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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. I watched The Guardian and I found it extremely interesting. It was the first movie in a few months that was really worth watching so I recommend it to everyone. The plot features the selection process of the new coastguard rescue team and although this doesn't sound extremely interesting, believe me, it'll grow on you
  2. Stevia is a natural plant that grows almost anywhere without requiring any special care. It just needs sunlight and some water from time to time. It looks like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. It seems that scientist got a new toy with which to study our dreams. It's called polysomnograph and it developed a particular area called polysomnography. A polysomnographic test can easily monitor the phases of your sleep, tell if you're having a nightmare or a pleasant sleep and determine whether you suffer from from sleep disorders. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polysomnography (sorry for being offtopic, I thought it would be nice to mention this too)
  4. Funny crabs ...sorry for laughing mate, but it's funnyEastern Europeans use stevia and other plants like orache for making...borsch. It indeed is sweet and I guess a stevia extract would be even sweeter, but I'm not sure it could be sweeter than sugar. I suggest using honey instead of sugar, it's sweet too but a bit healthier.
  5. Well, if brushing is great entertainment for horses, why shouldn't it be for humans too? :)In this part of the world there are some strange treatments for the hair which seem to work. Old people say that giving very short haircuts to children will make their hair stronger. Some of them also suggest using a combination of alcohol and specially treated chestnuts will prevent any type of damage to the hair. The same thing goes for nettle extract shampoos. It might sound a bit insane but these "treatments" seem to work
  6. The forum is a bit crowded but as soon as you become accustomed to the way topics are arranged you won't have any problems. Browsing the forum is quick and I don't think there's anything to worry about, though some minor changes can be done. I read the thing regarding the google ranks and I also agree that even old topics have their role.
  7. It isn't a very constructive discussion since there are no actual reviews on your forum, just referral links and too few reports about scams. I've taken a look and I don't really think that all the sites posted on that forum are genuine money making sites.
  8. It seems to be working now, I'll just have to update the platform to the newest version and I'm rockin` again. Thank you for helping, you may close the topic if you want to, greetings
  9. Unfortunataly, it doesn't work..this is the error I get: Can?t select databaseWe were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the arkanu_wordpress database. * Are you sure it exists? * On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_wordpress. Could that be the problem?If you don't know how to setup a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress Support Forums.any ideas?
  10. Hello guys, hope this is the right place to post it. It's probably me being dumb, but I'm having a problem with the wordpress installation.AS many of you know, the installation process is rather simple but I can't find a small detail. The only things I have to complete in order to get the platform going are the following:define('DB_NAME', ' ???????????'); // The name of the databasedefine('DB_USER', 'arkan'); // Your MySQL username define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mypassword'); // ...and passworddefine('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this valueWell, I can't find the db_name, can anyone help me find it? (I think you're laughing at the moment but I sometimes have problems finding the most obvious things while finding easily the ones that are hard to find )
  11. I'd say Fifa, mainly because I was fond of this game for a while, started with Fifa 99 which I still think was better than many of the versions that followed.
  12. I've had some problems with ants and common house bugs, especially during summer....which is quite remarkable since I live on the 2nd floor. The ants really climb up the block of flats and enter the apartments.I saw on House M.D. that you can get naphthalene poisoning from the termits that live in the walls of your apartment. Actually, a teenager almost got killed until they figured it out...creepy, you'd rather take the termit thingy a bit seriously.
  13. Life? Umm, there surely is on Mars...some bacteria, fungus maybe...and yeah, a bunch of interesting viruses, I guess. I'm skeptical that there's any type of what we call life (multicellular organisms with an advanced degree of structural development) anywhere close to us. NASA and other agencies all over the world have been studying for 'alien' life forms for more than half a century, yet they only came up with 'habitable' planets, but there's no sign there might be life on any of them.
  14. Indeed, the site takes way too much to load, I guess the server you uploaded the elements on is slow too. Try separating the front page into a few subpages. I'd rather make a frontpage with a menu on which you could view every section of the site.
  15. Taking into consideration Freud's theory, I would say dreams are more related to things from your past. I've heard reports of people who dreamed the same thing for many nights until that thing happened to them, but I'm sure they (unconsciously) made that thing happen to them. My advice is that you should think about every dream and how that dream might be related to your life.
  16. I'd also vote Google since it's simple, intuitive and quick. The results shown are usually relevant, but I still think the image searching could be improved. I'm not saying that image searching on Yahoo! is way better but I rarely found great images without having to refine and re-refine my search keywords in order to match Google's somewhat 'twisted' logic.
  17. Well, I searched "Free web hosting" on google and I found this collection of free hosts (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) where I look for free webhostings that would give me a domain for free (though I was looking for a subdomain, I must admit I was greedy) and I found the site. The idea of posting in a forum instead of paying or placing banners/pop ups on my site (which in fact will only be a blog) sounded both weird and challanging so I thought why not give it a try. I'm quite pleased at the moment.
  18. Well, I usually search for a band I like on last.fm and check the similar bands shown on the left. Some might be well-known and well-sounding bands but you might also find some new bands that aren't famous enough to get played on heavy rotation. It doesn't give you the full songs (at least for the well-known bands) and you usually cannot download any songs, but at least it's legal, entertaining and easy to use. You can also create a radio station of the bands you like and get to hear similar music with the one you select.Another nice way is using the personal stations on Y! launch cast but the variety of the music they play (despite your selection) isn't a great way to sort bad bands from the good ones.
  19. Arkan

    Hey There..

    Hello from Romania!I'm here for the 'you know what' (shtt, the domain, but you haven't heard that from me), but I was impressed with the forum here. I first thought it would be a problem posting here every day, but I'm getting into this and I might end up liking this forum.Hope my presence here will bring no harm and my opinions will prove valuable!
  20. I'm a researcher for this game (not a head researcher, just an usual one) and I must say this is the worst edition of the last three. 8.0.1 solves many problems but there's still something unnatural in the way players move (Especially when they defend), on the numbers of penalties missed, etc, etc.Late winter might bring another patch with both date update and game structure development, but I'm afraid it'll a bit too late for the game since it's launch in mid-fall.
  21. She's either putting you to a test (which is a dumb one, I think) or leaving you for another guy. Either way, it's stupid, but I wouldn't just leave...try and confront with her, tell her what you feel and ask her to choose. It's the most decent way so the answer might give you some insight about what type of person she really is.
  22. I don't think they'll ever impose a tax for using Google. Google made a name for being a free, fast and easy to use service and I don't think that's going to change. Yahoo! has more than 10 tears of history and it lived because it was a(n almost) free service, Google appeared and made the hit out of...almost nothing. Asking for a tax for a service that's widely-known as a free one will make Google drop in no time. I don't think they'll do something like this soon and no, I will not pay for using Google.
  23. I think it'll be the only "dead" from this war for a certain time. IE is too big and with Microsoft backing it up I can't see IE going to sleep anytime soon. I'd rather think of Opera being in trouble as they failed to convince too many users. They've got that nice password manager (I think it's called WAND) and the tabbed browsing, but that's all. Firefox on the other hand is getting bigger and bigger (I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Google made a bid one day) but it's got a big problem with the amount uf memory it uses.
  24. I would add Free AV to that list since it's totally free to use, there's no trial and no limitation for the virus definition upgrades. It's also stable, needs almost no RAM to run, sleeps nicely in the background and has a decent detection ratio.
  25. BSPlayer is good, I've used it for years, but I now use winamp for audio files and VideoLan for the vids. Winamp suits best my listening to music needs (you can get a plug in to play flac or shn files) and VLC is simple and less resource-demanding.
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