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Posts posted by Vyoma

  1. Hey Opaque! Great to hear that Xisto - Web Hosting is doing good. I recommended it anytime some one asked my recomendation for webhost. I would tell them - "Look, I got a Free Host, and their service is great. At the very least, even their paid service would be as good."(Ofcourse, that would lead me to explain them, when to go for a Free Host option and when to go for Paid Host - that is when they do not have time/energy to spend on the forum).I think I will be shifting to Xisto - Web Hosting soon. I still have about 3 months worth credit stacked up here at Xisto. So, if all goes according to plans (you never know ;) ), I will be hosting my sites over at Xisto - Web Hosting servers. ;)Anyway, I am glad too that the ads are off. Some ads seemed not to be office friendly, that too lately. I avoided visiting the forums when I was at office and only visited it when I was at home. Now, it is great, clean and sleek - that too, after the forum upgrade.Again, I would not mind if you had to put ads back on the forum. I could live with that.

  2. ... it in vector. Adding the green color to the stems really sort of turns the heart into a vase whereas in mine the flowers/vines sort of seem to be spurting out form the heart as blood would. It really adds a different feel to the image....


    Oops! Seems like the intent was lost in translation. ;)

    I could have made the green to be red or at least, have it sprout as read and gradually turn to brown and then green. It did not cross my mind that they are growth/sprouts out of hear. ;)


    ... It would be interesting to do a sort of community art peice, where everyone sort of adds on to the same project and to see how it would evolve and change.


    Yeah sure we can. If not anything, it will give us the satisfaction on working together and also hone our skills.


    foolakadugie, do you have a blog or website. I am thinking of putting it up at my blog (Splat), where, of course, I would give the credit on concept to you. I would also link to you if you give me the URL on where to link.

  3. The work at my job did extend that I could not work on it yesterday.

    But today ;), I have been able to work on it.


    Here is a direct translation of the work:

    Posted Image


    It was a good learning experience working on foolakadugie's original concept/artwork that can be found in the first post of this thread.


    As I said earlier, I will be trying another piece of work, seeking inspiration from his work. I will try to bring in my own composition, color combinations, mood and interpretation, and try and execute it with vector art.


    Again, I must give my due thanks to foolakadugie, Randy Hutchins, for letting me work on this artwork that is based on his original concept.

  4. Well, I will be actually doing it on two fronts foolakadugie.


    One, I will just try out a vector art impelementation of your artwork itself. It will be definetly nothing but copying, I know, but it will help me study the curves and colors. It will be for my own practice, but I will post it here in this thread itself. ;) There will be nothing of my own in it, other than the conversion work, that I can call my own, and obviously I will give the credit to you.


    As another piece of work, I have been thinking and doodling around on another concept (that is ofcourse a fork from this one), and this particular piece of work you would be a spark of inspriation in that process. I have been thinking of some more ideas, in terms of some duality that can occur on a person, that I will put in this second work I am talking about. I would again, definetly credit you on the original concept. (But hey! For this one, I will try to stake out as much credit for myself as possible. ;) ;) )


    I hope today's work at my job does not eat up a lot of my time and energy - I am looking forward to work on this.

  5. Thanks. I have thought about whether I should have put more detail in the flowers and I haven't completely made a decision on it yet. I suppose I could always add it in digitally. The heart does look kind of separate from the flowers I guess due to the difference in detail. Their are a few reasons why I did do it how I did though. First, I wanted it to have a sort of messy splattery quality like the paint and was hesitant in making it too busy with the splatters and details. The other reason was that it was a last minute project that I made ON valentines day and was in sort of a rush. I like combining different styles together and using mixed media/materials so the difference in styles is sort of part of my aesthetic tastes ;)


    thanks for the comments and critiques!


    Yes, you can always add more details. That is the flexibility we have when we are working digitally. And I do know how it is when we start to work on something and we feel there is a lot we can do, but we need to do it with in a particular time. ;)

    Hey, foolakadugie, would it be fine if I tried illustrating this using vector art? I like the concept.

  6. Amazing concept.


    Even if the illustration of the heart was not delivered with such finesse I would have liked the concept itself.


    foolakadugie, it might have looked good if you gave a little bit detail to the flowers and vines. I do not know - may be you did not have a large enough paper to put in the details - OR - you wanted to keep the collage-style.


    Anyway, a well executed piece. I have an impulse to create a vector art based on this. ;)

  7. Looks good Vyoma, and it's nice to see that you're really getting into vector art and doing many things with it. Yes I agree the lighting is nice, and I like how you've tried a more simplistic, but very colourful approach to this picture. I like the border to the picture as well. The roundness makes it really appealing and fun to look at, not to mention I think it makes the whole thing more eye-catching.


    Good stuff. ;)


    Hey, thanks leafbunk. ;) I am almost becoming a vector art addict. I am trying to do an illustration for each and every post at my blog, either written by me, or the others in the team.


    Another great illustration! I like the angular style and you did a nice job with the lighting on the guys body. I really love the gradient in the sky. Great contrast and use of figure-ground. The only thing that I find a little odd is the brown shape above the fire. Is that smoke or tepees in the background? i think it is a little ambiguous.


    Thanks, foolakadugie. I tried a little research with the color-balance lesson you gave me for the other "Geese Formation" work. And yes, I was a bit stumped with that brown shape above the fire... I was actually trying to portray the play of light on the bush in the background, so that I can give a bit of depth to it. It did not work out well though.... ;) May be I should have gone for some fragmented angular shapes to render the bush leaves itself. Anyway, I did not have much time, and I wanted to have some illustration for the above mentioned blog post.

  8. Well, a little bit more on what the Logo would represent, would be helpful.


    For example, is it something along the lines - "a team of special effect specialists" or something like that?


    Well, few minutes with my Inkscape copy gave me this:

    Posted Image


    I did not color it yet, as I am not sure even if it is required - because as I said earlier it all depends on the theme.


    If you like it you can take it. If you want the SVG file, just let me know.

  9. Lately, I have been thinking on moving from the Wordpress engine to Drupal engine.I already have a Drupal engine (4.7) running at my root. (http://www.example.com/) and I have my blog running in a subfolder (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).Now, here is why I think I should be moving my Wordpress blog into Drupal:- Both my site and the blog, deals with providing articles and content- Though, posts and writeups are a bit fast moving on the blog, they are rather timeless, and according to my pipeline - I would use them to make in depth articles/content at my site.- I can have better user integration (I have three others with me who write for the blog and for the site), and hence will be easier on the workflow.- I do not need the intesive features of a specific blog engine (like Wordpress) other than reverse chronological ordering and commenting (both of which can be handled by Drupal's modules).What are your suggestions/opnions on this?Both, in terms of generic workflow, and also in terms of the specific Wordpress to Drupal migration.

  10. OK. I seemed to have found a neat solution to the problem. For record, I thought I would share it with the members here.


    It is nothing along the lines I describe above. The solution lies in a Open Source Free Desktop Publishing (DTP) Software, Scribus. (https://www.scribus.net/scribus-1-4-6-released/)


    It can import SVG, and it can export to PDF. It can do more, but I will leave that to you - you can check it out at their website.


    Here is a test PDF I generated. The artwork had been done earlier by me for a blog post, and the text is just the generic 'lorem ipsum' text to give it a genuine feel.


    It can be found at: dead

    It is a small file 111kB that has two pages. Check it out - it comes out pretty professional, if you have the knack for it.

  11. Hey Aribitrary, yes, indeed, I can do it with use of Catergories. I mean, if I choose the category archival link, only the post in that comes. But the issue is that I want it to be displayed in a different site all together.For example, say I have a site ABC.com that is the root blog, and has all the blog posts.Next, I have another two domains, C1.com and C2.com that should pull blog posts from specific categories from ABC.com blog. Is this possible?

  12. Yes, indeed. The good old days of DOS. :)


    I did try out few more things, like the actual monitor screen with some fictitious logo and all, so that I would have a monitor with "FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT" and a prompt on it, instead of just the screen after FoRsAkEn's comments. I just could not get all the details properly visible in that image resolution. So, I dropped the idea and stuck to the original.

  13. OK. Here is something that I am trying to achieve.

    I want to make a PDF document. The document would contain several pages. That is, it would be a multi-page PDF.

    I would design each of these pages with Inkscape, which has a capability of saving each page as a SVG (W3C standard). Incidentally, it also has the capability of saving a page as a PDF - but it would be just that - a single page PDF. I would not be able to make it a multi-page document, and hence I would not be able to save it as a multi-page PDF. This also rules out the possibility of using PDF printers, where you may print from any application and the output would be made into a PDF.

    Hence, I was scanning the net for 'multi-page PDF from multiple SVG documents'. I would design each page of the intended multi-page PDF document in Inkscape, and save it as a SVG document. And I was looking for a technique or software (a opensource one) that would allow me to string these SVG documents and create a multi-page PDF.

    I did not get much, but I ran into a mailing-list archive page. An Antonio Broughton seemed to have had a similar requirement, and 'Don Adams' seemed to have a solution that goes somewhat half way through.

    Don says,

    I have each SVG file referenced in amediaobject element like this:

    <imagedata align="left" fileref="whatever.svg" format="SVG"/>

    DocBook XML can be transformed into FO using the
    docbook-xsl open-source stylesheets.

    I assume the DocBook XML is a standard, and can be converted to a PDF document. I searched the net again, but I could not find anything. I did find something on DocBook XML at the RedHat site (link). I could not find a utility that would convert a DocBook XML to PDF for Windows (and preferably an opensource).

    To effect, I would like to know if there is any software (free/open source) for windows that converts multiple SVG documents to multi-page PDF?

    Else, from the method above, if there is a software (again free/opne source) for windows that converts a DocBook XML article to PDF, that would be helpful too.
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