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Everything posted by strange-garden

  1. Ya, I might start doing that actually. My mum was a beauty therrapist for 2 years and has all of this nail stuff haha, so I might do my infills myself, and then if one breaks, I'll get it fixed at a place I trust (even though it'll be more expensive...I mean, it's only one nail so who cares haha).
  2. I'm really into nail art and stuff, and went to get my nails done today (first time in a while, I usually do them myself) and they had acrylic nails with the french tips, but different coloured tips. I've seen girls with orange and bright green and stuff and thought it was a cool idea. So anyways, I ask for the tips airbrushed on instead and told her I wanted orange tips (my boyfriend's favourite colour hehe), she told me the whole thing would cost $50. she didn't speak very good english and she put red tips on instead...And they're incredibly messy, and the sides aren't painted properly either. and to make matters worse, its hard to type because she made them too long (i'm a graphic designer, so it really annoys me)I really need to fix my nails. So, I have messy red nailed tips with acrylic nails that are fairly long and I want to make them look nicer with some nail art.Any suggesions?
  3. That happened to me. I just returned my laptop and got a new one haha. Funny thing was, though...The new one was faulty aswell, with a different problem...Then I got this one and the volume scroll thingy doesn't work lol.I guess that's what you get for being cheap.
  4. I've thought I was inlove before, until my recent boyfriend. I've been with him for almost 2 years now, and I now know what love really feels like. I think people seriously get the two mixed up really easily. I find it funny that people think they're inlove with someone from the internet lol, and they've never met before...If they just fell inlove with someone who they get to spend everyday with them, they'd definately recognise the difference.
  5. Actually, where i live it's a legal requirement to let the customers know electronically if they're going over their monthly quota.
  6. We have loadsssssss of weapons. My parents are incredibly good at archery, I do knife and axe throwing and I love air rifles. However, I don't think semi-automatics should be legal. There's really only two good reasons for having guns...Deffense, and sport, and there, what's stopping you from using an air rifle?
  7. You know what's cooler? kapwera! and counter strike! Because if you do both, you can be a hot nerd that has strong arms and all of the cool stuff.Perfect!
  8. treat her mean. keep her keen.hahahaha. No seriously...It works, dude. I fall for it ALLLLLLL the time.
  9. Truefusion.and this vote is PURELY out of the fact that it's more to my taste. It has nothing to do with tallent...They're both equally tallented in my opinion. I just like the colours a little more. haha (please don't hate me).Saint Michael: 3TrueFusion: 2*edit*I also have something more to add. I like how on Truefusion's the grey, because it is lighter is takes the detail and texture onboard a lot easier, and is not a harsh darker colour like SM's. as the sigs are rather small, the detail that is important needs to be easy to see. Unfortunately, for SM's the darker it is, the more I'm likely to look past it.
  10. I don't think he's actually implying that you're chasing after her, haha. It's just an expression.I've yelled at my boyfriend "I'm breaking up with you!" before...But I needed a lift home, so we got back together when I had to stay in the car with him for 15 minutes haha. To be quite honest with you, I was pretty pissed that he didn't start crying and begging for me back...But I guess he knew I couldn't keep away. Oh well. It must suck being a guy, or a lesbian.
  11. Girls are confusing.Maybe she wants you to beg for her back. Eh. I dunno the girl. Wow...Typing this really made me realise how peculiar girls are.
  12. Dude,Girls don't just say "Lets break up" without a reason. She's obviously hiding something, like she's found someone she likes better. If it was a problem you could fix, she would've tol dyou what the problem was.I know it's the hardest thing to hear, but when a girl wants space...The WORST thing to do is trying to get into contact with her again. She'll end up hating you. I dated a guy a few years back who I fell inlove with and he ended up cheating on me (more then once, I stupidly forgave him). I never thought I'd get over it, and it took me 2 years and a new boyfriend to stop thinking about him everyday. I'm now engaged to this new guy and I think if I hadn't found him I may of never of gotten over the other guy.So my advise is, if you're tyring to talk to her now and she tells you to get lost...Then just leave it at that, but if she like, invites you to stay with ehr for a few days then go for it. If it makes you happy. But from the sounds of things, she may be hiding something. Girls tend to get sick of guys after a few months when they spend too much time with them.
  13. That guy must be a total dunce to have to go over by that much. They send you an email and write you a letter everytime you go over your bandwidth. It's 80cents per mb extra if you go over your usage with wireless...That's just crazy to me. At the moment I'm on a 40gig plan and I'm paying the same amount as what I would if I was on a 12 gig plan with Australia's favourite provider. I used to work for a service provider and everyday I'd have people call up with $2000-$3000 bills for that month, begging me to help them...I felt so bad, because it was their fault and I couldn't help them without getting fired. I'd often get yelled at and stuff. =(
  14. Hey guys,I'm terribly sorry but something came up. It's currently Friday 14th dec at 11:42p.m. and all week I've been busy with stuff. My boyfriend's sister is in hospital, my dog is pregnant and is having problems, and a iPod skin company asked me to do some templates for them, so I've been super busy.As it is late and I'm tired (I had 3 hours sleep last night and I have been working all day frantically at fixing my laptop and scanner) I will have to re-start on them tomorrow.I started the zoulle ones, but I didn't save it, and my laptop lost power, so I'll have to re-do it.I really do appologise, guys. Tomorrow I have some sci fi stuff to do, and I'll continue working on the logos and whatever else you guys need tomorrow morning (if my boyfriend doesn't come over).Cheers.
  15. Thankyou anwii, I will add this to my list.I will be busy most of tomorrow, but I'll get it done as soon as I possibly can.
  16. Sure, I'll get it done when I can. Make sure to check the thread later on, I may message you though.Thankyou!
  17. I guess sometimes you just have to take a chance. I don't think there'll be that much destruction considering he's only got 4 years to make a catastrophe, if he does he'll be voted out.
  18. I just saw all fo the possible outcomes with the sex scenes on youtube. It was a bit dissapointing, all you really get to see is a nice bottom. I can remember on the matrix where that french chick wants to kiss you (a bit odd when you're playing the roll of the girl), hehehehe. People make big deals out of everything.
  19. Wow, that's crazy hot. I know I'll definately be one of the first in this house hold to run out and get it. Oh wait, it's an xbox game, scrap that. Ew.
  20. Wow, that process is very well thought out. Props to the creator of this website, yo.I just wish more people would post so I could chat with them lol. I generally like posting on here, getting free hosting aside.
  21. Are you getting...flustered? LOL Ok, sorry to post two times in a row, but if you got the hosting, and then saved up say...100 credits, that would last you 100 days, right? So you don't have to continually posting one time everyday? Notice from jlhaslip: Merged Posts. Board Rules Please use the Edit feature to avoid double posting.
  22. I learnt it while I was in school. I have a book on it somewhere, called 'Python Programming' typically. It's easy and fun, but I never use it anymore. I don't really program much.
  23. Hello,What kind of website are you looking to build? You can check out w3schools.com for some awesome tutorials on coding and stuff.
  24. Oh sorry, I must have missed that.Why do people automatically assume everyone on the internet to be male? lol.
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