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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Not that good Simple Sig Tutorial I started Photoshop today and I found that tutorial very hard... It did not say where the colour balance thing was it took me 10 minutes to find and he did not say where the magic wand tool was or the other one. Hardly good for newbies -reply by Eagle96
  2. css is fun Cs: Source Vs Cs 1.6 Counter strike today has some pretty cool things. My favorite thing about source are the zombie mods. Normal counter strike source was fun, but there were to many hackers and people with no lives. Zombie servers are fun and heres a list why: 1) humans vs zombies (ct and t work together). 2) some servers have 1 stab kills meaning if your stabbed, you become a zombie and fight one. 3) respawning makes for no more of watching the people when you die. 4) some servers have unlimited ammo . 5) you build a cade out of machines, couches or anything to last until the round ends. 6) fun and creative maps are every where that were built for zombie mod alone. 7) zombies are tough (some with 5000 hp) so killing a zombie is a cratifying experience worth itself. There are downsides to the zombie servers 1) not noobie friendly 2) killing a single zombie is tough but 10-13 is impossible if your alone. 3) some maps have really cheap spots making it impossible for zombies to kill them. Its fun and worth a try. -reply by Matt
  3. i dont get the download for the game Anyone Know Any Good Mmorpg Games? Replying to iGuestok so I couldnt download it when I went to your link I clicked the download game and I got a locked folder so I opened the folder and opened the game and it said I had to get the patch... Where do I get the patch? -reply by Smartoad
  4. Little Help How To Create Virtual Drives Will this work on windows xp? When I tried to save my text document as "c:autoexec.Bat" [without quotations] it said I couldn't have :'s or 's in my file name. Will this affect the working of this virtual drive??? Btw, nice tutorial. Easy to follow and quite explanatory. Thanks. -question by Sir PooFace
  5. Windows 3.11 All The Way! The Best Version Of Windows For those of you who have never messed with a Win3.X series machine before, let me tell you its a heck of alot different than its replacements. For one, the way the entire system was built was different. This was a true DOS machine, meaning you could actually close Windows and go back to a DOS prompt for all of those low level file system tasks. Also, Windows at the time was more of a friendly user interface for DOS. I still miss the days of writing assembly code using the DOS "debug" feature. I still have a Compaq Prolinea 4/50 under my bed with a 500 MB hard drive and 18 MB of RAM running Windows 3.11 For Workgroups. Still, after 15 years, it still works fine. It was an office computer before I got it, so its cool to look at all of the spreadsheets and documents and the like and get a feel for what office life must have been like in 1993 when the PC was just picking up good steam. But I do have to say that I'm partial to 98SE. I like it because its simple, and it works (most of the time). Also, its somewhat nostalgic to use it, it was one of the last operating systems Windows made before they decided that the operating system was more intelligent than the user and they started with the whole "Here, let me, the operating system, screw this up for you and not tell you anything about what I did wrong." type attitude. -reply by Rale
  6. Need 14 Pin to 15 Pin HD15 VGA connector LCD Monitor: VGA Or DVI ? I have a old PC which I need to backup. Unfortunately the Video connector has only 14 pins. I noticed the CRT monitor which used to work with this PC has a pin missing on the middle row. The CRT monitor is dead & I am trying to connect a LCD monitor with a VGA HD15 connector. Where can I get a 14 Pin (Male) to 15 Pin (Feamale) HD15 VGA connector? -reply by tarana
  7. RELIGION "lol" The End Of The World By December 21, 2012 All religions are away of controling people and population" like mind control but rather then forcing it upon you they let you believe in a "God" the God that created the world and gave life etc" OH BUT WAIT""" they is ment to be 4 God jesus,budda,alla, and 1 other,,,,,,,,, wake up people" they cant be 4 gods that isnt any God, its just a religion to give people someone to look up to like a God" ONE MORE THING" God or gods created all life on earth yea? then who created God or the gods,,,,lol I'm no religion I have my own belief,,,, -reply by UK-dude --------------------------- Admin Reply (Shree - Xisto.com) - Most religions have also said that "God is One". Religion is for human. When any randomly picked 2 humans do not THINK alike depending on their background, culture, family, Occupation, Diet etc. (thinking scientifically here), I feel its very difficult to make a "Single" Book for Millions of people to show them the common factor between each other. i.e. Conscience.
  8. Replying to iGuestMy name georgia ; and I lookign for a scene name.But I don't want GORE in it:Cos it most common.. I want it to be unqiue; can anyone help me (Y)I would be ever soo thankful !>.<Loves xQuestion by georgiaa..
  9. help me plz in gaia A Gaiaonline Problem I'm trying to equip my faunzy flute I bought from the marketplace wen I save it it says this database_error_load_serials can you guys help me? -reply by david
  10. Linux for the WORLD Server Os Linux is just better IMHO, than Win. Gaming is one of the areas that it does lack a bit, but you can use WINE to run most games. If you are a noob in regards to your Linux Distro and you have no desire to learn the distro, then you may want to use Win. If you can spend a bit of time getting a game to install and run, read forums like this, and are patient with installation of Win software on your Linux box, then your overall gaming experience will prolly be better. For servers, I have to say CENTOS is the "best" for webservers. I use Ubuntu server for my servers at my house, but just because they are really easy to set up, and 'buntu is what I use on my desktop and pc for workstation use. If you are comfortable enough to crack Win, then just move to 'Nix of some flavor. I killed my last dangling Win install over two years ago (I can VM Win if I need to run tests) and I have never looked back. The only thing I would miss is Excel, because of the million+ rows support for MSOE 07. Note the year, because I have that installed on a Win computer in my office, so I use it if I ever need it (which is almost never). For most stuff that size I can use RECORDEDIT and edit DBs, or open office will get the job done. Linux is faster, more secure, and more logically set up. A decent computer user will favor Linux over Win, after a few days - weeks. It just makes more sense. -reply by wednesday allfather
  11. The person that was saying about the battleon.Com it is a rpg based game and they have bourght 2 other games as well these are the links of the site's they own http://www.battleon.com/error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/Http:/www.Dragonfable.Com/Http:/www.Mechquest.Com/They are all equally types of fun games but I would not advise to play them for to long as you might get really board of them very quickly trust me on that one I seen that they have rune scape on there as well if you all like to kill monsters adventure around make and sell your own weapons and armor and make millions this is the game for you there's f2p and p2p f2p is limited so you can only do so much but on p2p you cn build your owned house and kill mor monsters or get vaporisd by them well I'll let you have look to see if its for you heres the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ by blitza700
  12. Replying to KansukeKojimaYou can abort the shutdown using this in command prompt:Shutdown -a-reply by Luke
  13. Latest Promotion tips.. An endless Saga Best Way To Promote A Website? Website Promotion Site submission: - Good Titles - No Broken Links - Site pages properly spidered by robot, keywords and meta on each page, 255 max (Google only SHOWS first 60) - Should Only Need to Submit Home page if site robots are coded properly - https://searchenginewatch.com/ Monitors Position of search engines - Popular Search Engines Engines http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Submittal to Web-directories - Linked to other sites, Digg articles, RSS and Wiki Objects - TARGETED Emails WITH signature <Site.Me; NOT SPAM - Newgroups and forums, particularly RSS enabled, large traffic sites, creme-de-la-creme - Offline Marketing - Webrings of similar sites, providers or even town services sites. A single directory for all (webring.Org) - Banner Exchange Program - Lastly or perhaps firstly, having something people want or need in an appropriate package! -reply by smudge
  14. Anyone heard of Adscomet ? Google Adsense Alternative Dear Fellow Dreamers, Any ideas about Adscomet.Com ? I heard they are paying $15 bonus for publishers and payout is at $25. Also good CPC as they are kind of new. Please advise. -Vaibhav
  15. Runescape is no good Runescape: Good or Not ? Awfull game I could create a game like this in flash programs but posting on the net would cost, also its got limitations, other games like age of conan, linage 2, and all those other great games are to much o0f a match for runescape. Trust me Runescape is a waste of life and I would rate is 0.2/10 for graphics and gameplay. All who want a new and exciting game were I can do anything imagenable then play Age Of Conan best game ever. -reply by AgeOfConanGeek
  16. vb.net code for add column to exsiting access table VB.NET / MS Access Question I have an MS Access DB .I want make Programme to add column according to neccesity of individul clients.Tell me the vb.Net code to add column(Integer Data Type) to exsiting access Dat table. I have tried with "ALTER TABLE table_name Add Column Column_name Datatype" using OleDb.OleDbCommand,ExecuteNonQuery().But failed.Error"End of statment expected. -reply by amalrose
  17. VB.Net & MS Access Solution VB.NET & MS Access Issue Replying to Jeigh Hie Jeigh. Your code does look alright. But there are two things you probably should look into. 1 - make sure the MS Access table columns for which blank values are possible scenarios allow for "Null" entries 2 - The string values you want to put into the Access database should not have the ' character. This character should be used only as pat of the SQL syntax. You might want to clean the user input and replace the ' characters with something more closely ressembling like `. Hope this helps -reply by Seej
  18. Seems like a good solution, but where/how do you choose Rich Formatting when composing an email in Gmail?
  19. You don 403 Forbidden Error When Accessing My Site Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? my friends can access the site FRIENDSTERPH.COM...But I cant access here on my PC... -reply by DHORSZZ ------------------------ ADmin Reply (Xisto.com - Free Web Hosting) 1. Please check if your domain Nameserver is pointed Correctly to your Web Host. 2. If it is pointed correctly, PING your website from your PC and also from the website "network-tools.com". Check if both PINGS resolve the same IP address of your Website. 3. If you did the above and still its not working, you should contact your web host and tell him he has HTTPD config error. In my opinion, you are your friend are viewing different version of your website from 2 different servers having your web data. Usually happens when shifting from one web host to another.
  20. The logo is ok but it looks like a biochemical thing no offence and if the logo belongs to a biochemical company BIG UP!-reply by Gibson
  21. Game Maker has its own language called GMLAlthough it is not exactly like any languages I know it is quite similiar to C based alguages because of its syntax-reply by spartan63
  22. OKay, I got EVERYTHING working. It's just when I go to hit "runserver" It just opens than closes. And I don't know what code I should use with it. If you could send me one? That'd be awesome.-reply by Chris
  23. Runescape is extremely addicting and offers no gameplay, it's just simply: click on monster > watch your guy stab over and over > do the same thing over and over to get higher skills to kill more monsters.It's the same with all skills.-reply by liam
  24. I hate cell phones I Hate Cell Phones I may not be a very a social person and that maybe why I never had a cell phone until my father gave me his cell phone. (a tiny one that has only the capability for phone calls and maybe texting which I have no clue how to use) The funny thing is I like technology like video games, computers, Mp3, ect, but the cell phone makes me want to rip the creators of it a new one. I understand using it to make a quick phone call when NEEDED! Example of something that just occurred. A mother ignoring her child by talking outside on the hell-phone oops I mean cell-phone for an HOUR. The kid started crying because he wanted to see his mother who he hadn't seen all day. And she was completely obivious to this. This is true and I was p%$^#* off by this so I went to google typed in I hate cell phones and found this site. -reply by crimson
  25. Sub programs Simple Login In Visual Basic 6 Replying to kitty If you type Sub the name of the sub program and press enter you have a sub program. Then all you have to do is put in the code. Example Sub Celebrate()Label1.Visible = FalseImgDefence.Visible = FalseClsBackColor = QBColor(15)ForeColor = QBColor(12)FontSize = 72FontName = "Times New Roman"FontItalic = TrueCurrentX = 50CurrentY = 150Print "Victory To The Hearts!"Delay 5EndEnd SubHope I helped. -reply by Naomi
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