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Everything posted by silver_wolves

  1. yea, there havent been many changes with it as long as i have been playing it. but its something to do. what level were you?
  2. you could get the Wii SDK, it was leaked a couple months ago. but ps1 would be cool too.
  3. can anyone interperate the following CSS for me? i am learning currently, but i found a website that i like and it has a menu bar that i like. its a pretty simtinyple thing. if you put the code in a WYSIWIG (i dont know if i spelled it right) then thats what i want to know how to do in CSS. so i am going to provide some html and some css. the html has what i want the result to be, the css is the stye sheet that the web page used.html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html xmlns="https://w3.org/1999/xhtml/ ; <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=; /></head><body> <div id="header"> <div id="menucontainer"> <ul id="nav-one" class="nav"><li class="chosen" ><a id="firstmenu" class="chosen" href=""><li ><a href="index.php?action=tpmod;dl">Downloads</a></li><li><a href=""></li><li ><a href="index.php?board=85.0">Docs</a></li><li ><a href="index.php?action=themeshop">ThemeShop</a></li><li ><a href="index.php?action=bugtracker">Bugtracker</a></li></ul> </body></html> CSS: /* Normal, standard links. */a:link{ color: #050; text-decoration: none;}a:visited{ color: #050; text-decoration: none;}a:hover{ text-decoration: underline;}/* Navigation links - for the link tree. */.nav, .nav:link, .nav:visited{ text-decoration: none;}a.nav:hover{ text-decoration: underline;}/* Tables should show empty cells. */table{ empty-cells: show;}/* By default (td, body..) use verdana in black. */body, td, th , tr{ color: #444; font-size: small; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;}/* The main body of the entire forum. */body{ background: url(images/background.jpg) 0 -1px repeat-x white; margin: 0; padding: 0;}/* Input boxes - just a bit smaller than normal so they align well. */input, textarea, button{ font-family: verdana, sans-serif; border-width: 1px; padding: 2px;}input, button{ font-size: 90%;}textarea{ font-size: 100%; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;}/* All input elements that are checkboxes or radio buttons. */input.check{}/* Selects are a bit smaller, because it makes them look even better 8). */select{ font-size: 90%; font-weight: normal; border-width: 1px; padding: 2px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;}/* Standard horizontal rule.. ([hr], etc.) */hr, .hrcolor{ height: 1px; border: 0; color: #bbb; background-color: #bbb;}/* No image should have a border when linked */a img{ border: 0;}/* A quote, perhaps from another post. */.quote{ color: #000000; background-color: #D7DAEC; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 1px; padding: 1px; font-size: x-small; line-height: 1.4em;}/* A code block - maybe even PHP . */.code{ color: #000000; background-color: #dddddd; font-family: "courier new", "times new roman", monospace; font-size: x-small; line-height: 1.3em; /* Put a nice border around it. */ border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 1px auto 1px auto; padding: 1px; width: 99%; /* Don't wrap its contents, and show scrollbars. */ white-space: nowrap; overflow: auto; /* Stop after about 24 lines, and just show a scrollbar. */ max-height: 24em;}/* The "Quote:" and "Code:" header parts... */.quoteheader, .codeheader{ color: #000000; text-decoration: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; font-size: x-small; line-height: 1.2em;}/* Generally, those [?] icons. This makes your cursor a help icon. */.help{ cursor: help;}/* /me uses this a lot. (emote, try typing /me in a post.) */.meaction{ color: red;}/* The main post box - this makes it as wide as possible. */.editor{ width: 96%;}/* Highlighted text - such as search results. */.highlight{ background-color: yellow; font-weight: bold; color: black;}/* Alternating backgrounds for posts, and several other sections of the forum. */.windowbg{ background: #f9f9fa;}.windowbg2{ background: #fdfdfd;}.windowbg3{ background: #e9e9ea;}/* the today container in calendar */.calendar_today{}/* These are used primarily for titles, but also for headers (the row that says what everything in the table is.) */.titlebg, tr.titlebg th, tr.titlebg td, .titlebg2, tr.titlebg2 th, tr.titlebg2 td{ color: #D6DAE1; font-style: normal; background: #535353; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;}.titlebg, .titlebg a:link, .titlebg a:visited, tr.titlebg td a.navPages, td.titlebg table td{ font-weight: bold; color: #D6DAE1; font-style: normal;}.titlebg a:hover{ color: #f6fAE1;}/* same as titlebg, but used where bold text is not needed */.titlebg2 a:link, .titlebg2 a:visited{ color: #D6DAE1; font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline;}.titlebg2 a:hover{ text-decoration: underline;}/* This is used for categories, page indexes, and several other areas in the forum..catbg and .catbg2 is for boardindex, while .catbg3 is for messageindex and display headers*/.catbg , tr.catbg td , .catbg3 , tr.catbg3 td{ background: #ccc; color: #000; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;}.catbg2 , tr.catbg2 td{ background: #ccc; color: #000; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;}.catbg, .catbg2, .catbg3{}.catbg, .catbg2{ font-weight: bold;}.catbg3, tr.catbg3 td, .catbg3 a:link, .catbg3 a:visited{ font-size: 95%; text-decoration: none;}.catbg a:link, .catbg a:visited , .catbg2 a:link, .catbg2 a:visited{ text-decoration: none;}.catbg a:hover, .catbg2 a:hover, .catbg3 a:hover{ color: #900000;}/* This is used for tables that have a grid/border background color (such as the topic listing.) */.bordercolor{ background-color: #ccc; padding: 0px;}/* This is used on tables that should just have a border around them. */.tborder{}/* Default font sizes: small (8pt), normal (10pt), and large (14pt). */.smalltext{ font-size: x-small; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;}.middletext{ font-size: 90%;}.normaltext{ font-size: small;}.largetext{ font-size: large;}/* Posts and personal messages displayed throughout the forum. */.post, .personalmessage{ width: 100%; overflow: auto; line-height: 1.3em;}/* All the signatures used in the forum. If your forum users use Mozilla, Opera, or Safari, you might add max-height here . */.signature{ width: 100%; overflow: auto; padding-bottom: 3px; line-height: 1.3em;}/* Sometimes there will be an error when you post */.error{ color: red;}/* definitions for the main tab, active means the tab reflects which page is displayed */.maintab_first, .maintab_back, .maintab_last, .maintab_active_first, .maintab_active_back, .maintab_active_last{ color: #a1a1a1; text-transform: lowercase; vertical-align: top;}.maintab_back, .maintab_active_back{ color: #a1a1a1; text-decoration: none; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: top; padding: 2px 2px 6px 2px; font-family: tahoma, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;}.maintab_first{ display: none;}.maintab_back{}.maintab_last{ display: none;}.maintab_active_first{ display: none;}.maintab_active_back{ background: #555;}.maintab_active_last{ display: none;}/* how links behave in main tab. */.maintab_back a:link , .maintab_back a:visited{ color: #a1a1a1; text-decoration: none;}.maintab_active_back a:link , .maintab_active_back a:visited{ color: #87f2fD; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: 2px;}.maintab_back a:hover, .maintab_active_back a:hover{ text-decoration: overline;}/* definitions for the main tab, active means the tab reflects which page is displayed */.mirrortab_first, .mirrortab_back, .mirrortab_last, .mirrortab_active_first, .mirrortab_active_back, .mirrortab_active_last{ color: #a1a1a1; text-transform: lowercase; vertical-align: top;}.mirrortab_back, .mirrortab_active_back{ color: #a1a1a1; text-decoration: none; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: top; padding: 6px; font-family: tahoma, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;}.mirrortab_first{ display: none;}.mirrortab_back{}.mirrortab_last{ display: none;}.mirrortab_active_first{ display: none;}.mirrortab_active_back{ background: #555;}.mirrortab_active_last{ display: none;}/* how links behave in main tab. */.mirrortab_back a:link , .mirrortab_back a:visited{ color: #a1a1a1; text-decoration: none;}.mirrortab_active_back a:link , .mirrortab_active_back a:visited{ color: #fff; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: 2px;}.mirrortab_back a:hover, .mirrortab_active_back a:hover{ text-decoration: overline;}/* The AJAX notifier */#ajax_in_progress{ background: #32CD32; color: white; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt; padding: 3px; width: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0;}#topl{ background: url(images/img/leftbg.jpg) no-repeat;}#topr{ background: url(images/img/rightbg.jpg) top right no-repeat;}#botr{ padding: 116px 40px 100px 170px;}#bodyarea{ padding: 20px; overflow: auto;}#footerarea{ padding: 10px; border: solid 1px #bbb; background: #f8f8fa; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto 10px auto; text-align: center;}#header{ margin: 0 auto 0 auto; background: url(images/back.jpg) repeat-x white;}h1{ margin: 0 auto 0 auto; padding: 0; background: black;}/* Navigation */#nav-one{ float: right; margin-right: 1em;}.nav, .nav ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;}.nav { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index: 99; position: relative;}.nav li { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 15px; background: url(images/menuleft.jpg) top left no-repeat; position: relative;}.nav li a, .nav li a:link, .nav li a:active, .nav li a:visited { color: #BEBEBE; font: 1em/25px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; display: block; padding: 3px 15px 0 0px; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration: none; background: url(images/menuright.jpg) top right no-repeat; height: 50px; font-weight: bold;}* html .nav li a{ width: 1%;}.nav li a:hover{ color: white;}.nav li.chosen { background: url(images/menuleft_active.jpg) top left no-repeat;}.nav li a.chosen, .nav li a.chosen:link, .nav li a.chosen:active, .nav li a.chosen:visited { color: white; background: url(images/menuright_active.jpg) top right no-repeat;}ul#second{ position: absolute; z-index: 100; right: 10em; top: 110px; list-style: none;}* html ul#second{ top: 122px; list-style: none;}ul#second li{ float: left;}ul#second li a{ background: #F1F2F4; border: solid 1px #bbb; border-right: none; display: block; padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px; font-size: 0.9em;}ul#second li a:hover, ul#second li a.chosen{ background: #445; text-decoration: none; color: white; border: solid 1px #000; border-right: none;}#linktree{ font-size: 0.9em; margin: 0.5em 1em 0 3em;}#spellingForm, .popupText{ background: #fff;}.clearblocks{ overflow: auto;}* html .clearblocks{ height: 1%;}/* some styles for articles */.bloczone h1{ background: none; font-size: 18px; font-weight: normal; padding: 5px 0 5px 0; margin: 5px 0 5px 0; border-bottom: solid 1px #bbb;}.bloczone h2{ background: none; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 0 5px 0; margin: 5px 0 5px 0; border-bottom: solid 1px #bbb;}.bloczone h3{ background: none; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 0 5px 0; margin: 5px 0 5px 0;}.bloczone p.header2{ padding: 5px 0 5px 0; margin: 5px 0 5px 0;}.bloczone .infobox ul{ list-style: none; padding: 10px; margin: 0; font-size: 11px; width: 320px;}.bloczone .infobox ul li{ background: url(images/TPdivider.gif) 4px 2px no-repeat; padding-left: 16px;}.bloczone .infobox ul.tpnews li{ background: url(images/tpgoto.gif) 0 2px no-repeat; padding-left: 16px;} the main thing i want is to know how to make those tabs. and a breakdown of what everything means would be cool to, because W3Schools doesnt explain everything, i just get the fundamentals of it, i dont know what everything relates to.
  4. i would forget about it because it was probably just to avoid embarassment. just live on and ask her out. that would probably be the best thing to do. because the worst thing that can happen is she says no.
  5. im like this too. i over think things, then it feels like they dont like me. but i think that it is the second part of what i said before. because her friends may know she likes you, and when she sent the email she knew she would get teased if she sent it to you as well, so she probably did it seperatly for that reason. if you are so troubled over it, i would ask her if it means that much, but then she might think your obsessed with her.
  6. In this guide i will explain what camping is and how to effectively do it. What is camping? Camping is an unofficial state in the game where the player gains population, trains them into miners, and gets more population. its as simple as that. the whole point of it being to gain population and money at the same time without, yes without, attacking. How do you go about camping? Well, you can camp at any level, however, most do it at lower levels. To start, you must create a character. (Dark Throne) after you have created a character, then go to the recruiter. which is located under the community tab on the top of the page. once your in the recruiter, you hit the big button that says start recruiting or join the recruiter. then go through the recruiter. there are auto recruiters and multi-frame recruiters available externally, but i am not providing any. In the recruiter, you get 350 clicks a day, which give you credits. those credits are used for citizens, you dont exchange them, you are given them automatically throughout the day. you can get 250 citizens maximum from the recruiter everyday. meaning you have 100 extra credits. those extra credits get saved so that if you do this every day, and then you cant for a day or more, then you dont have to worry about it. you may want to get to a higher level, such as 3 or 7 to get mercenary camps and houses which are purchase seperately. to get mercenary camps, go to the battle tab, then mercenaries. for houses, go to the structures tab the housing. At around 0:00 everday in Dark Throne time, you recieve you citizens from housing and mercenaries become available for purchase. mercenaries come pre-trained, but can be untrained and trained into miners. When camping, it is recommmended that you train all your citizens into miners, so that while you are camping, you still get money. with 2k miners, i get 4.4 million every day. and thats only 2k miners. my goal is to get to 15k. you can upgrade your mine at level 11 to a coal mine, but that is not recommended. just stay around level 4 or 7. You repeat the recruiter every day, get your mercenaries and citizens from housing and train them all into miners, until your reach whatever population you wish. this may take a while, but it is worth it in the end. The Clickmaster: another way to get population is the recruit link you get with your account. if you are in an alliance, most have a clickmaster, which they explain. submit your link to the person in charge of the clickmaster, and you can recieve up to 25 citizens a day from that. i hope this has helped people.
  7. I am here to explain dark throne, a great, semi-addicting game, that give you something to do when there is nothing else. it is currently in its omega testing, but soon a public release will come out, called Dark Throne Silver i believe. I play the Beta and Omega versions. Overview: The object is to become the best, obviously, which is achievable through lots of work. but a synopsis of the game also. Difference between Beta and Omega: The beta version is the second version of Dark Throne. it is simple to use, and very fun. The beta version is different from Omega because of level requirments. In beta, anything in the armory is available at all time, in Omega, you must buy armory upgrade that become available as you level and upgrade your fortification. Also, in Beta, all different classes available, are available right away. In Omega, they are achieved through upgrades. In Beta, beserkers are only available to the undead, in Omega, they are available to all. however, that might change. The game is pretty easy to understand. you get 2 turns every 30 minutes, and turns are only used to attack. everything else is "free", but it may cost money. Spying: Spying is done by having a good spy offense by buying things from the armory and training spies. veteran spies cant be sent on missions, so having about 30-50 spies is good (most you can send on assassination and infiltration is 30, 10 for plain spying). you also have a spy defence, which sentinels and sentries are responsible for. also, things from the armory can be purchased in order to raise the spy defense. Attacking/defending: Offense is a big thing, defense, not so much. most players of dark throne concentrate on offense, while having little defense. a good rule is your level x 2 should equal your offense. Different things are available for offense and defense. up until level 23, you can only get things from the armory, but at level 23, you can buy battle upgrades such as the steed and guard tower. buying the best things possible is best. it is better to buy a few of the best things rather than a lot of the worst things. when you attack, the higher level you are, the less gold you are probably going to get from an attack. that seems like a paradox, but people bank more gold at higher levels. so when you are below level 10, attack people with 120 million+ and at 15 100 million+ and so on. Alliances: Part of Dark Throne is having an alliance that can offer protection, friendship, and help. i am part of an alliance called the Silver_Wolves. i am basically the webmaster because right now i am designing the website and things like that with a team of fellow wolves. but thats just me. most alliances have a forum and a clickmaster. a clickmaster is a web page that has recruit links of people in your alliance and you go through them, save the text (such as you have increased *******'s population to 23834) and then it saves how many clicks you have given and recieved. Those are the basics of Dark Throne, obviously, it gets more complicated as you go on, but not much more. i will start releasing guides on different ways to play.
  8. i use opera mainly, until something like a javascript page stops me, then i switch to IE for that, but right now i am on opera. i think they have a portable version. ill check into it.
  9. Preface: this trick was taught to me by a friend. it is not that hard, but the results are amazing. it seriously looks like you made fire! Materials: Zippo or equivalent fingers a completely calm, well lit area (no wind, lots of light, inside works best) Warning: This can hurt because the zippo gets hot! so be careful and let it cool down for a couple minutes every once in a while. also, dont do it too many times at a party (idealy, once will do the trick) and dont do it in the dark! only in the light unless you want to get figure out! Procedure: Setup: 1. Open the lighter and bend the wick a little bit towards one of the back cornors of the lighter. 2. make sure the area your in is completely calm and lit up so the trick works and you dont get figured out. Doing the trick: 1. Light the lighter 2. Dampen your finger if you do not have a high pain tolerance or if you cant take a little heat 3. Guide your pointer finger along the top metal part of the wick housing, your finger should touch the metal and go through the fire. do this from front to back. doing this pushes the flame into the back corner of the lighter, so it is a small blue flame that is invisible in the light unless you know what you are looking for. the reason for no wind is that, when the the air starts flowing around the flame, it shoots back up. 4. if the flame is in the back corner of the lighter, and it looks as if it is out, then do a cool motion to bring it back. the motion should move the air around a little bit, but not too much. my favorite thing to do is just snap or push at the lighter, but dont hit it. doing this moves the air around and the flame looks as if it started from no where and as if your magic. if you push too much air, it doesnt work, and if you dont move enough air, it doesnt come back. so practice this so you get it perfect and make sure no one breathes or anything on the lighter, it has to be perfectly calm. 5. you look llike your a magician because you spawned fire! dont do it too many times in a row as the metal will get hot and people might figure it out, but most likely not! Why this Works: When you push the flame towards the back of the lighter, it makes it into a very small flame that is not visible unless you know what you are looking for and is there until the air moves around it to bring it back to full strenght. By making a move at the flame, such as snapping your fingers or pushing at it, it moves air around and the flame gets back to full strength, looking like you are magic and you spawned fire! its a really awesome trick that will shock most people and leave them asking "how the **** did you do that?!?!?!" but keep it a secret! if you have questions, feel free to ask and i will be happy to explain!
  10. if your going to have a game that actually is interactive, use c++ or java. i have made games in java, and they are quite nice. c++ is harder to learn, but has many more possiblities. so i suggest c++. theoretically you could make a game in any language, but using php for a game doesnt make the game sound interesting. flash is pretty common, but that is for simple games because games with many variables would take way too much time in flashusing c++ would allow you to have a better looking game, especially if its interactive, like WoW or Guild Wars, and it can be tied into databases easily, so if it is web based, you can have them register for the whole site, then have the game use that username and password by retrieving it from the database.java, however, is pretty simple. its an easy language to learn, and from what i have been told, learning java, then c# then c++ is good, because that makes it 100x easier to learn, but maybe a bit longer. java can be used like c++, but integration into login systems is a bit more complicated. it has the same capabilities as c++, but with limitations. c++ allows for more variables with less coding, while java is good for a game that doesnt have many results from one thing happening.thats my 2 cents. overall meaning use c++, but the best way to learn is to start with java, maybe make a game in java, then go to c#, make a game in c#, then c++ and with your end result the game you want. you could also make the same game in the 3 different languages and see which you like better. you could cut out c# because its basically the middleman between java and c++
  11. their site is disgusting. everything is just there, nothing flows. it looks as if the person who made is just did it in like 10 mins, then hosted it. i think anyone here with knowledge of html could make a better site than that. and 12 mb of diskspace for 9.99 a month, i could get a domain and bettter hosting for cheaper than that. that is possibly the most misleading url in the world.
  12. im going to try this on my site. but after i get everything setup, i will create an area using this script. its really easy to follow and very good. thanks for this.
  13. once i get my site setup, im gonna try this. it looks really good!
  14. my favorites are Guster, Jack Johnson, State Radio, RHCP. i like the chill kind of music. oh yea, bob marley is great too.
  15. i guess thats good for you. good luck with being an uncle. i cant think of anything else to say, lol.
  16. was the email different at all than the other one? otherwise she may just not want her friends to think she likes you. most people will take a small gesture such as sending an email about caring about you as a gesture of love.
  17. thanks a bunch. i looked at it, and that should work, im gonna test it after i get back from my trip. now i just need help with the login system, unless that is included in the CMS.
  18. well, html would be fine, unless your having people upload videos and photos and info. as for flash, well, if its just flash games, the html will work, but if your site is going to be in flash, then you need to script parts of it in flash, which can be added into html or php scripts.
  19. i am designing a site for my alliance for the game Dark Throne. and i want some content to be availabe to members of the alliance only, and other content to be available to people with a certain rank within the alliance.i know this should be somewhat simple, but i am not that sure how to do it. my idea for the website is just have basic info about the alliance available to everyone, then news about the alliance and member lists and other things like that available to every alliance member, then things such as the strike team, diplomat team, and special areas like that, only available to certain people. now this all ties into the forum, which is going to be IPB or SMF, which is where the ranks will be gotten from. but i want the login system to be tied into the forum login system, so if your logged into the site, your logged into the forum as well. and then the system needs to also get the ranks and that opens different areas of the website according to their rank.i dont need someone to write the code for me, eventhough it might come to that at points, i just want someone to guide me because in the design team i am the only one that really knows any web design, and PHP defiantely isnt my strong point, eventhough i tried to learn it once, i am still trying.so if you can help, that would be great. just tell me how to contact you.
  20. yea, didnt think about HD video and games. just music and stuff. forgot about how much HD takes up. that would still be a lot of stuff on the hard drive tho.
  21. looks really good. i like how real everything looks and how its like a whole picture, unlike most other graphic designers, you actually made everything flow. most graphic designers just have a render, then put in random things and try to make it look good. this is actually a very intricate sig and it is really good.
  22. i believe that nobody could fill a 4 TB hard drive. even 1 TB, that is so much space. another thing i have read is that holographic devices for storage are coming into view because they found a way to rewrite the drive, because before it was permanent. but wow, 4 TB, i would pay to see someone fill that with stuff.
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