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Posts posted by Vyoma

  1. Can anyone point me to some documentation that details me on setup of a CVS server?


    I need to setup a CVS repository on a Sun Unix system with following specs:


    Machine hardware: sun4v

    OS version: 5.10

    Processor type: sparc

    Hardware: SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200

    Any details on which specific version of CVS I should get, the setups (env variables) I need to setup, any ports I need to setup, would be much appreciated. (Or even links to documentations).


    I did try to use Google, but seems like my Google skills have lost its touch. ^_^

  2. Since I decided to jump back into contributing to a Open Source project, (deviating a little bit from my art explorations), I come back to my trusted webmaster community. ^_^Premise: I am working on getting in shape, a Webcomic module for Drupal. It is in pretty crude format, and I would like your views and suggestions w.r.t the requirements a webcomic module would have.What would you want in a Webcomic module of a CMS?Anything from a one-liner to a detailed requirement documents is greatly appreciated as it would help me in giving direction to the design and development of that module.

  3. I know I have been a bit absent after getting a Xisto - Web Hosting account, but I am still a member here, ain't I? ;)Well, been involved in a Drupal module development, and that got me into IRC. Then I remembered that Xisto has a IRC channel at DalNet - #Xisto. So, just logged in to check - is it only for mods here? Was wondering, if it was only for mods? Is it still alive? ^_^

  4. ...id much rather joomla and their forum modules are way better than the drupal forum.

    ^_^ Well, it seems like Joomla uses SMF integration (but I am not sure about that). If that be the case, then SMF does a way better job than Drupal or Joomla. And I guess, that is the reason for a drive towards the conceptual DrupBB in the Drupal community.

    ...one thing i like about drupal is the default template, i love it! i cant belive they wasted such a good design that youre not exactly gonna see on anyone website. yet the actual drupal website is horrible, lol.

    You mean to say, the Garland theme? That was like the crown theme of Drupal 5. ;) And they have not bothered changing the theme of Drupal.org for ages I guess. ;)

  5. Ah. I know that face book application too. I added it and am fiddling around with it.

    But some time back, I stumbled across Sketchcast.com. It is quite rudimentary and I have been hooked. ;) The best part is, it plays back the process of sketching. ;)

    I have been making a lot many of these sketchcasts (more like artcasts), and atleast it keeps me in practice during heavy work days at my job. ;)

    Here are some (plugs) sketchcasts I made:


  6. Where can I find CC music, preferably Techno or Instrumental genre. I need it so that I can put it in my digital painting videos. Attribution+NonCommercial use should be fine.I would just be putting it as a background music, and I would give full credits to the music artist. You got any ideas? I tried CreativeCommons.org and upon searching, it did not turn up that useful for music. The OWL search was too slow and the sever would not respond.

  7. Wow, it's amazing! :P
    And a good tutorial too! :P

    Thank you Prash. :P

    im no good at "digital" painting, or normal painting for that matter, but, im really good at pixel art (pixel by pixel clicking), and just paint works great for that.
    i never use brushes in any program, photoshop, gimp, paint.net, paint, any of them things ive ever used.

    it would be nice to learn though :P

    Yup - I was involved in Pixel Art for some time. But then, things happened in life - I moved on from art, and when I came back, I started digital painting. :P

  8. Wow, that looks really cool....I am watching the video now to see how you did all of that....


    Wish I was able to do stuff like that though...

    Hey thanks .:Brian:.


    i didnt think the gimp could actually do anything good.

    at first it just looks like a mess but then it comes along well.

    nice job, video is still playing.

    Yes Sten. GIMP has a reputation for that. But I think it is just a matter of familiarity. Use it for doing one or two artworks, and then a workflow that is optimal for you will naturally get sorted out. :P



    Wow! That's awesome. I see that you used a tablet to draw the picture, which would explain how you got the painting to look like an actual painting instead of something drawn with a mouse. Also, what version of GIMP do you use with Windows Vista?


    ...You must have a lot of patience to draw that. Good job.

    I am not sure which version it is. I just had downloaded the latest one some time back.


    Let me check. OK. It is GIMP 2.2. The thing is - I am not concerned about the version. Most of the tools I use for digital painting were there - brushes, smudge, blend, and eraser. That is about it. Since I do not use any other filters or plugins, it does not matter much what version I use. :P


    Yes, tablet helps a bit. But basically we need just lots of practice. For illustration, I posted another of my character digital painting here. That was done majorly with mouse.


    Thanks all.

  9. Done with open-source software too...very nice. Goes to show you don't need to buy a 1000$+ software package to get pretty impressive things done.
    *gives Adobe the finger*

    Ha ha.

    Well - Photoshop does have its own advantages and GIMP has its disadvantages. (I have written about it here). It all depends to what extent we are using it. If it is a hobby and/or we need it for minor work, then there is no reason to shell out $600 on Adobe Photoshop CS3. (And that does not even justify priacy).

    I have heard most people complain about UI of GIMP saying how it is not like Photoshop. But in my opinion, it only how long you use a particular UI that matters - the more you use, the more it becomes common and easy to work with.

  10. Posted Image


    Subject: Pomegranate

    Software: GIMP

    Hardware: PC + Wacom Tablet

    Time: 3 hours on and off


    I know, I know. I have been a bit absent from Xisto - that is because I am working hard on improving my digital painting skills. This is my entry for a weekly workshop at another forum. I was just able to complete it with couple of hours remaining. (This week has been busy).


    Thought I would let you guys in on a 'sneak peek'. :P


    This is a scaled down image. The original image is 1680x1275. (You can it out at the deviantART entry too).

  11. I've done something quite similar few years back. My company need to develop an IE toolbar to translate international domain name. We have 2 choice of programming language, .net or C++. We ended up with C++, cause it's harder to convince users to download a huge 28MB framework just to enable a toolbar. With C++ it's a bit tough to start off. Lucky we found a good tutorial and sample to start with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It's by Erik Thompson, posted on CodeProject. Along in the same article, there's a few more related tutorial linked.


    It serve as a good start for us to write that toolbar. We even have a Chinese Input (pinyin) written into the toolbar. C++ is good for this as it's not dependent on bulky library, and we only use ATL, which comes with Win2K and above. We were using VC6 at that time. Later migrated to VC7 for better code compatibility and stability. It was a pain to migrate as well, but it's worth it. After you get hold of the basic toolbar, the rest is just a matter of programming. The toughest part is only to get the toolbar display in the IE. This is mostly due to CSID and COM involvement, which we're not that expert in. A small mistake in the coding, be it the loading sequence or specific GUID, the toolbar just disappear, with no clue on what's wrong. It takes a lot of troubleshooting skill to get it right.


    If you toolbar is for in house use, or own use, you can consider .net, it's a lot easier.


    Good Luck

    faulty.lee - Thanks a lot for that. It definitely gives me direction to look at.

  12. I need to develop a toolbar for Internet Explorer. Nothing radical. There will be a text box and a button on the toolbar. Whatever is filled in the tool bar needs to be processed and a URL is constructed and page is redirected to that URL when the button is pressed.I tried to get some info on this my lurking over at the MSDN forums but all I got is headache. :PAny one have any clue where I should start looking at a definitive guide for this? I did try searching for this, but nothing relevant came up.

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