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About bthaxor

  • Rank
    Premium Member
  • Birthday 09/09/1990

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  1. I'm harldy active anymore either, let me know when you get to the top, i hope you're successful in life etc.

  2. so i go away for a year or so and you let THIS happen?gosh what has this world come to...but jokes aside ( ), CONGRATS!
  3. HELLO!!

    haha i know i'm not active anymore since i'm hosted on computinghost now and i've moved to "bigger and better things"... but i won't forget you mate ;)

  4. yes, I am interested...my website is also in my signature. it's a personal blog which currently averages 5,000 visitors a month since it was set up six months ago, and it will probably rise in popularity even more soon since i decided to get off my *bottom* and SEO it today, plus i am starting link affiliates like this...pm me if you accept?
  5. ahh, but here's my problem: this all has to be applied to user input in a shoutbox, so i have no idea how to apply the format nabb has given me... here, once again, is the original line from the wordspew plugin: $r->text = preg_replace("`(http|ftp)+(s)?:(//)((\w|\.|\-|_)+)(/)?(\S+)?`i", "<a href=\"\\\" title=\"\\\"$target>» $theLink «</a>", $r->text); the $theLink variable has already been declared - i just have no idea how to slip the 'www' into there...
  6. i do believe the author of this script has abandoned his forums because he hasnt been online in months... i have tried, despite my lack of php, to first parse http links, then added a line to parse the remaining '; links (without the http) as a url, however this is where my lack of knowledge kicked in... the problem with this, however, is that the 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/' links will then be converted to 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.' which is not good... i searched the net and came across this... however, can someone please help me incorporate this into the code given above? a line which checks whether there's a . before the www, then and only then converts the www to a link... thanks.
  7. voted...although i believe there should be a 'vanished from Xisto only to be hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting and reappear with a KABOOM' category... no guesses as to who would win that :)good luck to everyone!
  8. bittr, im sure deep inside you couldnt wait to get rid of me and are aching to get me out of here again truefusion: i have taken a look at your code, seems logical enough (a lot more logical than the other code...), however i am still uncertain for a WORKING solution... yes, my php "skills" do not extend this far... i will contact the owner of this plugin for help, and will post a solution here for other trapsters that may be having the same problem...
  9. truefusion:thank you for your help... but some english might be nice... :)would you possibly give me some code? as i said, i know not php...thanks again.
  10. hey trapsters... firstly: long time no post however just because i am no longer Xisto hosted (for your information, i am now a happy customer of Xisto - Web Hosting ), i still hang around the forums often... now to my problem: i understand only the basis of php, and after installing the 'wordspew' plugin for wordpress, i have a small php problem. the wordspew plugin automatically converts http, ftp, https or ftps text in a shout to a link, however it does not seem to convert www. links, which i find weird. the line that converts links is: $r->text = preg_replace("`(http|ftp)+(s)?:(//)((\w|\.|\-|_)+)(/)?(\S+)?`i", "<a href=\"\\\" title=\"\\\"$target>» $theLink «</a>", $r->text); all variables have been declared - although a php noob, i believe only the part before '<a href' must be edited, since that is the filter... could someone please change the code to include 'www' links as well? thanks for your help.
  11. i'll keep this short yet to the point:i have an ipod touch, and right now if i were given the chance to buy anything i desire, i would buy another.it.is.awesome.a gaming console/media player like no other.
  12. surely commonsense would tell you that yourdomain.com is not an actual site...replace the paths with the ones that you want to use....
  13. yup... also, if you're planning to upload this to the web, then this guide is about as comprehensive as it gets in terms of using this flash player...
  14. embed code: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170"data="http://yourdomain.com/xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=http://yourdomain.com/yourplaylistlist.xspf"><param name="movie" value="file:///pathtositefolder/xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=file:///pathtositefolder/yourplaylistlist.xspf" /></object> then, the xspf file will look something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/"> <trackList> <track><location>file:///mp3s/song_1.mp3</location></track> <track><location>file:///mp3s/song_2.mp3</location></track> <track><location>file:///mp3s/song_3.mp3</location></track> </trackList></playlist> replace the locations with the locations with your file. download the swf file, save it in the same directory as the site. tadaa!
  15. here's an example of an embedded quicktime object. all embed methods support file:/// protocols, so i guess it's up to you to choose which! i'd personally go with xspf, because it's easier to change which song to play etc. because all you have to do is edit the xml file. once again, it's up to you. finally, please don't double-post...
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