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Everything posted by tricky77puzzle

  1. I've heard that there's a chemical called urso-something that only exists in bears' pancreases. The Chinese extract it from the bear by putting a tube into it and pumping it out. Not sure if it's true, but the Chinese are knownw for doing these things. This chemical can cure a miracle's worth of diseases, though, and that's why they take it.I can just imagine animal rights activists trying to prevent this medicine from being imported to help a supposedly terminally ill person.
  2. It's just a concept phone for now, but if I ever get my hands on one of those, wow...I've seen this before, and its concept is great.
  3. I'd say use PHP. If you're not going into any serious business, I'd suggest you use that, since most applications for servers nowadays are written for PHP anyway.
  4. The only reason why we are excluding religions beliefs are because the state is sworn not to have any religion. (Well, maybe not America, but the rest of the world. America is not the world.) It is true that you can't separate a (wo)man from his(her) religious beliefs, and that (s)he has the rights to uphold those beliefs. But that doesn't mean you have the right to force those beliefs on other people. As you say in one of your own arguments, "your right to throw a punch stops where the other person's nose (or any other body part) begins." By imposing your beliefs and morals on them, you're punching them in the nose. Of course you can voice your opinion. However, it's the other people's right to not listen to it. To see the law allowing divorce annulled except for adultery... how about abuse? I don't think most people will divorce except for those two cases anyway. It's a common-sense human psychological lesson that humans will pursue the things that they cannot have, and will leave alone the things that they do.
  5. The one thing I can't believe is that I actually got nominated by someone for "Most Helpful Xisto member". I've only been here for 1 month! I can't really do a lot of nominations because my opinions aren't as hard set. But I'll do as much as I can: I can't really do much else. I don't usually get attached to this stuff or anything.
  6. If you really want to put those ads up, you can make your own banner/textlink. Just ask someone areound here that works at GFXTrap. I'm sure they'd be happy to help.The ads don't have to be put on your site by Xisto or Qupis. You can do it yourself.
  7. Of course it's an honourable cause. I was talking the company not doing anything, like IBM or Honda do. For some reasons, it's all the Japanese-based companies that really do any innovating.
  8. Well, that's a relief. I'm thinking you could make an alternative package with the following conditions: 1. You only need 200 credits for this package, so the package for non-hosted would be 230. 2. You must post an ad to Xisto - Web Hosting on your main page and all other pages of the website (it will be sized proportionately based on how many pages there are on the website.) 3. You will have to post 3/2 (1.5) times as hard to get the same amount of credits. (But this is no excuse for spamming!) 4. The credits get reset to 3 at the beginning of this offer. If the credits dip below 0, the domain name is lost immediately.
  9. It's too bad I can't put a penalty for overselling. Because you never know. BTW, if I post a tri-daily (once per 3 days) webcomic whose image takes up an average of 125 KB and keep up a blog which I post in on average 3 tiems a day, how long will it take before the 500 MB is filled up? I currently use about 20 MB.
  10. Well, it's her body that she's ridding the fetus of... the fetus itself isn't affected directly; only its support is cut off. Take the analogy of the violinist that I posted on page 2. Even if you do choose to hook yourself up, it's not like you've made a commitment. It's just like the Terri Schiavo case. You ever heard of that? They pulled out her feeding tube because she was hooked up to it for 10 years and didn't show any improvement. There are such things as "wrongful euthanasia" and "wrongful abortion" where a decision was made on faulty information. I think you're seeking to prevent those. If the woman wants to walk around town naked, well... that IS her choice, actually. It's just that people won't really care (save the odd person who goes strolling around with a -year-old beside him); otherwise they'll start wolf-whistling. Yes, I know that partial-birth abortion is bad. I'd illegalize it myself if I were a member of the Senate. But that doesn't mean that other types of abortion aren't justified. First give the education out, and then take steps to illegalize it. You're not going to get a lot of followers if you do it the other way around. And please don't give me the "I don't care; it's the law and they have to follow it no matter what" argument. I'm pretty sure you'll be pretty unpopular with mothers who are deciding to abort. Prevention is better than force.
  11. Well, scanning the image for verification every time is quite inutile (<- yes, that is a word) because the image has to match exactly every time, which is quite impossible.What you could do, though, is store the image on a physically locked USB disk and scan the fingerprint for verification, matching it to the closest output that you can find.
  12. I also have a lot of respect for Bill Gates. People who don't respect him don't deserve computers, IMO, even if I do hate Microsoft. Bill Gates is stepping out sometime in July, and I don't blame him or his timing. I think his company has gone too far down as far as he is concerned, and he just wants to concentrate on his humanitarian efforts that are separate from his company. Speaking of which, I've never seen or heard Microsoft do any sort of humanitarian endeavour for things like biomedial research or environmental protection.
  13. You know what would be cool... if we could actually encrypt files based on the image of a fingerprint.
  14. Just make sure not to verdo it. The computer could have a meltdown and there goes $200 down the drain.I think the limit for your computer would be about 3.2 Ghz. Any higher and the cooling system will be larger than the hard disk.
  15. And now for an "objective" review: Name: HostSnake Webspace available: 19.53 GB (20,000 MB) Bandwidth: 292.96 GB (300,000 MB) Filesize limit: 10 MB File count limit: - URL Type: Domain/Subdomain Upload Method: FTP, Browser Forced ads: - Scripting: PHP (safe mode ON), SSI Databases: MySQL (1, 1 account) Misc: None shown on site; LayeredPanel, Awstats, Fantastico, PhpMyAdmin (4 features) Penalties: Spinoff/cobrand of Erupt.com Final score: 16.08% (0.2009785989128160821691176470589) .htaccess should count as a penalty feature, but I didn't make it one, since I don't want to derate them too much.
  16. Well, I don't really have a pen that I could really use for drawing like that. This is just a practice kind of thing for me. I'll start adding those things later when I actually have the time.I have flash, but it's a ("pirated") copy. I got it about 3 months ago the make an animation for the song "New Math", but I quickly got bored of it. I don't think I'll be using it anytime in the future.
  17. and besides, there aren't a lot of lockdowns, really.What made them think there was a bomb threat? I'd like to know.
  18. I don't really want aero, actually. I think Beryl is much better. (Especially with its gelatine windows!)BTW, that's why I put "good" in quotes. Because it isn't really all that good anyway.
  19. Huh... government mind-washing... it would only seem that way in the US. In Canada, they (seem to) promote free speech...
  20. I think this is why a lot of people call Microsoft's Vista "Losedows". MS is forcing people to switch to it, or leave their current operating system full of holes. I don't think XP users even get a discount for the upgrade. This is even lower for Microsoft and I think it will be the final tap of the finger to push Microsoft's huge unstable stock back down the other side of the mountain, once people switch to Ubuntu. Then again, some people will just buy Vista because they think it's necessary to have a "good" computer, and some people are still using Windows 2000! Can you imagine?!?
  21. Actually, they probably won't. Their pptx uses the OOXML format, which OpenOffice can't read as of yet. It's basically a zip file containing a lot of xml files that contain XSL and whatnot. ODF FTW!
  22. I can't really draw it on the computer since I don't have a tablet. My mouse drawing is shaky at best and I can't really do much about it.I can image- edit it on the computer, though... if that helps.The crumpled paper was a mistake, but I couldn't fix it without destroying the image altogether.
  23. In private or in public; it doesn't matter. It won't make them change anything. It'll probably get you a bad rep, though... among, Micro-softies, that is. (Micro-softies is a derogatory name for Microsoft employees and fanatics.)
  24. I'm Canadian too! I really never did hear about this, although how that you mention it, I'm very against it, since we would lose our autonomy as Canadians. The Amero currency I am definitely against. It makes us look like we're too friendly with the US and that this is all their idea. As well, we would be pulled down with the US if the US ever happened to get that recession they fear so much. We would lose gloating rights. Isn't NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement? What does it have to do with a superhighway (The PAH, Pan-American Highway)? Changes in certain laws... I don't think Canada should be the solute in this solution of countries. We should stand up a little. We should make America change a few of their laws and then change a few of ours in return. I'm scared about this, actually. Although Canada's economy is tied about 70% into America's, I don't want it to become 100%.
  25. This webcomic spawned out of reading so many comics. I decided to start a stickman comic of my own. It has no characters, like XKCD, and it doesn't have any plotlines... yet. Here is the URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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