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Everything posted by alex1985

  1. Thank you. I got it. If I have any more questions I let you know.
  2. OK. When you put equal sign in the coding, do I have to make spaces as well? Or generally both of them will be working?!
  3. So, spaces are allowed?!For instance, if(...some function...) and if (...some function...), is it right or wrong?Can use both of them or not?
  4. What's about my previous question?
  5. Listen, as I'm novice in PHP, I will ask certain questions in this topic hoping on your contribution. $dbhost='.....'; <?php//The Database Information//$dbhost='localhost';$dbname='alex1985_test';$dbusername='alex1985_admin';$dbuserpass='0505009127';//Creating Connection To The Database//mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass);//Select The Certain Database//mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ('Can Not Select Database'); <?php//Start The Session////Always Must Be On Top//session_start();//Include Configuration File//include('config.php');?> There are questions which I derived practicing the coding:1. Do you put spaces between words and brackets, as well as comas when you do coding. For instance, $dbhost, $dbusername. Is it right, or you do not have to use space between.2. On some tutorials, the users have been used the character ', some of the are using ". What is the different between them. Can I use ' or ". or it does not matter everything.There are many aspects that I wanna ask you about.Could check the coding format, and tell me about the mistakes I did. Please, let me know as soon as possible.
  6. So, I need to make spaces between words and brackets?! Correct me, I I'm being wrong!
  7. Sorry, but the PHPMyAdmin still gives the following:
  8. Oh, so easy!!! Thanks for answering, it's good to learn through your forum, replies got answered so fast.
  9. What is the way that I can put BBCode on my own site?
  10. Hi, everyone! What is the mistake over here? 'id' INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 'password' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id') ) TYPE MYISAM; linenums:0'>CREATE TABLE '1_users' ('id' INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,'password' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY ('id')) TYPE MYISAM; The PHPMyAdmin states: Please, let me know as soon as possible?
  11. Thanks for reply. I think that has to woke fine, if not - I let you know.
  12. You called the topic itself like ...Part 1, if there is a second part pf the titorial?!
  13. Listen, guys! How can I plug this captcha script into two things.1. Registration Form2. Login Form.And I would like that it will be kind of an answer, for instance, 56+2={...}.A user who wanna register, has to type an answer in field box.
  14. Thanks a lot!!! That's exactly what I was searching for.
  15. For instance, if I have a simple login system with control panel. Can I merge this permission script with my login system or not? Write the tutorials as well as if you can.
  16. So?! Could some one help me, or just give the link to the tutorial!
  17. So, I can use HTML tags and plug it into PHP code, it does work in this way?! Well, I need as well to create a button callled "reset" or "clear" next to submit button. When, you pressed it, the typed information will be erased.
  18. Can you find a link where I can download the whole apache server, like the one on http://www.apache.org/. The link, you gave me has the different name, not like apache.
  19. The good book for learning PHP especially for beginners is PHP for Dummies, http://www.dummies.com/.
  20. All right. Where can I get the Apache Server. I went to his official web-site: http://www.apache.org/ and did not know what to download. I clicked the download link, and it lead me to some another page which contains a full list of different folders. Could you tell me what I should download exactly.
  21. Hello, everyone! I need some tools for those two things to test PHP scripts coming together with database on my laptop, instead checking them on a web-server which takes time.
  22. Yep, the big box appears, where you can type the introduction but the data in that php file can be centered if I open it online?!
  23. alex1985

    Winrar ??

    Where I can download it?Fine! I did download it!!!It does not work in this way, can be extract! Any more suggestions?! Notice from rvalkass: You don't need to make three posts in a row - remember you can use the Edit button to add to your posts.
  24. Who knows how I can find out the hidden ports at University, like UDP in order to run P2P softwares?!
  25. Well, dude it does not work in this way. Any more suggestions?
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