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Everything posted by strange-garden

  1. Is there a slogan I can put on it? Or did you want me to make it up for you? Are there any other images I can include? What games interest you, what is the website about?
  2. If you find out how to delete objects on the clipboard in windows vista, I'll do a very special one for you!
  3. Easy. three ones, one three, one two, one one, one three, one two, two ones 31131211131221 amiright? amiright? and just to show you that I'm not cheatng...The next answer is one three, two one, one three, one one, one two, three one, one three, one one, two two, one one 13211311123113112211
  4. I've been doing art since I was like 3, it's always been my favourite thing. But I've always been pretty amazed by colours and stuff. and I'll make a tutorial today, when I get the time.
  5. Go for it haha. As long as it's for textiles...and not for photoshop class or anything lol
  6. ooo, Thankyou.I can do a tut if this thread gets popular, but people will need both illustrator and photoshop
  7. Wow, a hole 17 years? No kidding! lol, sry...couldn't help myself. <3
  8. Ahahaha, who said this? lets define religion, shall we..."a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny". Wouldn't saying christianity being non-religious be insulting towards their god? -edit- (I ppologise to the people I'm quoting, but I don't want to make a double post) and I may aswell include it in this post aswel...To the guy who said people coming from monkeys is silly and unbelievable, don't you think a supreme being controlling the earth, watching everything we're doing and making planets in 7 days, a little bit silly? Yeah? I can't fathom how you find evolution silly, yet you believe something so irrational, because a book told you to.
  9. Gmail. Hotmail is lame, I always get heaps of spam on hotmail. and the word 'gmail' sounds more professional than 'hotmail' so if you're applying for a job over the internet, makes you sound not so teenager-ish.
  10. A friend of mine killed herself a few months ago, and it wasn't over breaking up with a boyfriend or anything like that...She was just miserable. and she wasn't "stupid", either...She was doing marketing at university and was a very smart girl. When she died, I didn't understand, she seemed like she was enjoying her life, to me anyway, I used to work with her and I guess she was hiding it pretty well...Although a few weeks before her death, I spoke to her on the phone and she told me she was being stalked after her handbag was stolen...and she seemed so angry, like I'd never heard before. I feel like if I had've stayed at her house for a while or something and took her shopping and stuff around the time she died, I could've prevented it.
  11. Who are you to determine what's right and wrong?You've obviously never experienced a false sense of hope or any kind of cognitive distortion while thinking. And if suicide was 'right' and not wrong then everyone would be doing it. People who consider suicide can't just snap out of it...or take a deep breath and go dancing in a patch of flowers. They're mentally ill. It's just like how people who are anorexic can't just all of a sudden go, "hey you know what, I am rather thin, I think I might go and eat a hotdog"...It just doesn't happen, they need mental help and training, and by the sounds of your post, I don't think you've ever experienced why or how people do things like that.Suicide and feeling 'a little bit down' are two entirely different things. It's people like you who made emo people invent that annoying catch phrase "you just don't understand me".
  12. LOL. Thanks. I never usually post my art up on websites and stuff, but thanks for saying nice things...It really made me feel good about myself. I still have the original illustrator file, I might make a tutorial if people are interested enough.
  13. (full view please, the size is reduced and makes it look rough) Just so you know, I don't promote drug taking at all, the words 'acid trip' are meant to secure the thought of creativity and reality melting together. Don't do drugs, stay in school. I'm also NOT very good at Illustrator, and only use it to make logos, I'm used to photoshop. My first attempt at Illustrator was this, I haven't used it very often for these kinds of things, anyways here it is: I like colourful abstract stuff.
  14. This is what my car looks like, but it's white, and has bright yellow hub caps and a blue leopard print stearing wheel and awesome 4" speakers mounted on the tray in the boot. =D
  15. Magnas > Lancersanyways, I have a Holden Barina, gonna trash it soon...I'm currently in the process of doing stupid things to it, like putting decals on it and custom painting the hub caps (ahahahaha) it's so much fun, and it actually doesn't look so bad. I'm an idiot lol. I'm going to get a mirage soon anyways.
  16. That's because you met your girlfriend over the internet.You spend most of your time searching for wireless networks in your area and talking on a male-orintated website, trying to make your status very high, you're an admin there too and I'm guessing you still need a haircut.
  17. Aren't you supposed to be a girl? lol!!
  18. a boy dog, a girl dog and 8 puppies =DThey're cavalier spaniels / poodle.They're adorable.
  19. mine is legit, it came with my laptop lol. i'm gonna change back to xp soon though
  20. You need to buy one of those nintendo router things though that connects to a wireless connection...so you need one of those also.
  21. That I pretty much hate everyone besides my boyfriend, that cute chick on here who's opinions are totally different to mine, and Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood. I saw the first two episodes today 7 times. Oh wow...You know the one with the flirty alien? She was hot, but was kinda jailbait. Anyways, my point is, the reason I'm such a cruddy person is because I live with my mum and dad. I can't move out because they're making sure I'm not going to commit suicide (ordered by a shrink).Hm...I can stay at my boyfriends for a week...They can go away on holidays for two weeks...but I have to stay here so that I can pay for food and pay board?My life is a toilet.
  22. "each of the four planets are the size of Neptune or bigger. They also all revolve around a large sun."So they're not habitable. You dirty filthy liar, you.<3
  23. lol Guys chill out, this thread was posted on 2nd of July 2007...He's probably totally forgotten about Xisto by now.
  24. You know what would be even cooler? If you created it from scratch. You know...Those tricky things, not like backgrounds, filters or shadows.
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