had nothing to do with 9-11? They were in control of Afghanistan before we came in.

    As for Iraq, the USA helped to take down one of the largest mass murderers in history, and prosecuted him as well. Sure it had nothing to do with 9-11, but we still made progress there.



    11) Finally, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we still like to believe that the U.S. government acts in our best interests rather than in the interests of its corporate sponsors.

    I never believed that. The less government, the better.

  10. Ragdoll Blaster is a must have. It is $.99 and I would pay much more for it. The free version is very easy, but the full version is very challenging. A must get (I can't believe I forgot to list it).Last.FM is great, however you can't do anything else while listening to the music on it. Best used on jailbroken iPods with Backgrounder.The facebook app is great as well. You can do much more than on the previous versions than on the old version.

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