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Posts posted by Vyoma

  1. When I saw you replied to this, I knew I would be struck with something awesome. <_<And here it is - as expected.Regarding process - well there is not much. I just sketch (on the PC itself) on a separate layer.Then pickup colors and paint different things in different layer. Like the pistil in one, petals in one, and the leaves in one. The background was just a filler.I agree to that another set of leaves there. The issue is that it was a workshop focused on hibiscus. A weekly workshop and the focus is on getting the subject as proper as possible. Oh. And I forgot - I use GIMP.

  2. Wow, you have a lot of talent! I like how the background really makes the flower jump out more rather than just blending in, and there is so much detail. About how long did that take you?
    I recently just bought a tablet, because I've been really interested in digital art, I've been doing some tutorials, I hope I can get as good as you one day :P

    Keep up the good work.

    It took around 3-4 hours. Did not do it in a stretch. It was for this workshop at another forum, and like I did bit by bit each day - taking my time. <_<

    Tablets are good. It is not too long since I got a Wacom Intuos3 for myself - and man! Am I loving it!

    What do you mean by digital painting (was this done by literal hand or on a PC, maybe using one of those pen things?).
    Either way it looks amazing though, I don't think I could ever have the patience with anything graphical to ever be that good lol.

    Digital painting is where you emulate traditional medium in a computer. It is quite similar to oil painting, water colors, acrylics or pastels - it is just that we do it on the software. Check out this blog post on digital painting I wrote couple of days back. You may use digital pen and tablet to do it, but I started to do it with mouse. Many people do it with mouse. It is more the technique that counts in digital painting than the actual tools and software used.

    Thanks for the comment though. This is one of my best works in digital painting to date - but trust me. There are awesome artists out there. For example, check out the the gallery of Genzoman at deviantART. Mind blowing!

  3. Yes. The color choice was one 'bummer' moment at the end of it. I basically did want a white flower with a pink tint - but the mistake I made was that I started the mid-tone qutie close to the edge in the color pallette. I got stuck up with not able to give a lot of tonal variations. >< A mistake I have to learn from. :PAnd yes. We did use a lot of reference pictures. This picture was not an exact replica of any photograph, but we did have reference pictures.Thanks for the input, Arbitrary. <_<

  4. So, you want to make a text based game or one that has graphics.And you mentioned you want to use PHP and C++. So, are you targeting web-based or for the PC?A little more details, and may be some referece links on the type of game you want, would be helpful for others to decide it they want to spend the effort on this or not.

  5. Couple of weeks back, I had written a book on sketching.

    Download Link (PDF)

    In this book, I have tried to explain the process of sketching, and the approach that could be used. It is a bit different from the usual step by step sketching guide. (It is not something like - draw two oval, one big one small, and connect them with two curvy lines, draw a round corner triangle at the outer edge of smaller oval...)

    Let me know your thoughts. I could use some feedback. <_<

  6. Wow, very nice, I look forward to seeing what you can do with a tablet. Personally I can only pull off pretty basic art so when people show off things like this done on a computer it blows my mind. "effects" and other things you can learn in tutorials is one thing but at a certain point natural talent takes over. Awesome piece of work man.

    Hey thanks Jeigh. Yup - I look forward at what I can do with the tablet too. :)


    Yes, indeed. I have to agree when you said, "at a certain point natural talent takes over" - but only to an extent. There is some amount of natural talent into it, but the larger part of the talent can be attained through practice. Practice. And a little more practice. B)


    Man.. you're excelling yourself every passing day... :) Keep it up dude. You should post that image of Mayank in here too.

    m^e, thanks! Yeah, I will post that too, once I get back home.

  7. Wow! This is a thread that seems to have come back from time.Heh. During this time, I had started a forum RPG of my own which failed due to poor planning. After that, I learnt from it and started again, and it was going pretty good. Now though, since I have been invovled in many other things, I have pulled that forum down too because I did not have time to run it. May be I will start again some time. I have a pretty good universe setup already. Let me know if any of you are interested.

  8. Well i think ive tried about 10 different CMS systems including a few corp in house developed CMS so I have a good eye for what works and what doesnt.

    CMS systems can be very difficult for a new user to get into and to deliver the desired result but I must say that easiest and most powerfull "free" CMS must be Joomla.Yes I know a lot of people on here use Drupal , I have used it myself for a few projects but to be honest there really isnt enough addons for me and a steep learning curve for the person I hand the site over to.

    There are so many addons and so many templates that are totally free to use for Joomla.This is all great for the entry level Joomla user but with Joomla you can get really into building your own CSS and HTML templates, if you are into PHP and MySQL the sky is literally the limit! because it is soo easy to modify addons or write your own.

    The Joomla community is vast with many places to seek help other than the main Joomla forums and of course many sites to download addons.

    I have been using the beta of Joomla 1.5 and I must say it knocks the socks of the latest Drupal B)


    Why you! You! Joomla lover.... I say to ye all. Hail to Drupal! :)


    Joking aside, as I have been ranting all over these forums, Drupal does have a steep learning curve, but that is because it is extremely flexible. On usability terms - they were at disadvantage. But things have changed a bit since Drupal 5 - and from what I see from the RC version - the Drupal 6, it seems to have taken a great step forward. But again - my opinion might not be cent percent correct because I have not tried Joomla 1.5.

  9. Do I get to vote even if I have not been active for quite some time and I am in the process of moving over to Xisto - Web Hosting?B)Any case, here is my opinion. I have posted in the gaming forum, but most of the time, it is with the perspective of a designer. Here are the options:1. From seeing how things are going there, I would say get rid of it and direct interested members to Xisto forums. 2. If that is too harsh, you can remove the post count/credit given for posts there. And if it is kept, I would say at least combine all the subforums to one - it would hopefully deter and result in one spammy post instead of one in each sub-forum.

  10. Export the MYSQL DBs.Use FTP to download the site.

    Then use FTP to upload it to the new host and import the DBs.

    Also you might could back it up and restore it...I'm not as sure on that.

    B) I should have mentioned. I am aware of that method, but I was in chat with m^e once, and he mentioned, there was a easier way.

    Why not just contact tech support at Xisto - Web Hosting and avoid the hassle of doing it yourself? :)
    I contacted them and let them migrate all my data over without any major issues. You can contact them at support (at) Xisto - Web Hosting (dot) com.

    Hey, thanks WeaponX. I think that is what m^e mentioned. Thank you. :)

  11. Is linux any good?! how the hell do you get it i want to try it.
    and whats all the negativity towards microsoft and VISTA. I love VISTA!!! i have it and have no probs with it except some of the programs not working on it but not all programs run on Linux right?

    well anyway how do i get it?

    How to get Linux? Well, WeaponX seemed to have answered it well.

    Now, for the second question. The negativity towards microsoft and Vista. Well, here is my opinion.
    Microsoft products is not free and Linux is free. Free in what terms - you may ask? I am not worried actually about the cost of software, and hence, it does not make much of a difference if the 'free' is taken in the meaning as in 'free beer'. The real 'free' that I would prefer would be in terms of 'freedom'.

    Here is a case. Say, last month, I bought some music - Best of Me album by Bryan Adams. I shelled out $10+ because I do not want to steal someones hardwork. I paid for it and now I would like to use the music anyway I want. I may want to load it to my music player. I may want to listen to it in my car (no, I do not have one - this is just an illustration). But, having Vista limits me from doing that and it does that under the facade of 'protecting intellectual property'. That is totally absurd. The DRM is one of the main barriers why I have 'negativity' towards Microsoft.

    Another issue: What about all the different versions of document format they keep bringing out. It forces me to keep upgrading to their newer versions even when I do not need all the new features. It does not let me stick with the version I have, and constantly want to suck on my hard earnings.

    The solution? Shift to a Open Source alternative. I do not mind paying someone for coding something. But it is when they force me to do business only with them, and force me to continously spend my money on them, that is when I start having negative feelings. But in case of Open Source, I need not worry about that. I have the source code with me, and in theory (and practice) I can always go to someone else with the same code and have it modified and upgraded. I have the choice. I am free to take any choice.

    We may speak further on this, but I believe that will be a topic that would be justified by its own thread.

  12. It has been quite some time since I could come over here at Xisto.


    And lately, I have been seeing a lot of issues with the MySQL. I am not sure what has happened, but for the past couple of weeks - it has been terribly going wrong. As Mark420 mentioned, I keep getting MySQL errors when I use my Wordpress blog engine for Splat. vujsa, I can understand if the problem with MySQL, as you said is due to a lot many requests going to MySQL server. I did face that quite a couple of times earlier - but it was quite sporadic. But lately, it is happening every time. I am just not able to use my blog because of that.

  13. As I mentioned in the other thread, I installed Ubuntu last night, and I am quite happy with the result. And again, as I said there, the font rendering is something that give room for wanting something better.


    The question is, can we use TrueType fonts with Linux, and specifically Ubuntu? Is it as simple as copying the font files (.ttf) into a particular directory? Or do we need to install or configure something?


    If it is simple as copying the required fonts to a particular folder/directory, which directory should they be copied to?


    Edit: The fonts in Linux seems to be a gripe for some others too:



  14. Linux Distro that is close to Windows? I am not sure about other distro, but I just installed Ubuntu last night, and man!


    I think I am in love.




    And yes, Quatrux, I agree with you when you say, Linux GUI does not need to look like Windows. It is far better in Ubuntu. May be because it is inspired by UI of both Windows and Mac OS. I read in their documentations that the KDE based distro, Kubuntu, was much closer to Windows and you could try that.


    But I am sticking with Ubuntu I think. Another thing that I liked about Ubuntu is how easy it is to install it as a dual boot along with Windows XP. There were about six steps, involving language selection, time zone selection, partitioning and similar stuf, and it was good to go!


    It comes packaged with basic suite of multimedia players, and productivity application like Open Office.


    The font set is something I wish would be a bit more expanded in terms of different fonts. I mean, there are a lot - a lot - of fonts. I could even find fonts for the different regional langauges. But in terms of English fonts, it leaves much to be desired. May be a hunt downt the internet would help me out. (It has a good set of Sans-serif fonts, but not that good collection of Serif fonts).

  15. And once you do the changes, do not freak out if they changes are not reflected immediately. ;) It takes some time for all the DNS servers to reflect the changes made. So, initially, when you type https://xyz.xyz/ it might go to the old host itself. You may need to wait for about 24 hours for it to reflect.I recently added an addon domain name that I bought to launch another blog. Both are hosted at Xisto hosting account. It took about 2 hours for the DNS servers to be updated with the new domain name pointing to Xisto.

  16. Aaaaaaaaah! What is this! What is this!10GB! 500 MB! Goose bumps. Sight fading. Giddyness. :collapses:Guys, what should I say? I was so impressed by your service here at Xisto that I will soon be shifting to Xisto - Web Hosting - may be in two months or so. Now, you give me this. You guys are great - this will definitely help the new members and old ones to establish themselves (if they have not done so already).

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