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Posts posted by Vyoma

  1. Yes. They seem to be OK. I visited the site, and found some good ones. Some of the points that came to my mind are as follows:- The site itself is graphics heavy, and would drag your speed down. So, if you are on Dial-up, choose some other site that provides templates. (I cannot think of any offhand).- They free templates are neatly organized into game-specifics. It would be really easy to find a template for those games that are quite famous. But this may also prove to be a down-point, as for those games that are not present, you would not find templates, based on generic themes (for example: fantasy, horror, sci-fi - generically categorised).Well, this is my opinion, of course.

  2. Yes, I went to the page: https://support.xisto.com/


    Then, I choose, #1.Create a Hosting Account


    Please Enter your Forum Username: Vyoma

    Please Enter your Forum password: <My Xisto Forum password>


    Domain: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.kmaheshbhat.astahost.com


    The message box confirms it.


    Enter a Username ( max. 8 characters allowed ): Vyoma

    Enter a Password for your Account : <My desired account password


    I press submit, the above stated message appears.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE A SUB-DOMAIN OF Xisto




    NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM.  Please allow atleast 2 days for propagation.



    I press OK.


    Script prompt comes:

    Script Prompt:


    Proceed to Create Website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) Please      [OK]

    Type "YES" to confirm and continue..(it may take several minutes to process [Cancel]


    I type "YES" (without quotes) and Press the [OK] button.


    It is takes some time, and I wait patiently. :)


    Then it shows this page (Formatting and passwords removed):


    Processing.. Please Wait. It may take 10-15 Minutes. Do not press STOP or RELOAD, You may lose your token.




    Username passed validity tests.

    Connecting to database..


    Verfying member status..Member Validated.

    Checking permissions

    Permissions granted.

    Checking if username is Unique.

    Username seems to be Unique.

    Data prepared for sending to Server.







    Reconfiguring User information..

    Configuration Complete

    Showing Final Screen with Process results from server.



    Xisto.com : Free Web Hosting Account Activation



    Please Enter your Forum Username Vyoma


    Hosting Account Domain kmaheshbhat.astahost.com

    Hosting Account Username  vyoma

    Hosting Account Password <password I had asked for>


    :: Hosting Account Details :: ( Please save it )




    WWWAcct 10.0 © 1997-2005 cPanel, Inc.



    | New Account Info |


    | Domain: kmaheshbhat.astahost.com

    | Ip: (n)

    | HasCgi: y

    | UserName: vyoma

    | PassWord: <password I had asked for>

    | CpanelMod: rvblue

    | HomeRoot: /home

    | Quota: 150 Meg

    | NameServer1: ns1.astahost.com

    | NameServer2: ns2.astahost.com

    | NameServer3:

    | NameServer4:

    | Contact Email:


    User vyoma added

    Changing password for vyoma

    Password for vyoma has been changed

    Removing Shell Access (n)

    Changing shell for vyoma.

    Shell changed.

    Copying skel files from /home/Xisto/cpanel3-skel/ to /home/vyoma/

    Using Quota v3 Support

    Added Entries to httpd.conf

    Bind reconfiguring on gamma using rndc

    Bind reconfiguring on alpha using rndc

    Added Named File

    Using Frontpage 5.x!


    Starting install, port: 80.


    Creating web http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    Chowning Content in service /.

    Install completed.

    Setting Password

    Frontpage passthough auth enabled!

    Restarting apache

    Ftp Password Files synced

    Vhost Passwords synced

    wwwacct creation finished


    Account Creation Complete!!!






    Access Cpanel at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    You can access ftp at ftp.kmaheshbhat.astahost.com.com

    Your MAIN FTP username and password are same as your cpanel username and password.



    Please save all the above information. 


    Hope now that it is all right.


    P.S: I am not putting the passwords not because that I do not trust you, but there are others and forum boards are not safe.

  3. I am having problems with the Step 2 of the How To Activate Your New Hosting Account Guide.

    When I enter all fields and press submit, I am getting the following window:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE A SUB-DOMAIN OF Xisto
    NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM.  Please allow atleast 2 days for propagation.


    Should http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ appear to be a sub-domain of Xisto?

  4. Looking at them all, #1 seems to have a bit of problem with the blurring effect on the eyes and nose. It seems to go away from the overall theme of feeble-crispness - if I may call that. So, the choice for me remains between #2 and #3.Between #2 and #3, I think that now, the choice is more influenced by the personal opinion, and less by the skills as a artist. My facination for eyes, brings #2 on the first and #3 on the second - they are my two cents, of course.

  5. Yeah, sorry for the short title, but that is the name of the game.A3.It is originally a Korean RPG, but they have made a English version. They did a bit of marketing here in India, tied up with one of the Internet Cafe chains, and so, I ended up registering into it.Did not get much time to play, but found that it was a Diablo-ish type of game, but in 3D. Actual 3D, and not iso-metric like Diablo.Have any of you out there any idea on this game, and as to any fansites (English) where I can get tips and hints on it?Well, if I do not find one, may be one day, I will make one site. :)

  6. I like the ones from zymic.com, really nice. I tried some of them, and finally I prefer mines, whiche are less nice but are mines.

    The ones from notemplates.com are far more beautyful, but are not free...


    I found the templates from notemplates.com that were free. You should select the section other than the Premium Templates. Premium Templates, as the name suggests, does cost. But the others are free, and I downloaded - I do not know if I would use them though, when I start my site.

  7. Hi all,

    It has not been long since I used Pixia, but now I am quite used to it. It has a bit of odd interface, but once you get the hang of it, one can get amazing results. (See my webcomic post: Firman Tales).

    It is not as good as Paint Shop Pro, but one should not complain as it is free. Moreover there are many forums and tutorials around based on this software.

    Pixia Download Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    P.S: I searched for Pixia and found one remote post. I am really a fan of Pixia and so I thought, it deserved a post of its own.

  8. Blizzard?Blizzard!Yes, I love that company. I mean, just look at their website. It is an experience just to visit their website regularly.And the other thing is, I do not know, why I admire them so much.I mean, they have been mean to me in a way - after Diablo II I have been waiting for Diablo III like anything. All I got were some rumors and that is all. So, I should be angry ;) with them, right?Well I am not. I love them. :)

  9. Wow! I waited until it loaded and figured how to see it all. (I have a bit more patience at viewing art unlike other things in life). And then it struck me. There were goosebumps all over the back of my neck.Anyway, I like the way it is made to cycle seamlessly. It took me qutie a while to figure out where exactly it started to repeat. And, the detail is good.But such abstractness always messes with my mind. I think I need a reboot. :)

  10. I am a crazed ;) out person of RPGs. I made a realm and have a forum-based RPG on that. (I think I can not post the link here as it will be spam). I called the realm as 'Chaos And Order'.


    The problem was I could not satiate my indulgence for the realm and went about creating a web-comic. :) I have posted that on Smack Jeeves. Anyway, I would like some comment and critique from you guys here. Created about three pages (including the cover):

    Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


    ;) Please go easy on me! This is my first web-comic.

  11. Is there any online RPG game maker, where I can design and playtest a RP game?I know there are quite a few that would let me download and design and playtest. But I would like one online.The problem is, my PC is broken (and I do not have enough dough to repair it), and I have access to only internet from cafes. I cannot download a RPG maker in every internet cafe I go, and keep moving the data files among them, right?So, I was thinking if there were a online RP game maker. I know, the possibility is very thin, but are there any sites that would let me hold an account there where I can design a RPG, and let me and some of my friends play?-Vyoma

  12. Hey! I'm looking for a website where I can download a good working C++ compiler. Even if its not a download site, at least a place to jsut write small programs would be nice. I have no intentions of making anything big; I just like to program in my free time. Also, I'd prefer they are free, but if anyone else is looking, they may not mind paying. Alright, Thanks!


    One good open source compiler that I found useful was DJGPP.

    It is a 32-bit C/C++ compiler. It gives a robust output, and since it is a 32-bit (Protected mode)compiler, one is not restricted with the 64kB data memory limit that one would get with Real Mode compiers.


    But you would need to download the source code of the compiler and build it - if I remember it right. Since you say you are a beginner, I would say my suggestion would be of use after you do a bit of programming with the help of the posts by others, above.


    Happy programming,


  13. I am not very sure as to your expertice with compilers and also the language as such. The way you described, it reminds me of days when I started doing graphics programming in C.

    What I would suggest now are few guidelines. Decide on how you are going to proceed on this guidelines and ask for details. I would be able to help.

    1. As suggested above, use the Borland Graphics API. This would be good if you are in the initial phase and want to learn the basics of graphics.

    2. You are a good programmer in C, then you might try a bit of hand on the VGA dos routines. I believe they are the 21h routines. I do not remember exactly, but would look up and tell more if you are going this way. But I must warn you that this would require a bit of machine knowledge - that is, some assemble basics.

    3. After about a year of programming for graphics and games, I ended up with this option. Use Allegro graphics package along with the DJGPP, a 32-bit C/C++ development system for Intel 30386+ PCs running under DOS. The two of them work amazingly together, giving a robust executable in the end. Links: Allegro, DJGPP. Both of these are open source, that means you do not need to pay anything for using them. What more? You dont need to pay anything for the products you launch using them - you do not need to give them a royalty.

    OK. I would better stop now, lest it would seem that I am spamming. ;)

    :) Anyways, I will track this topic, so if you need anything, ask here, and I will see what my rusty brain can find and reply. ;)

  14. Yes, Diablo!I played it when it was Diablo 1. I played its sequel.I played Diablo II aswell.Diablo II got me hooked. It has something in its storyline that kept me hooked until I finished the game with my Necromancer. I finisted even teh LOD expansion. After that, I went about playing all over again at the other difficulty and also using other characters.Come to think of it, it does not have a lot of 'oomph' in terms of game engine - other than that it is very stable. Even the graphics are good but not extra-ordinary.But, something just keeps me hooked to it. Forget the multiplayer affiliations, I cannot yet keep myself from not playing singleplayer ones.Does anyone out there have similar or opposing views on Diablo II?

  15. Yes, I tried this game, but way back that I cannot even remember properly how it looked. But yes, I remember me and my cousin enjoying our times with this game. The initial part was beautifully designed, and so were the final parts. But it seemed like the designer/artist of the game, suddenly felt bored during the last part, and seemed out of creative inputs, that the final boss enemy turned out to be crappy. It was that, or there was some serious sense of humor invovled there.(Serious sense of humor - oxymoron?)

  16. Hi everyone,I guess, I should have made this post earlier. I tried looking for the Introductions sections and during that found interesting things to write about in other section.Well, better late than never. I have wide range of interests that seems to torment my life and make it a living hell.I wont be in a hurry though. I plan to stay here and make some good friends, and I do not plan to die early either.-Vyoma

  17. Huh! I guess I come in the 13% of those who are employed.How I would wish to move on and become self-employed; but I should say I do not have the guts yet to lash out on my own. I am presently working in a Consutlancy company as a Assistant System Engineer. I know, the title seems a bit dorky. May be, I am a bit dorky. I do have other things that occupy my mind when I am not working, or sleeping, or doing other daily chores.[Psst:Got a lot to discuss! Not much time now. I am hungry and need to move away].

  18. Does anyone around here participate in forum-based multiplayer RPG? After trying my hand at various other types of MMORPG and ORPG, I kind of settled on this genre of RPG.


    I mean, I do play other types of RPGs but I am kind of hooked on to forum based RPG. Are there anyone out there, who would like to discuss on this?


    Note to moderators: I am sorry if there is a topic on this already. I tried searching for it, but could not find it. Pardon me, as I am new to these boards.

  19. Yes, I have played Ragnarok. It was released about a year back in India.They Ragnarok people have affiliated themselves with a chain of Internet Cafes, and I use one of them.It was a year back when I started playing but I diverted from it. A couple of days back, I started again. I play at inRO (India Ragnarok Online), usually on the Chaos server.

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