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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Looks good. The bg is nothing TOO special, and the text, while inventive, is kinda odd, and the minor hair blending thing, but you did a nice job, especially for your first popout. Nice job buddy.BTW -- If you flipped that sideways, it'd be much taller than my spawn sig. And everybody knows vertical scrolling's cooler than horizontal.
  2. FREEZ0R!!!11oneone!!!two!1Alrighty told you on AIM, but very nice job. You're doing much better. Go back and check out that first one you made me and you'll get it.
  3. Don't request graphics in the middle of a battle topic. That'll be your verbal warning.
  4. Okay, scratch that. We've decided that me and Mike are just going to go ahead and lead it, and let people apply and vote, then after a week we'll take 4 or 5 of the highest voted people and add them to the crew.
  5. No, I'm not gonna warn him...this topic should serve as a deterrant and an embarrassment. And I don't want to give anyone the impression that I'm warning him for personal reasons, rather than because he ripped. @Nguyen -- He posted a couple times in the crew topic. Asked me to rate that same sig.
  6. My sig for my tutorials pt. 2 (coloring): His ripped sig: It's a completely obvious rip of the background, with added contrast, as I put the PSD with each seperate layer available for download...he simply took my background layer and used it for his. I specifically said that the PSD was for demonstrational purposes, and not to be used in your own work. He broke that. So, this is a public declaration that ArMs is a ripper, and you should be careful leaving things available to him. ArMs, ripping is bad. You should make your own work, and not rip from others. Keep that in mind next time.
  7. Well, I'd suggest applying later on then...not trying to sound mean, but I doubt you'd make it after 3 days, without borders. =/ And.....I just looked at your sig again. That's a full blown rip of my background for my sig used in my coloring tutorial: So, I'm gonna go ahead and take a guess and say you won't be able to make it in the crew.
  8. [1] Very true. If you'd all excuse me for that... [2] Thankies. [3] Don't worry. You'll get it. ^-^ [4] Hm, I'll try to do that next time. For my old old tutorials, I took a ss of the entire screen...but it was a little too big, but maybe now I'll just do "selective" captures. [5] Haha, you can check out http://www.good-tutorials.com/ or http://www.pixel2life.com/ for some half-decent tutorials, some are better than others. My next tut here will be on actually using the brushes though, so you can get my personal methods. [6] Actually, yeah, I do. And thanks a lot, I'll go dl that now.
  9. Word of advice. Don't get addicted. Popouts should be a rare thing, or they get repetitive and irritating. They're awesome every once in a while though. Mike's render packs (The renders weren't made or cut by him though, mind you): http://www.gamefront.com/
  10. Thanks. I hope the crew will be able help you guys out. About rating your sig, you should make a post in the 'rate the sig above you' topic or make a new topic for it, but I'll go ahead and tell you that it's a little too big, and I'm not a fan of the text or brushing, but it's definitely not bad. I think it needs a border though.
  11. The score's actually 0-2-0, because of Kubi's post.Thanks for voting guys. Keep it going.
  12. Ditto on that. I gave you my other advice on AIM, which you took already.
  13. Ah. We're gonna need a coder before we can use it then...someone run on over to IPBG and grab one of those codemonkeys.
  14. Will do. Have you sliced it and/or coded it yet, or just the image part?
  15. The monotone stuff.Also, he's not really "popping out" of the sig...he's just standing in front of it. What I'm seeing here is a brushed up box with a render slapped on top. You should blend in his legs/feet so he's -part- of the sig.Also, his wings look really choppy, the text is decent, the bg needs more depth, and the white border doesn't fit.That's about it, really.
  16. He can ask for a sig, it's just rude to ask for someone to make him a GIFT. There's a difference between the two.And what do you mean by lose his credits? You can't give away credits.And about the language thing...nobody was using foul language.
  17. Why not do one of both? One "This is the piece of work I'm most proud of..." and one "Here's one I made today....". Another way to ensure that the results aren't biased would make it so that so that you must give a reason for why you voted. Or (if you were actually doing a proper) poll, run the voting for this just like you would for battles. Make the voter state you he's voting for, why he's voting for who he is and the current score at the end. 167722[/snapback] Sounds good to me.
  18. I'm sorry, there's a topic RIGHT below yours asking for the same thing. In it two people said that you DON'T ask for gifts. Gifts are something given without obligation. If you want to request a sig, fine, but don't ask for a GIFT.
  19. You have a very good point there. I think I might need to follow that advice too. I don't really have a certain style myself...I sorta bounce all over the place. I mean, I guess that makes me a jack of all trades, but I dunno....
  20. Nah...I think just using the stuff they've already done is fine. I don't think there will be too many bias problems...I was planning on submitting some of my c4d abstract stuff, and it's pretty obvious that stuff is mine...open voting should be fine.If we had people make new sigs for the application, one member might get lucky and make a really nice sig, but be unable to continue that when they're in the crew, or a really good sigger might have a bad day and thus be eliminated. I think if we submit a bunch of our already made stuff, we'll be showing the skill we have regularly, you know?Just my 2 cents.
  21. [1] I dunno, I don't think we should wait two weeks. I mean, people quit voting on battles after about 3 or 4 days...maybe one week is good for applications? Or am I just being impatient here? [2] Tie breaker. Sounds good. [3] But most of the works would have the person's name on them, so I dunno. O.o
  22. [1] Thanks. I still like Truefusion's better though. [2] That sounds like a good plan, but when should we stop voting and grab those top people?
  23. Notice from Johnny: Moving to templates section. Hm...nice job Fro. I'd like to grab that PSD and makes some modifications myself, but it looks great so far.
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