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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Or it could just be me. I like bright colorful sigs. Someone on Gamerenders said it gives me my own style. ^-^ The font on the Spawn sig is called Quer. I think lots of people like that one, although I like some of my other "selective saturation" sigs a lot btter with that style. It's cool though. Thanks.
  2. Don't use animation. On most sigs it just ruins it.And talk about photosensitive seizures...jeez...And otherwise those need lots of work. Do some more like your current sig.
  3. I agree partially (especially on using filters. I rarely EVER use filters) but I just wanted to note a few things. You really don't need renders, brushing, or text. I can make an awesome sig without any (or a combination, even) of those. Not saying that I don't like using those though. Renders, text, and brushing are an important part of my sigs, even if I don't NEED them. But yeah, filters bite. Don't use filters. Ever. I personally think the most important part of a sig is color. Even if it's black and white with a certain element colored (like below), color is still very important.
  4. Hm....looks pretty good. I see a few minor flaws here and there, but nothing big. Looks like we have another good designer here now.But, why do they say Collision/Sin?
  5. Um, thanks, and those things are relatively simple...you can pm or im me about it I s'pose, but I'm not always around, or I'm around but unavailable. Haha, thanks a lot CF. 1 -- It probably isn't the right size, because I'm an idiot. 2 -- I tried grunge brushes, but I suck at grunge, so I decided to try out some new abstracts I picked up. 3 -- Yeah, font selection seems to be a problem of mine...I just don't have the eye for it I guess. But yeah, thanks for the comments and praise, I appreciate it.
  6. Heh, believe me, I'm no pro. The stuff the guys (and girls) do at Gamerenders puts me to shame, really. I still gotta lot to learn. Yup, thanks. ^-^ Heh, it could.
  7. It's supposed to be that way, but thanks. Heh, that's the way the font is, and I'm too lazy to fix it. Thanks.
  8. Okay, I know I've been dropping sigs left and right, so this'll be my last one for a while (most likely until tomorrow, lol). I tried the selective saturation trick again, and I think it came out really well on this one. Please please please rate/comment/crticize. I can't get better if you don't help me.
  9. Thanks. Oh, so all the other ones are bad? Gee thanks! J/k. Thanks. Well, I dunno how well I could do, but I could certainly try. PM me I s'pose.
  10. Thanks, but I don't quite get that last part? Thanks. That's my fave too. ^-^
  11. Okay, here's my newest creation. I'm kinda proud of it, so don't burn me too bad. I couldn't decide which color looked best, so I kinda did them all. Which color do you think looks best? Other comments/criticism/ratings also highly appreciated.
  12. I have CS, and I downloaded CS2, but my compy's a little lacking, so it ran kinda slow, and there's not that many new features anyway (the vanishing point isn't all that great, believe me. Smart layers are nifty though.), so I just decided to stick with CS, even if I could have kept CS2 for free. It's all a matter of preference on this one, really. I'd suggest to someone with a good computer and doesn't have Photoshop to get it, because it kinda is the best one yet, but someone who doesn't have a great computer, or already has Photoshop shouldn't bother, really.
  13. Thanks. I think I could have done better on both of those though. ^-^ Yes, those were all done in Photoshop, aside from the renders.
  14. Looks pretty good...I'd say take off the....is that a bevel? Well, whatever...take off whatever's making it dark at the top and bottom. Other than that, I really can't see anything wrong with it. GJ.
  15. Continued... 11. -- Testing a more "flat" background and a glowy feel. 12. -- Just a different style.
  16. Ok, here's some new ones for you guys. Please rate/comment them all, if you can. 1. 2. -- Testing the "partially colored render" style. 3. -- Flame test. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. -- Beam test. EDIT: More in next post.
  17. Makes you wanna go kidnap Angelina Jolie and use her for experimenting. LOL.Make sure you quote things you copy from the web no matter what. It counts as spam and you'll simply loose credits.
  18. Thanks Cool Freaker, you're probably the one I most look forward to in comments, because you obviously know exactly what you're talking about. I agree with you on everything. You've pointed out quite a few flaws (some of which I knew about, but it's cool) and I think I might go back and fix them....eventually. Once again, thanks CF. Thanks, and yes, the Spawn one uses .png Ok, not to disrespect or anything, because for all I know you could be the BEST photoshop user EVER, but judging by the image in your sig and what you're saying, I don't quite think you're that experienced. I don't mean to offend, but could you show some examples of your work? Anyway, thanks again all. I appreciate it. I'll have a few more soon.
  19. This is because in certain areas of Xisto's forums, most posts aren't really contributive, like for example the Jokes forum is usually copy-pasted jokes from around the web, so no posts are counted there. I don't decide the way the forums are set up, but I can tell you that's the main reason. If you want specific answers, I'd suggest asking an admin.So, sorry I couldn't help more, but I hope that generally answers your question.
  20. Yeah, the normal section's always open, and it's not really that hard to get into premium...just rate 15 sigs in the Your Stuff section. You can even rate mine.
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