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Posts posted by Vyoma

  1. Posted Image


    Demon Trio Project

    These are a set of three paintings I created using combination of Photoshop and GIMP, using Wacom Intuos3 tablet. Attempt was to create three paintings of different monster characters with a same flow of style in terms of form and style.


    I am still trying to find my own style, and I guess one can only get it by doing lot of paintings/artwork.


    Check out the deviantART entries for a full and larger view:






    I wouldn't mind getting critique for these - but I don't think I will be working on these. They were done quite some time back, and I myself think that some things could have been done better.


    (Cross posting what I posted earlier at Xisto.com. Sort of migrating here because want to post more on digital art).

  2. Thanks for the welcome, Running With Scissors and Mich.


    I think I will head out to the GFXTrap section and post some of my recent digital paintings. And not to worry - even though I create those at 300 dpi, I will only post small thumbnails at max and link to my deviantART profile. :lol:

  3. We are preferring to have Customized Order and stressing mainly on Logic Plan. This package is a lot cheaper compared to other packages and also helps us customize and manage the order better.


    I am currently working on Credit System v3.0 and once this program is up, I am expecting a lot of interaction with this new package. Once v3 settles down, I will improve the layout further again.


    In that mean time, I will have more data to build new set of packages like Plan-3s, 7s and 9s which were active before. The current competition in this industry is putting a lot of pressure when it comes to compiling a good package. Logic Plan is something which I m experimenting with and so far the results have been satisfactory.


    I respect your feedback and I understand that a lot of further improvements with respect to packages is required. :lol:



    So, Shree, are you saying I will be able to customize my plan (which is 7S), before the next billing cycle?

    I did have a 3S plan before and I upgraded to 7S because I was about to exceed the bandwidth. I estimate, if my sites grow the same way, I will be requiring more bandwidth, but not much more in terms of space. Will I be able to mix and match things?

  4. Thanks for the welcome, Saint_Michael and Bluebear.


    Another Xisto convert and hey Vyoma, they are pretty the same thing but that forum is related to the gfxtrap website and of course to post in any forum on trap you need to register. Either way if you got stuff to post in there I think people wouldn't mind seeing some faces in the gfx forum.

    Now that I am already a member here, will I be able to post at GFXTrap? That was the question. I registered here at Xisto on 24-Dec-2007 itself (for CH support).


    In terms of posting at a Graphics forum - ah. My profile seems to have changed quite a bit for the past year or so. Earlier, I was more a coder and I did coding in my free time too. Now, too I am a coder for my day job, but dont want to do the same thing in my free time and hence I run an Art Blog - KalaaLog.com. So, I guess I should be having stuff to show.

  5. Hi. I have been a member at Xisto.com for quite a while, using the free hosting there for quite some time before shifting to Xisto - Web Hosting.com - the paid hosting service. Since I shifted to Xisto - Web Hosting.com, seems like it required me to register at Xisto to access the support forums. Not really nosed around here - but been reading around and seems like Xisto is much much larger.

    Just was wondering, and appreciate if anyone would clarify.
    I noticed that here at Xisto, there seems to be this section: The GFXTrap Forum

    And then there is a section at Xisto.com: Art Digital

    What is the difference? Do they just happen to be overlapping topics? Or is it that to post at GFXTrap Forum, you need to register? (I dont think I need to because I am able to post here in the introduction section).

  6. Xisto - Web Hosting went through redesigning. It's bit tricky because we're all used to the old layout.
    Live Support is still available and will not go away. To access the live support, go to:

    Support link > Live Support Chat (bottom right hand corner) and you will see the Live Chat button.

    That is odd - I had stumbled around, and found http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    When I tried contacting them there - they told me that the Live Chat support is only available for customer with VPS accounts. I had to go back and wait on my ticket. :|

  7. I had seen and used the live chat support for trouble with my Xisto - Web Hosting account (earlier 3S and now 7S). Lately when I had trouble, I headed over to Xisto - Support.com and notice that there were no LiveChat link. Is the support now restricted to only HelpDesk? When was this mode of support discontinued? I do not remember getting any mails regarding the issue (might have sunk into GMail spam folder though - no way to know).Any more info on this would be much appreciated.

  8. I came across a use case where I had to create a pool of threads on a server that listens on a Socket. I was planning on implementing a Thread pool myself, which would:

    - Take in requests from the client and queue up
    - A pool of threads would pick up each request Socket instance, handle the request and respond back

    Doing so would decrease the overhead of Thread creation and their associated garbage collection.

    But then, going through documentation, I found the ThreadPoolExecutor (I use Java 1.5). It seemed to be doing all that was required as of the listing above.

    Each of the request processing takes an arbitrary time to respond. I want to put a timeout on each request process, so that when it processes, if it does not finish processing for a specified time, the Socket would be responded with a timeout message. The awaitTermination() method seems to put the timeout on the whole Thread pool and not on the induvidual runnable task.

    How to I have the tasks timeout?
    Is there a way to customize the ThreadPoolExecutor by extending it? Not sure how I can make use of the hook methods like beforeExecute() and afterExecute().

    Any help, suggestions or further documentation is much appreciated.

  9. Does the $* variable allow the the user to enter "/home/user/path" as one variable or will it split it to home, user and path separately per $. Like home being $1, user being $2 and path being $3?


    I am not sure about $* - will need to look it up. But basically, $1, $2 etc refer to argument list passed to the shell script.

    So, if you pass:

    > script.sh "/home/user/path"

    Then, when you say $1, it will be equal to "/home/user/path" - it will not be split up.



    It only lists out the files that are for example in folder 1 but not 2 and vice versa but the list view must be like what ls -l would list so dircmp won't cut it unfortunately...


    Yes, what yordan gave would only list files that are in folder 1 but not in folder 2, and implementing the other would give you the other set too - correct.

    (Is there a dircmp command? Not sure there is something like that). So, if you want the listing to be something like what 'ls -l' would give, just use the result of yordan's solution to get it. ;)


    Instead of what the code (yordan's)

    ...elseecho "folder2/"$i file is missingls -l $i >> /tmp/size_of_the_impacted_filesfi# end of job...
    write it as

    ...elsels -l $i | tail -1fi# end of job...
    The "ls -l $i | tail -1" will give each of the missing file in the "ls -l" form. (It is a bit tricky here- you might want to prefix $i with the folder path it is present in).



    {EDIT} P.S: I think Vyoma's idea is easier to code, let me try that out first ...

    Just try out a code and see if it works - if it does not, post it and we can help. ;)

  10. Based on what xboxrules actually wants, that is, if his answer to my second question was yes:


    Or it should even list out the difference between each files in the two directories?

    Then I think yordan's solution is more elegant. All it needs next, are two things:

    1. List of files in folder2 and not in folder1 - implementation will be exactly same as what yordan wrote

    2. Find out the difference bettween files which are present in both folders - To implement this, in one of the loops, when you deduce that the files are present in both directories, run a 'diff folder1/$i folder2/$i'

  11. Find out the difference between the file listing in two directories? Or it should even list out the difference between each files in the two directories?


    If it is the difference between the file listing, it can be done easily than the other requirement. Here is what I can think top of my mind:


    1. Ensure you are not in the directories that needs to be compared


    cd [path-to-some-temporary-location]


    2. Get the single line file listing of both directories into temporary files


    dir -1 [path/first-directory] > dirlist1

    dir -1 [path./second-directory] > dirlist2


    3. Do a compare between these two:


    diff dirlist1 dirlist2 > difference.txt


    If you want th differences to be printed on scree - ofcourse, remove the redirection to difference.txt


    4. Clean up! ;)


    rm dirlist1 dirlist2


    The difference.txt or the output (if you removed redirection) would list the files which are in the first directory and not in second, and vise versa. Put all these commands in a .bsh with a shebhang at top, change permissions to let appropriate people execute the script, and you are good to go.


    Now, ofcourse, there might be possibility of stuffing all these into one command using pipes and tees (I am lazy to figure out exactly how it can be done).

  12. As Arbitrary said, I am pleased with Chrome's performance, more than the GUI. But I have to wait until they get the Linux port out. I do not want to switch to my Windows Vista boot just for surfing the net.


    As always Google has promised for the Linux port of Chrome, but honestly, I am not sure when they can get it. (I know that we can run Chrome thorugh Wine, but that defeats the purpose of having a Linux OS).

  13. Posted Image


    Demon Trio Project

    These are a set of three paintings I created using combination of Photoshop and GIMP, using Wacom Intuos3 tablet. Attempt was to create three paintings of different monster characters with a same flow of style in terms of form and style.


    I am still trying to find my own style, and I guess one can only get it by doing lot of paintings/artwork.


    Check out the deviantART entries for a full and larger view:






    I wouldn't mind getting critique for these - but I don't think I will be working on these. They were done quite some time back, and I myself think that some things could have been done better.

  14. Thanks for explaining the concepts again - that makes sure that I was on the right track, in terms of tnsname.ora files. As far as the sqlplus command goes, ;) I am more comfortable on the CLI (command line interface) even through a terminal application (like PuTTY), when it comes to short commands and such use cases. The focus currently is on PLSQL development.


    In terms of free - yes ofcourse. ;) There is free as in beer and free as in freedom. Since I am using it in a corporate environment, I for heck do not worry about what they end up paying. I have done my share of advising them to use open source tools/apps/solutions - but after a point - it is their money, I don't care how they spend it. :P


    Coming to why I asked the way I asked in the first post (may be I should have explained a bit more in the first post itself).


    At my day job, they do provide me with a working desktop (which runs on Windows XP) and have given me a TOAD license to use for all my development tasks. The problem is, I like to work on the move, increasing my productivity, and have salvaged one of their older laptops. They are not able to provide me with another TOAD license, and thus, I am thinking of using some other solution to get my work done.


    Thanks again for the detailed feedback and suggestions, yordan. Will surely explore all those possibilities. :P

  15. If you install the full Oracle 9i client (choosing the administrator option from the install menu) you have oem, which is a good alternative to toad. It allows you browsing each user's schema, see all tables, indexes, etc. You choose between a standard user connect or a sdba connect.

    And starting from 10g, this database browser is included in the database server's distro, you reach it through your internet browser at an URL looking like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Also do not forget the isqlplus Oracle facility, which helps a lot.



    Ah - thanks a ton yordan. Not sure why I did not lookup at Oracle. I sure do use the SQLPlus through the Unix box. Those are more than enough to run most SQL commands. It is usually when we need to edit stored procedure/function/package that it becomes cumbersome and we require a schema browser to do the job.


    PS: In terms of remote database, not sure I can use a URL, but I think I can make do with some TNS entries. The databases are residing with in a network and I don't think it is available as URL. (But that should be a small hurdle to figure out).



  16. I was wondering if there were any alternatives to TOAD or PL/SQL Developer that allows you to browse through a database(s), the different schema objects, and perhaps the stored procedure/function/packakge editors.One thing I have tried is to the use the Data Tool Plugins set for my Eclipse but that brings my machine's performance to crawl.One a further note, I am basically looking for Windows environment, with connections to remoate databases.

  17. It has been a long time since I coded in C/C++ and I can't seem to remember the exact mechanism of linking.


    Say, I compiled and linked the source code given at SQLite quickstart guide (C example in Write Programs That Use SQLite) in Linux(Ubuntu) environment:


    g++ -o"SQLiteTest" ./sqlitetest.o -lsqlite3


    It gives me a nice executable SQLiteTest and I can use it on my system.


    But how would it fare when I distribute that code to someone else? Is the libsqlite3.* statically packaged into SQLiteTest? or is it dynamically linked and the recipient of the program need to download the SQLite3 libraries?

  18. Lately, I have started using Eclipse for both my job and the other opensource development projects I am invovled in. It turns out to be good not only for Java development, but also for PHP development (after installling PDT plugins).Getting it installed in my Ubuntu boot, I noticed that there were only Callisto version in the package manager.Anyway, this piqued my curiosity. What are these simaltaneous releases? What is the difference between Callito and Europa releases of Eclipse? Are there any documentations that I can refer to?

  19. Here is a situation I have encountered. I know I can write a custom code to get the job done, but I was wondering if the java.util.Properties class (or something else) had this inbuilt and I was missing it in the documentation.


    Situation: Need to load from a file, a set of values (mutliple values) for an associated single key.


    To illustrate, here is an example:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"><properties>	<entry key="fooA">barA1</entry>	<entry key="fooA">barA2</entry>		<entry key="fooB">barB1</entry></properties>

    The fooB=barB1 is a trivial case in implementing using the Properties class. But what about the multiple case - fooA=[barA1,barA2] ? How do I get them into a HashMap or something?


    Here is a independent code snippet that shows my attempt. It shows the trivial case without any problem.


    import java.util.Properties;import java.io.FileInputStream;public class PropPlay {	/**	 * @param args	 */	public static void main(String[] args) {		System.out.println(" --------------------------------------- ");		System.out.println(" - This is a Java Properties file test - ");		System.out.println(" --------------------------------------- \n");				try {		System.out.println("Loading cfg/propfile.properties");		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("cfg/propfile.properties");		System.out.println("...loaded.\n");				System.out.println("Loading to internal Properties object");		Properties prop = new Properties();		prop.loadFromXML(fis);		System.out.println("...loaded.\n");				System.out.println("Here are the properties:");		prop.list(System.out);				System.out.println("\nGetting properties for fooA: ");		System.out.println(prop.getProperty("fooA"));				} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();			System.out.println("Bailing out!!");		}	}}


    ---------------------------------------  - This is a Java Properties file test -  --------------------------------------- Loading cfg/propfile.properties...loaded.Loading to internal Properties object...loaded.Here are the properties:-- listing properties --fooA=barA2fooB=barB1Getting properties for fooA: barA2

    The one key - multiple values obviously does not work as intended. Any idea how I can get it into a HashMap or some object like that?

  20. Ah - OpaQue. That news section is still what has been when I checked yesterday. No updates seem to be coming through there. :lol:


    I have around 150+ readership community (with around 1000+ general visitors) on one site I host here, and this really is denting on the ad revenue. :)




    Noticed that I am able to login to my cPanel directly by giving IP in the URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The domain names that is parked (and few more addons) are not resolving. ;)

  21. This is regarding the support ticket RZS-462155.I believe all the servers went offline when the upgrade/migration was being performed. Early my morning, I was told that it would return to normal with in 6 hours or so. I checked again and my sites hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting.com ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , kalaalog.com and couple more) are still coming back as "Server not found" on the browsers.More than 12 hours had passed when I tried the Online support. A person 'D.J' responded saying that the upgrades/migrations were complete, but my sites were still not up. He just asked me to raise a ticket (and I did that - RZS-462155 ), and said that he would respond to that. It has been more than 5 hours since I raised that ticket and there is still no response. I tried the online support again, and the staff person 'Vicky' came into chat. But the frustrating thing is that even after 3+ minutes of pinging, I just got no response.This is really frustrating, and I do not even know if the ticket RZS-462155 is being worked on.

  22. Thanks dserban! The first link did not hit on the target, but I guess, its TOC (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) should serve my purposes. ^_^


    The second link is also a gold mine. It will help me setup the process guidelines in the organization.


    I have the impression, from what you posted, that you may be flexible about the type of repository you are going to install. If you are cloning a CVS repository from someone else, disregard this comment.


    I have used CVS, SVN, RCS, and some really dark-ages revision control systems on mainframes. In my opinion, SVN is the best. It's also the newest, and was developed specifically because the developers of CVS refused to remove some of the warts on their software design.


    A comparison of CVS and SVN is here. As you can see at the bottom, the author considers their advantages and disadvantages almost equal. The website for Subversion (SVN) is here.


    For me, the most compelling advantages of SVN are:

    Directories, renames, and file meta-data are versioned.

    Commits are truly atomic.

    The meaning of these terms is explained on the SVN website. The effect is that most of the things a "reasonable person" would want to do are nearly automatic in SVN.


    P.S.: The SVN download page reports that:

    Binary builds of Subversion for SPARC/Solaris 2.5 â 10 and x86/Solaris 8 â 10 are available at: http://www.sunfreeware.com/introduction.html .

    Maintainer: CollabNet, Inc.

    CollabNet Subversion is Subversion compiled and tested by CollabNet, and deployed with CollabNet's recommended configuration for the enterprise.

    Sadly docduke, I cannot easily shift to SVN. Lot of approval and redtape to go through, and if I choose that route, I don't think I can get it done in time.


    Thanks for those helpful links - will give me some more research material. ;)


    Just about the googling thing : what about trying that way ?


    Gives nice replies like this

    Setting Up a Local CVS Repository - Sun Java Studio Creator 2 ...- [ Traduire cette page ]Setting Up a Local CVS Repository - Sun Java Studio Creator 2 Update 1 - Online Help. ... To set up a local CVS repository, you must have a CVS command-line ...

    developers.sun.com/docs/jscreator/help/2update1/vcs-nb/vcs_create_local.html - 7k -

    or like this :

    HOWTO - Use CVS- To set up a CVS repository, you must define the environment variable ... to initialize and set-up the CVS repository. This only needs to be done once. ...


    Seems rather promissing. I will not go further (I'm an AIX guy, not a Sun one, but Unix is still worldwide...)
    The first one is on installing a local repository.


    Second one - http://owen.sj.ca.us/~rk/howto/cvs.html - bingo! Thanks. I seriously must have had a vodoo on my Google skills. ;)

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