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Everything posted by alex1985

  1. alex1985

    Winrar ??

    Well, this is the story which happened. I downloaded the entire movie in many parts like part1, part2 and so on, totaled of 8 parts. Then, tried to extract all of them, and it does not work in this way. I think, there is a problem with some part of the file itself, the question is like if I can use the different program to extract that movie?! Or mention the way, I can still extract that movie regardless of any problems coming with those partially downloaded files.
  2. Basically, try to find the proper arhive file of your forum. If it is the one. your forum script has to work perfect. That hapenned to me so many times!!!
  3. Thanks. I really appreciate thus. The forum is great due to the fact that help is always obtained during the participation process.[hr=noshade] [/hr]Thanks for your useful reply. I wanna to make centered, and have some border over those datas. How can I do it? And below, the last column or field, I wanna have an introduction, that the user wrote some intro about the book. So, I need to insert a big field shaped like a big box or square.
  4. So, no one knows which program to use for that?!
  5. Hello, everyone. I need your help again! Who might create the PHP code, the picture is above this text. Basically, I want when the user fill in all the information in this form, it automatically was sent to my email. And, then, the dialog box appears or on the same window, it was said that your request has been sent. Moreover, if the user did not fill the entire information, the dialog box appears stating that you did not fill some field. Thanks, for help. You always do that.
  6. Can anyone find the script engine for library? Stop offering different CMS engines which are suitable with that!!!
  7. How I use Windows command prompt client and do modifications to my SQL database. If yes, please write the commads I should know for that. If no, please get me the software with which I can do it. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified. Proper English is always required when posting in our forum.
  8. It's clear and lucid, but what is the PHP code itself?
  9. Hello, everyone. The help is needed again. How can I make calculator in PHP language? That will act like that a user just type in the fields known values, then click the button, and it's going to be solved automatically. In other words, have can I write a formula in PHP, how to plug it inside that language. For example, the formula to find a peremeter of square is: P=4a. So, a user just can write the known value which is peremeter itself and it will find the side of a square; and vice versa. If you can write many things how to do such formulas, such as complicated ones.
  10. So, could you just explain how you do the registration form page by illustrating the sample codes. If there are tutorials, just give those links that I can follow up.[hr=noshade] [/hr]Yes, I need to create some kind of login page to my web-site. Sorry for that, I did not read your reply carefully.
  11. Thanks for your useful replies. How can I add to this script an additional function that like everyone can BB Codes when typing something? That's very popular used in forums as well as portals, for instance, insert a link.
  12. Hello, everyone. I need your help again. This forum is quite good for it.Well, I need create a registration form for my web-site using PHP and SQL. The information it should contain: 1) User Name2) First Name3) Last Name4) Password5) e-mail Address6) Security Image: that images helps to protect a random registration, for instance, 56+2=where user have to type an answer in order to finish registration. That's all for today. Anymore things, I will post another post over here.
  13. The gifts itself, can I orer them to any country, or the guy just send to particular ones?
  14. So, everyone thinks that this is the scam project. To protect your view of this project, no offence, but in order that everyone trusts you, you have to post some evidence about it. Screenshots of payments, for instance.
  15. I really appreciate for your reply. Thanks.
  16. Could you explain in more details? How can I use the function? Sorry, I am a novice! By participating in such forums, I will learn faster than reading the books. Just give the sample code that I can understand!
  17. You can not earn enough money by such programs. Try to invest money in financial finds, like HYIP, which give you more money!
  18. And how much your friend did earn? Which payment processors does it use? I will try to do it. when get paid. let you know.
  19. Those web-sites are just scam projects. It can be opened. Just post the real ones.
  20. Well, I think that is real scam project. I tried it once!!
  21. What is atx? Could you explain wider, for what I can use it?
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