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Everything posted by strange-garden

  1. Oh, with all do respect...It's definately not the only reason I voted Labour. I was affected pretty badly by the employment laws. Also Australia and the U.S (though a lot of their states did) were the only countries in the entire world not to pledge to help stop global warming, I find that to be unacceptable. There's a few other reasons, but I totally know where you're coming from when you say Kevin Rudd is going to put us in debt. But we'll see. If he doesn't do well then he'll last only 4 years.
  2. To be quite honest with you, I think the best way to go would be to save up a big bunch of credits and then apply for hosting.
  3. DON'T use Daemon tools, it doesn't work for that file extension. Use PowerISO like they're saying.
  4. Oh wow! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!and yeah, I didn't think generators were the way to go. hehe. Thanks for the post though!
  5. Bryce 5.0 is still free!! You just need to know where to find it. I have the link on my other computer, which is broken at the money...Sorry...I know the website is grey though.It took me agesssssss to find it.
  6. Isn't alienware now owned by Dell?I have an Acer laptop and thought it was a dream when I first got it, sure it's cute, cheap and powerful but I've had numerous problems with stuff just not working...For example, the DVD rom drive wasn't working on the first one, so I had to get it replaced. Then I got another one and the screen was shot, then I got this one and I've since dicovered that the touch pad doesn't work and neither does the volume button on the side. Also it has vista on it =(...which is fun at first, but not so great when you only have 1gig of RAM.So yeah, don't get an Acer laptop. I think alienware laptops are amazing, but they're owned by dell...You could always get a macbook and load windows or linux onto it?
  7. I'm glad John Howard is gone.Though, the broadband thing...I'm still wondering as to whether or not it's going to be a good idea...If they're thinking they're going to put in cable (which is $1000 per metre, by the way) then they're dreaming. I'm hoping that the 'world class broadband' will be something insignificant like ADSL 2+ or something...Which half of the people won't get because on bigpond and optus, it's too damned expensive and their plans suck.Besides that, I'm pretty happy. Kevin Rudd has played his cards right, and unfortunately because John Howard was going to retire and Costello was going to take his place, I felt obligated to vote Labour. John Howard should've kept his mouth shut and spent more money on convincing Australia he's going to fix all of the mistakes he's made.And the only reason why John Howard got us out of debt, was because he didn't spend any money. Taxes went up and so did our dollar.
  8. Desires? All girls want is a guy who can play a guitar, who can look them in the eye without getting scared and talk to them properly. Someone who is confident, has a nice voice and who isn't morbidly obese or smells bad.I know a girl who's dating a guy who would have to be the most average looking guy out there. Boring as all hell to look at, which made me think considering she's gorgeous...and when i started talking to him I realised why she liked him so much, he was funny, intimidating, demanded attention and was telling her how beautiful she was.The thing I, and most of my friends look for in a guy is a leader, and who will give anything for you without smothering you.I'm pretty happy to be a girl, but I wish I understood men a little more, I'd love to know what my boyfriend really thinks of the girls at work...hehe.
  9. I was doodling on photoshop one day and came up with a image that looked like a bunch of flowers, but a morbid kind...as it was grey and black. I liked it and turned it into a logo and called it 'strange garden clothing'. But now it's just strange garden =)
  10. My eyes are green with yellow in the middle. If I could change it though, I'd want them to be lighter.
  11. I'm currently using windows vista on this computer. Sure, it's pretty and makes loverly sounds and fireworks and stuff...but...Only having 1gig RAM kind of makes it...icky...I'm probably going to put xp on it soon, and then put ubuntu on my old computer.
  12. I just logon to paypal and move money from my bank account into my paypal account.It's odd though, when I tried using my paypal account to pay for a domain name (on another website that will not be named) the website still asked me for my credit card...ugh. I only use paypal so I DON'T have to have a credit card. It's so weird. I've only tried it once though.
  13. Thanks to animal rights groups, issues like that have reduced over the past few years. I believe it's illegal now in Australia and the U.S (and probably Canada, but I'm not too sure).We have an unfair advantage over animals because of our minds and the way our hands are structured. I guess the only way things like that actually stop is if it's discovered and action has taken place due to sincerity...In the animal kingdom, though, that'd be a weakness.Funny how nature works.
  14. I used to play eve online. It's ok to play with an integrated graphics card too.I played it until my trial ran out. I don't have a credit card, but if I did I'd probably still be playing it.It's all sci fi and stuff. Pretty sweet, you get to fly around in a ship, mine asteroids, kill pirates, do missions, all that kind of fun stuff.
  15. Do they tell you how much you weight too? That'd be cool, it could tell you how much weight you've lost, if any.
  16. I'm not really sure what you mean, but bryce 5.0 is free and is easy to use. I used to make spaceships and animate them on there.
  17. The background colour is not to my taste, but the rest is very clean and well put together.I need to make a portfolio too. Only I have no ideas yet.
  18. Usually I just use photoshop, but (and i think I've already mentioned this in a thread today) there may still be a free trial of JASC animation shop out there somewhere. I used to make flip-book type cartoons with it. It's a bit easier to use than flash, in my opinion.
  19. You could use JASC animation shop. I think there's a free trial for it out there. It's amazing. What kind of flashing text are you looking for? a picture of text or actualy flashing text that you can copy and stuff?It's probably a little easier to use than flash, unless you are using a generator. Anyways, good luck with it!
  20. Hello everyone,I want to do a course next year on graphic design, but I need a portfolio for it. I want to include some logos and stuff, prefferbly ones for real businesses :)If anyone wants one for free, or knows of anyone who needs a free logo or banner...etc etc, let me know! If I get a big response I wont be able to do all of them, so get in quickly!
  21. Great idea! I'm thinking of creating a new website, however all of my tools and stuff are on my old computer (which is pretty much broken at the moment), so I can't use frontpage or dreamweaver or anything like that. All I know is there's a few html generators out there, like the myspace ones and stuff (although I'd hardly think it'd help hehe)...Or you could just use source code from another website (which isn't copywrited obviously) and edit it.I'll be sure to re-look at this thread if anyone has any other suggestions. Are you going to be posting the results on here?
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