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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. A template for the gfx crew? Oooh..sounds great. We'd just need a place to host it. Maybe we can get another account from the admins (Mike suggested a subdomain gfx.trap17.com) to put it on, where we can all have access and whatnot.
  2. Yepyep. That's what I use. Seems to be the easiest and most reliable way. Just remember you can't switch applications while using it...I hate that.
  3. Try to make you cry? Lol, you're the coolest Nguyen.Anyway, yeah, it's not bad at all. Just a few things...1. Coded Arms bro. :(2. The blending is a bit odd. He's transparent on the edges, but you can still see his outline, so it doesn't give the whole effect of him blending into the bg. Try brushing over the edges.3. Little too much brushing. Go over some of the outside parts of the bg with a black brush, and have the layer mod set to overlay. It'll add a bit more depth.4. There's not much to the sig. I mean, there's the bg, and the render, but nothing else. Maybe some tech or "style lines" would give it some flavor.5. Nice name placement. :(So altogether not bad, just not wow yet. Nice job though.
  4. [1]Nah...was just a joke. Mike couldn't tell me anything I don't already know. [2]I think he is. Notice from snlildude87: Use quotes whenever copying from other sources. Edited and raised warning level. .. Can't raise warning level.
  5. Mosiac's in the filter gallery in Photoshop. Try it out and you'll see. Replied on AIM.
  6. [1] See bold.[2] Yep, he is. I recolored him. Looks nice, wouldn't you say? Here's a nice pic of the big guy: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Ah. I must not have seen it. Touche Nguyen, but we will meet again.
  8. Yeah, I talked to Nils on MSN or AIM (I forget which) and he said he'd get to it in a few days, because he was having troubles with some lightning-fried computers, but I just pmed both him and OpaQue a newer updated version than the previous one, and even this last one here. So hopefully one of them will get to it sometime soon. And about the mods-can't-change-forums things, I know...I was gonna ask them about it. Although, I did also mention that if they don't have the time, they can just make me an admin for a short period of time so I can do it all for them. So hopefully we'll get the layout changes all done sometime today, and then we're pretty good to go with the crew, and a few other new secret stuff you guys might like. Just waiting on those modifications by the big guys.
  9. Nah...sig requests are fine and all, but -gift- requests are a different story. I know it doesn't seem like much of a difference, but a gift is a sig someone makes -for- someone else, whereas a requested sig is just making a sig because someone asked. I dunno...it makes sense in my head.
  10. You should always zoom to 1600%. Anything less is a lot less smooth
  11. [1] I don't like where you're headed with that... [2] Working on it. [3] Begging for...?
  12. Exactly. Gifts are something you earn. If you want to just request a sig, that's fine, but don't ask for a -gift-. Anyway, I wouldn't be able to do it for you...already have enough sigs to do for people.
  13. And here's my revised version, cause Mike's crazy.Combine the three forums under graphics and animations into one, because the other two (3d/advanced, and fireworks or whatever it is) aren't active, like, at all. Then make that forum a base forum under the category "Contribute". Then have subforums like this: Sigs -Showoff -Gifts -SOTW (Sig of the Week) -Tournaments -Battles (have the current battles in here) --Battle Requests --Finished Battles Tutorials (have the tuts in here) -Tutorial Requests Resources (have all the psds, brushes, renders, etc. here.) Other -Templates -Large Pieces -3d -Flash, etc. -Questions/RequestsT17 GFX Crew1. Get intial crew5-6 members2. Get a site devoted to the crew (This will be hella hard, and we won't need it for quite a while.)3. Bio topics (this may be a bit hard, because we'd be constantly updating it...) -stats -skills -# of tutorials -# of renders -# of templates -# of sigs -# of downloads -# of requests -# requests done -sig battle win/loss record4. Download (MAYBE. If the admins go through with it.)And Mike, you wrote the forum layout twice. X.x
  14. Oh...that's pretty cool. I love the automation-ness. But unfortunately, if I used it for my current gfx folder it'd also show my other stuff (gifts for people and such), which I wouldn't really want. And if I used a new folder I'd have to move all my sigs, which would screw up whatever links I have to them, or copy them, which would clog my site's space.But I guess it's okay, cause I'm fine with having just one sig.
  15. Tried to give it a glossy/glassy look...I think it's a little too small for the whole effect though. And it looks bad without the stroke. =/ Original: New: I think it looks better though, at least. Anyway, the only help we really need at the moment is what I said earlier: And then once we figure that out we're all set to start up applications and stuff...
  16. Read the topic. @Frozen -- I'm asking for help...nobody's really giving it.
  17. Bah...we have to figure stuff out first...can we get a time when we're all on so we can get in the chatroom and talk about stuffs?
  18. [1] Thanks. [2] Nah...votes for acceptance into the crew. O.o
  19. Wow Mike, it does have a lot going on, but I actually like it. Like, I really like it, and I'm not just lying to make you feel better. Like I always do. Great sig this time bro. But don't take that as "wow, you should do this all the time." I think it's just a one-time thing. Your name is near the top left corner, it says S&M. Gimme my advice.
  20. Yeah, it would be. I think you guys could manage without me though, if I weren't in. Nils closed off that part, I didn't ask for it. But I made a request for an addition of a general/other photoshop part, where you can post other stuffs...there's a few other revisions to be made as well. The admins just have to get around to it. And great tag thingy truefusion...looks great, and the multicolor idea sounds good. We could even make them multicolored for us multitalented people. Oh, and I was gonna say something else...hrm...what was it... Oh yeah, if we let everyone who gets 6 votes in, how can we limit it to just five or six crew members, without doing the "first come first serve" method?
  21. No, it sounds third-graderish. Back on topic.
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