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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. HELLPPPP Crimson Room Okay so I am at the safe in the wall and I have no idea what so ever what the combonation is at all. I tryed 6905 and I tryed 2404 and thats not working. Does anyont know the combonation? -reply by Corina
  2. Nero prob,em Nero Problems Hi,I am using Nero 8 and I have problems when I try to copy a DVD via the image (first to copy on HDD,then on a DVD).My RAM usage goes up as the DVD content is being copied on my HDD...So on about 50% my RAM usage is 90% (!).I got 4GB of RAM btw...Please help me out! Thanks! -question by Jasmin
  3. Nero prob,em Nero Problems Hi,I am using Nero 8 and I have problems when I try to copy a DVD via the image (first to copy on HDD,then on a DVD).My RAM usage goes up as the DVD content is being copied on my HDD...So on about 50% my RAM usage is 90% (!).I got 4GB of RAM btw...Please help me out! Thanks! -question by Jasmin
  4. Replying to mrdeeI just got scammed by bolt blue ! !I was trying to get a ringtone for my phone and then theres this page first free fringtone free I'm like sure fine lets take a look, then it says enter your phone number I did then instantly I get like 6 texts and it says just text ok to this number didnt say anything like I'm getting charged NOTHINg and I thought it was fine so I did it. And then I GEt more texts saying I'm getting charged 4.95 a week unntil I text STOP so I did it texts me back and then it says you still have your free one bla bla trying to get me to come back. Ah B***ARDS ! I needed that 5 pounds ! ! ! lol! I wish I had found this page before I did it, but it was just so convincing like it feels like your not even doing anything! -reply by megan
  5. GX270 shutting off Computer Suddenly Turning Off This series has had a major known problem with bad capacitors supplied from the far east on Killer Bee and Jazz motherboards, causing power downs or lost video. Look at the top of the capacitors, those tall can-looking components on the mother board. They should be flat, scored with a K, a T, or an X, and should NOT be leaking brown goo, bulging, or domed at the top. I've recently replaced over 200 motherboards for this problem - 270s made in the early to mid 2000s. -reply by Cliff
  6. GX270 shutting off Computer Suddenly Turning Off This series has had a major known problem with bad capacitors supplied from the far east on Killer Bee and Jazz motherboards, causing power downs or lost video. Look at the top of the capacitors, those tall can-looking components on the mother board. They should be flat, scored with a K, a T, or an X, and should NOT be leaking brown goo, bulging, or domed at the top. I've recently replaced over 200 motherboards for this problem - 270s made in the early to mid 2000s. -reply by Cliff
  7. i want the code without random() function. Coppermine Random Image Script I m using this code for randomly change the image . -question by Ravi Jadaun
  8. i want do the randomly change image without the random() function so how can i do Coppermine Random Image Script This is my code . So I want the code which will work without random function.
  9. Iframe help I have a website that has already been built however on the galleries page I am wanting to replace the current thumbs on the right hand side with a scrolling iframe. Whenever I add the iframe I loose all the links and everthing below the ifram when testing in dreamweaver. I can supply the code if required, I have tried removing all the code under the iframe and replaceing it but that doesn't work either. HELP PLEASE With iframe code The bottom banner disappears and the links do not work other than the link from a thumb in the iframe to the large _parent image<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Bradley Ede Photography</title><style type="text/css"><!--Body { background-color: #333333;}.Style5 {color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }.Style6 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}--></style></head><body><p>Â </p><table width="800" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#000000"><img src="../logobanne.Jpg" width="800" height="80" border="0" usemap="#Map5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><div align="center"> <table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2">Â </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div align="center"><img src="../headsydney .Jpg" width="200" height="40" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="571" rowspan="2" valign="top"><div align="left"><img src="../images/Sydney/web/Kirribilli Sydney Dawn.Jpg" width="595" height="238" /></div></td> <td width="200" valign="top"><p></p> <iframe src="content.Htm" width="200" height="300" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"> </table> </div> <p>Â </p> <p>Â </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="200" bgcolor="#000000"><div align="center"><img src="../about.Jpg" width="200" height="23" border="0" usemap="#Map" /></div></td> <td width="200" bgcolor="#000000"><img src="../galleries.Jpg" width="200" height="23" border="0" usemap="#Map2" /></td> <td width="200" bgcolor="#000000" class="style6"><img src="../contact.Jpg" width="200" height="23" border="0" usemap="#Map3" /></td> <td width="200" bgcolor="#000000" class="style6"><img src="../order.Jpg" width="200" height="23" border="0" usemap="#Map4" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style6"><img src="../lowbanner2.Jpg" width="800" height="38" /></span></td> </tr></table> <area shape="rect" coords="64,3,135,22" href="../gallery.Html" /></map><map name="Map3" id="Map3"> <area shape="rect" coords="56,3,145,19" href="../contact.Html" /></map><map name="Map4" id="Map4"> <area shape="rect" coords="55,4,145,19" href="../order.Html" /></map><map name="Map5" id="Map5"> <area shape="rect" coords="3,2,227,78" href="http://www.bephotography.biz/; /> <area shape="rect" coords="366,43,470,64" href="../brad.Html" /> <area shape="rect" coords="486,43,548,68" href="../gallery.Html" /> <area shape="rect" coords="568,44,646,64" href="../contact.Html" /> <area shape="rect" coords="661,44,742,63" href="../order.Html" /> <area shape="rect" coords="756,46,798,64" href="../index.Html" /></map><map name="Map2" id="Map2"><area shape="rect" coords="62,4,140,19" href="../gallery.Html" /></map><map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="41,4,159,20" href="../brad.Html" /></map></body></html>-question by Bradley Ede
  10. How to link two tables in sql using primary and foriegn key-reply by shofiya
  11. Replying to master34Right-click on the system tray icon when you are connected (usually it looks like two computers), select "Status" and than in the opened window click "Properties" and go to "Options" tab and DESELECT the "Prompt for name and password" and click OK.Now copy your internet connection shortcut to the start-up folder.-reply by oleg
  13. unlock memory Help Unlock Mmc I have lock my memory card accidenttally, and I don't remember the password. I try to format using computer with card reader, but my memory shows nothing in my memory, when I put memory into telephone and gage qd,it says my memory unlock. Itry your suggestion that use fe explorer but I don't find mmc store or mmc.Text. Are my memory corrupt? I used 256mb memory by Apacer...Please...Help me... -reply by zaidi
  14. how to get rid of activation massage How Can I Open A *.sit File After installing SP3 a massage apeare in taskbaar menu that you have 30 day left for activation how can I get rid of this? -reply by ashok
  15. Replying to astraesboiSO WHAT'S THE ANSWER?? IF YOU KNOW IT THEN SAY THE ANSWER!>:/-reply by Vanessa
  16. Replying to mpinskyAmen to that! it's wrong to try to create perfection. We must learn from our mistakes, not create a literally new 'us' that doesn't even make mistakes! not only that, but it would be kinda creepy running into a clone of yourself when you're 30 but your clone is 5... Total unnatural deja vu!-reply by Kirstin
  17. The Sony Ericsson S500i is not worth it Problems With The Sony Ericsson S500? So far with in the week I got this phone the battery runs out really quickly I notice it the next day at the end of the week I had a broken screen I don't know what's going to happen after I fix my screen so I will have to wait right now I just have my phone put away until I'm able to get a new screen I can tell you I think that I might have some regrets that I bought this phone I'll see what goes wrong once I get it fixed. -reply by Laura
  18. Drinkable Recycled Sewerage Water? - Personally, no way... but what are your thoughts? - (News: Courier Mai Drinkable Recycled Sewerage Water? Hi, I'm doing a project on recycled water so if anyone has some tips/info please let me know! Thanks -reply by alec
  19. iGuest

    Maple Story

    I got a lvl 60 cleric, have no idea why I played, its just really a race, when I quit, wizet was actively patching and adding new parts to the map, every holiday. I still got my black maple bandana, and I luv it. Reason I stopped playing was because World of Warcraft came out, and that was 4 years ago. And they still don't have pvp, at least you can get married but that would be a good suggestion to them.-reply by Canada
  20. Need to unban Grizzly 77 Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals I didn't meen to ban Grizzly 77. How do I unban him? Please unban him he is my friend. -reply by JediHunter177
  21. Need to unban Grizzly 77 Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals I didn't meen to ban Grizzly 77. How do I unban him? Please unban him he is my friend. -reply by JediHunter177
  22. im just asking A Note To All Illegal Windows Xp Owners Replying to Casanova what did you do to make your windows activated without internet connections or so pls help me, because I hired a technician and he did manage to do that then my pc crashes again I want to do it on my own questioning me why? cause it cause expensive hiring one -reply by adrian
  23. im just asking A Note To All Illegal Windows Xp Owners Replying to Casanova what did you do to make your windows activated without internet connections or so pls help me, because I hired a technician and he did manage to do that then my pc crashes again I want to do it on my own questioning me why? cause it cause expensive hiring one -reply by adrian
  24. Where is the Freeware Free Flash Authoring Programs I want to make my own flash videos. Unfortunately the only thing that I can find is a bunch of trial editions and support software. I wan full version authoring software. -reply by Noskire
  25. I was wondering what specs I need if I want to play world of warcraft-question by colin
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