Popularity is relatively subjective. When I was in highschool (alright, it was only last year), there was a group of the "popular" kids. The thing is, they weren't exactly popular. What they really were was a sort of holdover of the "popular" kids from middle school. It all really depends on what your definition of popular is. Looking back, I was definitely not "popular," but I had a lot of good friends from just about every social clique. The important thing isn't to be part of a small group of kids who are looked on as popular, the point is to have a good time and make friends that you actually want to have as your friends. Some of the "popular" kids really were popular, but it was only because they were decent people and treated the nerds/dorks/geeks etc... like normal people. Because you know, thats what they are, the different cliques are very superficial.Oh, and as most people said before me, confidence is the key to it all. Confidence in yourself, and the fact that even if you aren't into the same things as other people, they'll still respect you. I was one of the nerdy kids in highschool, but that didn't stop me being best friends with jocks, preps, stoners, or anyone else. In the end most people fall somewhere inbetween all of the cliques anyways.