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Everything posted by qingtian

  1. I wouldn't want to clone myself, what if my clone found out that she was a clone and then discovered that she wasn't born naturally and then does all this crazy stuff...
  2. I hope the book doesn't get any thicker... I'll still read it anyway, but it takes so long... with the 5th book I read a few chapters then stopped for a while cuz I couldn't be bothered with it cuz I'm so lazy... but then I ended up reading the whole thing anyway cuz I wanted to know what happend
  3. I don't think it matters what you eat as long as you know what you're eating and you're happy because you enjoy eating it. I eat a lot of junk food like most people, but I *try* to keep it balanced with some healthy food too like eating fruits before or after meals (also a bit of sport but only because i like sport ) cuz I'm aware that eating too much junk can effect your health... although I've never heard of eating on a certain diet according to your blood group... sounds interesting
  4. I like dogs, especially puppies but my favourites would have to be those mini hamsters or mouses... so cute! but i like all animals in general
  5. lol some of them are known bad habits... but making love to animals, killing people, selling animals drugs? I don't think the people on this forum are going to be doing those things lol but anyway my only bad habit is cracking my knuckles
  6. My website is for community, it's not yet finished but will be soon... basically it'll have interviews with young adults and teens to show what they do these days and has information on how they got jobs etc and ways to get involved with their community. It will also have some brief info on everyday issues etc... online store plus downloads I'm working on the website with a group of my friends
  7. Nope, I've never heard it before... if it's interesting and popular then maybe I'll read it one day... by the way, who's the author?
  8. Wow, good on you for getting a scooter! I wish I could get one, that one looked pretty flash lucky!
  9. It's not the end of the world, what's wrong with parental controls? You'll still be able to view websites etc... it's not like you're gonna be looking at the websites you're not supposed to be looking at anyway or doing the wrong thing on the comp
  10. Hey, yep that looks really cool! It's small, yet still tells us about the offers Xisto provide which is good... great work
  11. Well most people with personal websites usually blog about their lives. People who place updates on their website is also known as blogging... I don't know what kind of blog is the best, do you mean like the way of blogging or a website with a blog? Anyway do you blog?
  12. Hey that's a great banner you've made! It looks really cool, Good work! It's good to see it have some info on what Xisto provides, so it will captivate audiences more
  13. I think that they are all awesome banners! I don't really like the 4th one though cuz it's a bit plain and I don't like the colours... but I really like the 2nd one and the last one! Great work on them!
  14. I spend most of my time on the computer too, but I do other things too in my spare time like play sport or practice my acoustic guitar
  15. Welcome to the best forum! :DI hope you will enjoy this forum as much as we are!! Have fun posting!
  16. I've never been there, so I wouldn't really know... but I guess it's the same as most countries?
  17. They are often unrealistic because they are fantasy
  18. lol yeah, I know you were kidding okay... I was joking too, but then he called me evil and I felt i needed to explain what I meant
  19. Oh... I wasn't implying that he should go and do something about it as in punishing himself by hitting himself with a lead pipe He said that he was lazy, always annoying the crap out of him and everyone else and admitted that he was arrogant... so all I meant was instead of complaining about it he could try and prevent it.... for eg: stop being lazy by actually get off the computer and doing something active
  20. ... you're incredibly evil. How does that make me evil?
  21. All my vacations I've been on were the best
  22. Nah mine doesn't, I actually enjoy it.... most of the time, there's always your friends there to chat with and most of the teachers at my school are pretty nice and have a sense of humour so it doesn't make the lessons too boring
  23. Yeah it's noticed in my country (australia)... it's supposed to be a recognised certificate worldwide... but if your school offers VCE, and IB excludes subjects that you want to do then why not just do VCE?
  24. Well, if you realise that you have all these faults and you're not happy about it then why don't you perhaps, I don't know.... do something about it?!
  25. I prefer to use MSN rather then any other ones and most people use it, but ICQ is good too
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