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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. I'm bringing this up to life to say I really like House M.D. And Criminal Minds. I'm not a fan of any type of TV series but these two are just remarkable. I can't wait to see the return of the Criminal Minds, tho` the leave of Mandy Patinkin was a big loss..
  2. The big problem is speed. Yeah, we know some planets have the conditions suitable for human life, the question is - how do we go there? It's been a half on a century since man got his feet on the moon but no incredible development has been made since then. We've got rockets exploding, missions having big problem, the only breakthrough are some probes we sent in the early 90s and the telescopes that enable us to see further.
  3. I might be called a gourmand bastard but does anyone imagine the size of a stake from that rabbit? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they're working on a max of breeds between the common rabbit and this one.
  4. I think a good security solution is the Zone Alarm Pro firewall in addition to the Kaspersky Antiviral Toolkit Pro (hope it's still called that way). The downside it that you need a huge amount of RAM memory to keep them both running, but they sure give you great protection. I'm currently using the FreeAv thingy from Avira, it's decent and it doesn't require huge resources.I also agree with those that say bitdefender sucks...it does, BD and Norton antivirus have poor detection ratios and even poorer virus deletion ratios. I remember a romanian antivirus called RAV that was bought by microsoft, that antivirus was great...unfortunately things were totally demolished after the company was bought by Bill Gates.
  5. I have a Sony ericcsson k810i and it's worth the money. The 3MP camera's got that magic Cybershot technology, I managed to make some great photos in the last weeks. The mp3 player is also nice and the default handsfree (the you get in the phone box when buying the phone) is better than expected. IT also gives you any options a modern phone gives and some Sony ericsson trademark applications suck as quick share, video dj, track id, etc.What you should take into consideration if you want to buy this phone is that it used M2 memory cards which are more expensive than the microSD ones. Another thing you must think about is that the screen is quite big (2/3 of the size of the phone) and you should certainly avoid scratching it - buying a protection cover is more than needed.
  6. I also like wordpress as it gives you enough freedom to customize your blog. You can also add a huge number of plugins and themes and the maintenance is really easy. The support forums at wordpress are a bit chaotic but you'll eventually get the help you need. Oh, I almost forgot about the backup, import and export options which will enable you to move your blog from hosting to hosting without any problem.
  7. I think the lighter term they use now is "anxiety disorder" since phobia was a bit...frightening :)I don't like small, coffined places which makes me claustrophobic and I also don't like being on high buildings (it's not a phobia, it's just something I don't like).
  8. I use firefox but I must admit IE7 is a great evolution (IE6 was unstable and it had poor browsing options). Opera isn't bad, but you might encounter problems when viewing less optimized pages. Anyway, I'd say Firefox gets 10/10, IE 7 gets 8/10, Opera gets 6.5/10 and IE 6 gets 3/10.
  9. Firefox is the best browser for many reasons. I like it because it rarely crashes and the tabbed browsing is of a great help when you want to switch form a site to another. The majority of the internet sites are now optimized for Firefox browsing so you shouldn't encounter browsing problems.What you should be careful about is the password manager which is extremely useful but I don't recommend using it if there are other people using the computer - they can easily access your saved passwords.
  10. It's good to have a winter holiday since winter is the time of the year when the most depressions occur. Just my two cents
  11. The book is quite good thriller till the end when he totally blows it up. It's an easy to read and entertaining book but it has nothing "deep" to say. It's worth reading in a holiday tho`.
  12. I'd say the Dune series by Frank Herbert, surely a must-read for everyone, SF fan or not..
  13. I'd choose drama books as they have a little bit of horror, a little bit of suspense and mystery, a little bit of everything
  14. I'm not too impressed..we have had many treatment and prevention campaigns for AIDS and other diseases like Hep A, B or C but bacterial diseases like staph and leptospirosis have always been neglected. Add this to the fact that staphs are extremely resistant both inside and outside the human body and you'll see how dangerous this is.Later edit: and it's not a virus, it's a form of a bacteria..hope i'm not mistakin`
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