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m spartan w

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Everything posted by m spartan w

  1. Now this guide is going to be short and simple, nothing special. ok all you need is rune armor and a dragon weapon recommended + food. I advise using monks as there not much more than lobs, but half of sharks, and steal heal 16. Ok so you should have your rune armor on and your weapon and 26 food, why not 28 you ask? Because your going to go kill ankous lvl 75 located in the barbarian village mini game (bottom floor, ill get a map up soon.) If you bring 28 of whatever food you have chosen, you will waste food picking up drops when you get there. Therefore, it saves a little bit of money, and food by doing it this way, 27 food works fine, but i still think that as a waste. Ankous are known for there massive ammounts of bloods, deaths, addamant arrow, mith ore, pure essence and level 3 clue scrolls. *note the ammounts below are how much they drop each time. Bloods=5/11 Deaths=10 Addy arrows=7/9/11/14 (im not sure, estimates of what i've gotten) Mith ore=3/4/7(again not sure but that seems right) Pure essence=15 Ok now some oof you may be leary of this, but trust me it works. Last week I used about 200 monk fish on my lvl 80 acc w/ 70 attack strength and 60 defense and i PROFITED around 150k a trip meaning that monkfish are 400 each and 26*400=10400gp, so you actually make around 160k a trip. I ended up getting to 70 defense and getting over 1k of each runes 1.5k p ess 800 addy arrows and 300 mithril ore. That's about a 1.1m profit and good experience! The armor I used were rune plate, legs, helm,obby shield, whip, str ammy, rune boots and obby cape. Also, use your prayer!!!! if you are 43+ prayer when you run out of food, use protection from melee, i get an extra 30 deaths and bloods per trip this way. Hope you enjoyed my guide and hope it can help you guys. and the reason my guide is free is becuse im done selling it its free now. and yes i know my other guide with sommoning was a flaw since they didnt do what i expected them to do. credits go to opium and luna **ps. after each trip you can A) Walk out and use the ladder and go to edge re-bank and go to the monastery, recharge your prayer and use the monks at the altar to heal you(NOT THE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!) Use a glory telly/ancient telly to edge and repeat the rest of step a.
  2. The easy way to make money at non members while your a low lvl is to kill cows, when you kill cows you sell them for 100 each when atleast you get 100k thats 1000 cow hides buy an axe then go get your woodcutting up when you get to oaks cut at lumbly next to the store so when you get full just sell them on the store. Then when you get to willows keep cutting willows till you get to 40 woodcutting bank all the willows at the draynor bank, then go buy a rune axe then keep cutting dow willows till you get to 60 wood cutting when you get to 60 wood cutting start cutting yew logs wich cost 300gp each but take atleast 1 minute to cut per log if your just 60 woodcutting or keep cutting down willows and sell them for 30gp each you make one thousand willows in 30 minutes thats 30k youll make 2k willows in 1 hour thats 60k if you cut for 2 hours streght thats 120k per 2 hours thats not bad for a lvl 3 now is it well thats my mini guide by.
  3. This is what i think you should do get warm water poor it in the fish bowl make sure its warm not hot and then put you house tempeture to room tempeture but not cold so the plant can grow. if that dont work but your fish bowl in the freezer without the plant and the compost and then warm the compost then take the pot out and put the compost then warm water hopefully you start to seem some steam coming out that must be goood well thats my idea hope it works for you by.
  4. ok i tried to use the use manage but t stll wont work t says need to be approved i used the info on my frst request. i need to get approved then i used the nfo on the second request it says my use needs to start wth the alphabet.
  5. I posted i wanted my hosting acount once I got aprooved and screened i cheaked my e mail wasnt there . Then i posted againe buffalo told me to cheak my bulk/spam i did but still nothing it just wasnt there i need help and fast please.
  6. its not bad i guess i dont like the forum seems a little dull but its my opinion im guessing you didnt finish the forum 4/5
  7. im not going to lie your realy good im not a web desiner but still your ten times better then me 10 being the most.
  8. the skin confused me alot too change the picture on the top, and pute a diffrent template it looks just too simple and plain and add a portal iff you can.
  9. my rs name is dempr1 lvl 110 im not joining the club since i quite runescape 4 days ago realy srry might come back to it though.
  10. m spartan w


    i also agree tibia isnt a great game to me the game might look like its going to get somewere i mean just look at runescape it was 2d at first like tibia then went 3d and thousands played it.
  11. If you ask me sims isnt that great they should have more activites bigger land and stuff not like when you get out of ye house you walk 20 feet and you stop u need more freedom. but this is sims2 im talking about dont know bought others.
  12. if you ask me i think it is possible i stayed up last night with four of my friends playing halo 3 till 2:00 and had pepole join so yea it is possible ill try it tonight againe.
  13. The best game ever i have to say is gears of wars , gears of wars stayed at 60$ for a year and a half thousands aswell play the game i mean who wouldnt way better than halo3 since halo 3 is a first person shooter and not alot of pepole like first person shooters i like halo and all but not as much as gearsofwars.
  14. are you sure about the unlimited upload becuse it says 5g im sure thats the limit good website thought. And also thats preety good site becuse i mean what are you going to download thats more then 5 gigs
  15. wow that hurts your eyes preety bad as soon as the background loaded it hurt me eyes they yellow and orange hurts bad . and yes the site is ugly but what its says is true.
  16. nintendo 64 is a great system but playing just one companys system isnt that much fun i suggest u buy the ps3 or xbox 360 and play online games. you will love to play the xbox360 live and play online games like gears of wars one of the best played games and also halo 3 it might be bad at first but when you get use two halo 3 ull quite morio and go with a new company.
  17. i agree with you im not a halo fan even though i did play holo 3 last night i only play it becuse of my friends online. if they have the game i get the game to play online with them.
  18. ive had 1). ps32). xbox3603). xbox4). playtaion25). gamboy6). gamboy color7). nintendo dsim hoping to get the wii even tho i do not like it i am a gamer so you know how it is.
  19. I fully support sony sony just has a thing for making systems nintendo dosent the best thing they have sold has been the wii they sold more then the ps3 and is tied with the x box 360 for the moment sony will have a comback.
  20. Size: 400x100 350x150 Theme: games Render: Yes,gamesing with gears of wars guys on backgroundRender Theme: Comic, games, etc.Color: Red, Green, Blue, etc.Text: Yes? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and under the site name i want it to say (for all your gaming info needsOther effects: i want a flash going down and side to side with and explosion in the middle
  21. Size: 400x100 350x150 Theme: Grunge, Abstract, etc.Render: YesRender Theme: games, etc.(prefer gears of wars renderColor: , Blue , violetText: Yes? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and under it i want it to say for all your game info needsOther effects: Explosion, and a flash running down and side to side if the background can be the background color of my site thated be greatcan someone please do my banner id like the banner to blend in to my forums background and if it could be as wide as my background but like 3 inches in tallness
  22. i knew you would bring that up but cheak the forums jagex mods saying that they will find an way to go around gold sellers to bring back runescape in other words read the forums and it wont make me look like a fool makes both of ya since you only read the main post read forums aswell and yes they offcially anounced 2 days ago that there not bringing pking back but aswell this topic is mainly about this its about my guide so drop it now and post something postive instead of flaming me behind your computers i dought you would flame me in person.also craz givcredit to the maker of this sig as i can tell your one of the resons they took pking away you can only get that sig on sythe and fagex
  23. matt2 and craz both of you are wrong fully ferst of all they will bring pking back they even posted it on the forum hmm do you think a jagex worker would just post that for fun nope i dont think so im thinking you guys havent even read my guide at all pking is coming back and matt if they would to take away unblanced trading they would be forced to bring pking back becuse real world gold sellers make lvl 3s and when the buyer makes the purchase the lvl 3 goes to the wild and lets the buyer kill him so the buyer can get the money so if they would take away the unbalanced trade update then pepole will just sell mills in the runescape land not in the wild but in varrock and lumbly and camolot and adry so there you go both of you just posted on my thread for no reson so craz that means you need to read the info on runescape cuse ive been playing with my girlfriend and my friends since i was ten and im 15 now i know more then you matt2 i preety much already answered for you since you dont even know what your posting about i suggest who ever posts again if you would actully get info on runescape before you post and also matt2 hunting and magic are involved in my guide becuse they will get you money while geting mage and hunting up
  24. i cant waite till this game comes out since i see most all of you guys like the game i think you guys need to cheak out the trailer i dont know if theres a demo for it on the microsoft market panel on the xbox360 well ive seen the game traler and it looks realy cool the creaters of the game are from the creaters of gears of war and im preety shure all of you who have an xbox360 have played gears of war live. the graphics are almost similar to gears of war i cant waite till it comes out hopefully its xbox live
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