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Posts posted by varalu

  1. @serverph


    Thanks for the solution you gave. It works perfectly.


    But i thought i will share what i do. For all the people here... Yes guys. It can be done.

    In my way ...i would say..very easily.


    This is what i do when i need to embed an image in my mail. I use Blogger


    Step by Step

    Many must be aware that you can embed images in your blogs. So...just use that feature to send mail So..simple.


    1. Go to your blog --> Settings tab

    2. Under settings tab goto --> Email tab

    3. There will be "BlogSend Address" and in that text box enter your email Address.

    4. save changes and come out of it.


    Mailing procedure

    1. Draft the mail that you have to send as a post in your blog. attach images or do whatever you want.

    2. Publish the post once you have finished it.

    3. This will be sent as mail to the inbox of the mail ID supplied by you...

    4. You can use this mail...the image will e embedded in that.


    And i guess the blog post will be a waste...so you can go ahead and delete that post of yours...

    So simple... isn't it??

  2. Making money online is so easy....


    Heard of payperpost??

    In payperpost.com you get paid for blogging. We can write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing our opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Ofcourse there are certain things as agreement that you have to follow. First you sign up and register your blog and this gets approved then you start posting for advertisers... then you get paid... No that easy...huh... but nothing is easy.


    There are more services like this coming up online.


    Two more new services that are similar to the PayPerPost (pay for blog posts) have announced their launch recently. They are ReviewMe and CreamAid.


    Review me is very similar to that of payperpost. If you are already in payperpost you wont find it difficult to use reviewme.

    But CreamAid is a bit different. There is no signup required here.. there are conversations that are present in their home page... you can involve yourself in conversations and start blogging about that particular topic and submit that post of yours to the widget that has all the reviews. If your post gets selected you will be paid some royalty points via Paypal.


    CreamAid also has some referral points if posts are submitted via your widget. Easy stuff.. :rolleyes:






  3. Yes, there's a test and if you fail you'll be sent to Siberia. Unless you're from Siberia, then you'll just be hit with a cricket bat.


    How about:


    for (0 to halfway through string) {  push letter onto stack}is_palindrome = truefor (halfway through string to end of string) {  if letter != (pop letter from stack)	 is_palindrome = false	 end for loop  }}

    Or, if you want to save your typing fingers and know some perl, use this comparison:


    (substr($str,0,length($str)/2) eq reverse(substr($str,-length($str)/2)))


    Thats an very good algorithm.

    And your perl thing is good.


    More solutions:


    The Solution to this problem is using a tree called Suffix tree. Using the suffix tree most of the string related problems can be solved.


    The following problems can be solved using suffix tree in O(n) .

    1. Longest Repeated Substring

    2. Longest Common Substring

    3. Palindromes.


    go through this link




    Im not able to understand the Suffix tree construction part. If someone can explain me it ll be useful.

  4. Write an algorithm to check whether a given string is palindrome or not in time complexity O(n)


    What is a palindrome??

    A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that has the property of reading the same in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted). Composing literature in palindromes is an example of constrained writing. The word "palindrome" was coined from Greek roots palin (πάλιν; "back") and dromos (δρ?μος; "way, direction") by English writer Ben Jonson in the 1600s. The actual Greek phrase to describe the phenomenon is karkinik? epigraf? (καρκινική επιγραφή; crab inscription), or simply karkini?oi (καρκινιήοι; crabs), alluding to the backward movement of crabs, like an inscription which can be read backwards.

    Make a note that the solution has to be in O(n).

  5. Give an algorithm to reverse a linked list with a time complexity of O(n) and minimal space complexity.


    What is a linked list?

    Search Xisto.com. i Have already answered this question in one of my older questions.



    Solution 1

    Here is one simple solution...

    Void ReverseList(node* head){	node *temp,*current,*result;	temp=null;	result=null;	current=head;	while(current!=null)	{		temp=current->next;		current->next=result;		result=current;		current=temp;	}   head=result;

    The above was suggested by my friend. But i guess we still have some problems in the above code and can be refined more.

    Do post back with better ideas and solutions.

  6. Hi Pointybirds...

    Your solution works for trees that are exactly the same. But structurally same also means that the sub-tree can also be the same... So we have to do some changes in your algorithm...may be instead of passing the root to both the trees...the node which has the probability of becoming a structurally sam ecan be passed.

    Here is one solution suggested by one of my friends.

    bool checksimilarity(node *p1, node *p2){	  		if (checkequal (p1, p2))			 return true;		if (checksimilarity(p1->left, p2))			 return true;		if (checksimilarity(p1->right, p2))			 return true;		return false;}

    bool checkequal(node *p1, node *p2){	   //checks whether the two nodes are pointing to null	   if (p1 == null && p2 == null)				return true;	   //checks whether the two nodes in the trees are not pointing to another node.	   //If they are not pointing, then the similarity of the tree goes wrong. so, return false.	   if ((p1 == null && p2 != null) || (p1 != null && p2 == null)				return false;	   //The trees are similar till this node, so check for their left and right subtrees.	   return (checkequal(p1->left, p2->left) && checkequal(p1->right, p2->right));}

    No additional space required.
    Time complexity O(nlogn).

    This piece of code works good in all case... do post your comments.

  7. Yep... yes to your question.I get many spam to my mail.. NO denying on that. but i know the reason why...Because i have been using gmail for over the past 4 years as my primary mail account and its there everywhere....But also i don get any spam to my inbox...its all there ready to delete on a single click inside the "Spam label"...so why do you think you have to worry about that if its in the proper place...And in the first place gmail or any provider cannot prevent spam. They are not spammers i believe.Also almost all (99.99%) of all the spams are filtered properly. Only in the last few months i have been receiving one or 2 spam mails to my inbox. I guess that will too vanish in the future. Gmail is a very good service.

  8. One of the best places is obviously here at Xisto. You get hosted for free and get a load of features. The reliability is great, and you're part of this community. However, you do have to post to keep your hosting. If that's not for you, you've got two more choices. First you can try Qupis. Its pretty much the same as Xisto but with a small text ad at the bottom. If you are willing to pay for your hosting, try Xisto - Web Hosting.

    Absolutely no second word from me.. I go with rvalkass.

    I have been using Xisto for over the past 1 month. i like their service and they are good.
    I would strongly recommend them.

  9. Well, I don't know, but I have made some tests, here you go:IE 7 - opened 1 window - 19 MB RAM
    Mozilla Firefox - opened 1 window - 9 MB RAM

    Something similar is the Page File usage.
    Also, I have noticed that IE 7 starts slower than Mozilla Firefox. I don't know why you issued that :rolleyes:

    But ZAMO... my mention was regarding the memory usage.
    Please go to task manager and see the memory occupied by both IE and Firefox. Then you will know the difference. Some other processes may starve memory because of this behaviour though i do not have any proofs for this.

    But definitely firefox consumes so much of memory....whenever firefox runs that will be the process consuming so much of memory.

  10. Given two binary trees, find out whether a tree is structurally same to the other.

    Structurally same means that the two trees look alike or a tree looks alike a subtree of the other tree.


    Look for time and space complexity.



    Some more for readers

    What is a binary tree?

    A binary tree is made of nodes, where each node contains a "left" pointer, a "right" pointer, and a data element. The "root" pointer points to the topmost node in the tree. The left and right pointers recursively point to smaller "subtrees" on either side. A null pointer represents a binary tree with no elements -- the empty tree. The formal recursive definition is: a binary tree is either empty (represented by a null pointer), or is made of a single node, where the left and right pointers (recursive definition ahead) each point to a binary tree.


    post-50968-1193484596_thumb.gifA "binary search tree" (BST) or "ordered binary tree" is a type of binary tree where the nodes are arranged in order: for each node, all elements in its left subtree are less-or-equal to the node (<=), and all the elements in its right subtree are greater than the node (>). The tree shown above is a binary search tree -- the "root" node is a 5, and its left subtree nodes (1, 3, 4) are <= 5, and its right subtree nodes (6, 9) are > 5. Recursively, each of the subtrees must also obey the binary search tree constraint: in the (1, 3, 4) subtree, the 3 is the root, the 1 <= 3 and 4 > 3. Watch out for the exact wording in the problems -- a "binary search tree" is different from a "binary tree".


    The nodes at the bottom edge of the tree have empty subtrees and are called "leaf" nodes (1, 4, 6) while the others are "internal" nodes (3, 5, 9).

    For more about binary trees... Please follow the below links:




  11. Come on guys... Do not blame others.Life is always what you make it.. that suits Xisto too...If you don't find something interesting...you should take charge and create something interesting.Question yourself...What have you done to create good topics??why are you expecting others to post good topics??why am i not creating any good topics??Every good topic that you create is going to make some difference here... Also there are always people present to help good things happen... so go ahead and so something rather than blaming others and yourself...

  12. yep...

    Adblock is really a nice piece of addon. Makes you happy when you are online by blocking all unwanted ads.

    I think the foxmarks is a extension which most meet my require.it can keep bookmarks same in diffrent computer.

    Though i have never used foxmarks... it seems interesting. Going to use from now on.... lets see how it turns out to be...
    will post more about foxmarks soon...

    Link for foxmarks: http://www.xmarks.com/

  13. Here are some addictive flash games online....

    1. Budapest Defenders

    2. Puzzle Game

    The above content was already posted by me in Xisto.


    But i started to come across many flash games online. So i thought i will start a separate topic on that, so that other members can also post new flash game links here.


    Here is a game that i recently came across.

    A word of caution: its very addictive. :P



    Yet another ball game here...



    Do post flash game link that you come across...

    These are best online time killers.



    Also note that you should not post gaming sites just like that. Example do not give links like the below...







    All the above links will be easily available in google searches. So post only very good specific game links that you feel are worth.


    Also Feedbacks about the games are welcome. !!!

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