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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Man of few words, and many women. (Jaykay. Don't go all...haterade on me.)
  2. Thanks, and hey, it's pretty easy to get into sigs, just takes some time to get good. Read up on some tutorials and watch the rest of these guys, and you can do them yourself.
  3. Your face is spam. It was a joke, lighten up. Man...I fix the sparkles and you dog me about everything else. All that is duly noted, but I'm too lazy to go and change anything.
  4. One of my best, Becca dear. As in there's some still better. But thanks. Hm...thanks to you too.
  5. Nguyen's hopped up about everything. Or maybe I just pick on him. :)Thanks.
  6. W00t. Thanks for the input Freakstyles.(Yeah...a menu look would be pretty sweet. )
  7. Shhhh....don't pay attention to those. Just look at the text... (Yeah...I know...I'm gonna switch those out with some better ones in a bit.) EDIT: Updated. Looks much better. I was already planning on changing those...cause we all know Nguyen would be all "It's crap. You suck. Your sparkles suck, the sig sucks, and you should die in a hole somewhere in Montana." Speaking of Montana...what's in Montana? I swear I've never met anyone from Montana. Who lives there? Native Americans and stuff? Buffalo Bill types?
  8. I'll kill you. J/k. Thanks brotha. (But really though. I'll kill you. )
  9. Hey. You. Scram. Go be fro-y. It looks good and the Winamp llama knows it.
  10. What's wrong with my border foo? It looks good on that sig. Betta reckanize.Thanks big Fro. Keep um...being fro-ish. Poofy and stuff. With a pick.
  11. Hm...one of my better ones. I think.
  12. Fro, why're you beating on all the little noobs at GR? -_-They look good bro.And Luki, in all honesty, saying "You need to learn how to..." shouldn't be coming from you. Not trying to be mean, just letting you know.
  13. Done. -_-I have a strange feeling someone else asked me to add something, and I forgot... =/
  14. Hahaha, too cute. Really. Using a sig from your own pack to battle you. -_-That's worse than the one that wanted me to rate his.
  15. Hey...Joshua...I think you just broke science. Anyway, about this whole ordeal, you guys believe what you want. As for me, I'm just gonna go with the flow and work it all out at the end, know what I'm saying?
  16. Running on the border of spam there Mouser.
  17. All I did was the bg and the render...and the color. O.o Frozen did all the cool stuff.
  18. *AHEM* I did the bg too. -_-Nah, but great job bro.FRO-JO got the MOJO!
  19. I can't help but stare at his knee...
  20. Blaque -- So...based on that first line, you're picking the one you think is monotone over the one with the color you don't like. O.oIt's all good. My vote goes to biskie for uniqueness and flow. KuBster, put your text below the color balance so instead of looking pale white, it matches the bg.1:1. Tie.
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