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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. They did this on purpose Torn City Replying to ScriptMan They did this on purpose because people who play in the same house (wife and husband) complained a lot. These accounts cannot interact in anyway however, and even if they use a middleman(s) to transfer money they still get caught easily. I love the game too. Ive been playing for over 3 years and only started get really active the last 5 months. If anyone wants to signup heres a link to register; http://www.torn.com/register.Php?XID=35853 -reply by BipolarKittens
  2. I GOT YO BACK BRUH! How To Run Wow-wotlk Client. Muahahahaha I had the EXACT same problem as you guys, and have been searching for a working mac client for a while... I even saw your guys posts on 2 other webites anyways, I have found a link to the mac donload, and it works because its the one released by BLIZZARD :D so here you are my firends, see you in azeroth! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (scroll down a bit)
  3. ths should help! =] I Have A Girl Problem Here Hey alex...So I read your "problem"...And if you rele like her and you like her back that best advice I can give to you is to go for it. Yes she might have a boi frend at the moment but you would be suprised what can happen if you just take a chance, finding some one special is not some thing to be taken lightly. Feelings llke these don't come along every day, so why not give it what cha got and see wha happens! =] good luck getting your girl! <3 nikki. -reply by nikki
  4. Well.. Is wwe wrestling Real or Fake ?????? Replying to UAE_BOY I always wondered if it was fake or reak! Because this is what I want to do is be a Divia but I want it to be real.I go to the matches when they are in Huntsville Al. But I never truley knew if it was real or NOT! My cousin wrestler he is a pro, and he told me that its not planned what they do or who wins but they have to go to training to learn how to roll out after they get hit a certain way bc it could acually kill you!and he has the World Championship title and he said if he does get to go to one of these he would work for WWE.But he don't kno if thats fake or not! -reply by Taylorr
  5. Windows XP Starting/Shutting Down Language change How To Change Windows Xp Language ? I have computer with Win XP SP1 with Arabic Language version.When I first start the computer, the language of Starting/Shutting down under windows XP logo is shown in Arabic. How to change it to English. -question by mukut das
  6. Replying to PloforiaRenderman is a system where it renders every single frame. Its pixar render farm, where the computer gets all the data from that one frame from the 3d software it uses. It gets every geometry every little detail in that frame and output it to an .Avi or .Mpeg format.-reply by chili
  7. Christians vs. Christians Catholicism Vs. Christianity At least Catholics believe that they have to do something besides saying that they "believe" to find eternal happiness. Wow, imagine that, God actually expects effort and adherence to commandments (rules, lets say)...Faith without works is dead, being alone...I think that is in everyones bible, is it not?...Oh that's right, not all Christians believe the same thing, or interpret the bible the same way. Boy you "Christians" sure like to exclude each other... -reply by hackbart
  8. what does it matter? A World Without A Religion? What does it matter whether we think the world would be a better, safer place. Jsut because its what you believe doesnt mean it actually will be. How about you think about all the people who actually enjoy religion. Alot of the time, their religion offers them a meaning in life. And if not a meaning, then something to look foward to. Peoples beliefs give them, or at least let them belive that they have a better understanding of where they will be after life. People feel safer knowing or thinking they know where they will go. Christianity for example, it gives christians a belief that heaven is perfect, their utopia. At least when they die they can look foward to something. Rather then dieing and not having any idea at all about where youll end up. Also, everyone has to believe in something. An athiest believes that there is no God. That means that they still believe in something. Its jsut opposite to most religions. An athiest is still in the same boat as budhist and christians. Athiest are still believing something, by believing that there is no God at all. So it would be virtually impossible to have a world without religion. Religion didnt start the wars, the people did. You cant base the whole war situation on one thing. Hilter didnt go around killing people because of his religion, he was killing people because of what they looked like. Can you blame being judgmental on religions as well? Religions arnt making people pay out and discriminate other people. Christianity tells people not to judge. Their religion they believe in tells them to acept everyone. And yet they could possibly and often are the most judgmental of all. Is it the religion or the people? people would still be judgmental without religion, its human nature. What would life be if you didnt believe in anything. What would be the purpose of it? people live to get to where their religion offers them. Budhists are nice to people so that in the next life, they are rewarded. They have something to look foward to, and they have a meaning and purpose to life in the mean time. Personally, having a world without religion would solve nothing. Cutting out religion isnt going to stop wars. Wars occur for many reasons. Such as one country wanting more land, does that have anything to do with religion? cutting out religion wouldnt solve wars, it would jsut make people try to find other reasons to start them. People with beliefs would be unhappy, as their purpose in life, their meaning of living would be taken away from them. And lastly people wouldnt be anyless judgmental as its human instict to judge, its what we do, with or without religion. -reply by betty -----ADMIN opinion... -> One Word -> WOW. God Bless you. And all. :-) -Shree
  9. ***SPOILERS*** (kinda obvious but...)Baten Kaitos:You play as a fairy that is for the most part in charge of the main character, until he turns on you revealing that your amnesia was purposefully caused so he could carry out some evil plan, and you are separated from him at the half way point.Chrono Cross:I don't know how to correctly describe this, but the foreshadowing shows you apparently comforting the female lead, but when the scene actually plays out, that character is the main enemy, who has switched bodies with you, and is in actuallity stabbing them. Nice.-reply by TsuQ
  10. a cool game to play The Legacy Of Holy Castle Closed Beta Test Is Now Live! The Legacy of Holy Castle was very nice game to play from the start there was a novice quest which guid you about the game and earn some rewards by accomplish them. Afterwards you will be under protection in 4 days untill you reach the area of castle 60 which have an extention of 4 days protection means you will not be attack by other player vice versa. To make your hero strong do a Hero's Missions, adventure to gain some experience for upgrade some of your status and there was a some materials to earn. You can use those material at Alchemy which give good atribute. But the most important to this game is the Gems which you can bought at NPC shop. Oh another thing there was a Daily Zodiacs Rewards will give some good materials. -reply by milato
  11. is it ALL free Toontown Online Replying to iGuest is it all free to do EVERYTHING??? because the usa version you have to buy it to do everything and I don't like that so ill try it out and lets see what happens! -reply by charlotte vesneski
  12. i thinkin of a psp Psp Sucks. Dont Buy It. I own a ds, it's pretty cool but the only good games are the mario games and the only game that acually does something usefull with the touch screen is The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass. The ds is pointless if you own a N64 or gamecube cuz all the good games for the Ds are remakes of games from those systems. Then agian, you guys all have goods reasons to not buy a psp. There both good I guess... -reply by megamitten
  13. boot virus I Use Avast Anti-virus I was advised by avast to boot scan my computer so I did, but every time I do this boot scan the boot virus is still there and why is it that avast cannot protect our computer in this situation? thank you over all assessment its very good an useful -reply by boy morillo
  14. What you are seeing is called 'weasel gigs' and as has been previously mentioned is due to the harddrive manufacturers calling 1000Mb 1Gb. So: 1bit -- The smallest data representation. 1nibble = 4bits 1byte = 2 nibbles 1Kilobyte [Kb] = 1024b 1Megabyte [Mb] = 1024Kb 1Gigabyte [Gb] = 1024Mb 1Terrabyte [Tb] = 1024Gb 1Petabyte [Pb] = 1024Tb Etc What I'm trying to get at is that for once this isn't a microsoft issue, you would have this same problem under osx, linux, solaris, strand etc its not software, its the harddrive manufacturers skimping.
  15. THIS IS THE BEST THING IV SEEN SINCE THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merchanting For Non-members Dude this is awsome I had 300k to start off and these rune scimmys seel really quick at the grande exchange in world's 1345 THIS rocks I made 4.5 mill in 20min by this its AWSOME -reply by Tyler
  16. i need those pimples off off my face Remove Spots From Pimples From Face When I wash my face the pimples do not go a way .Every time I washing my face and it seems as if there is more pimples on my face so please whhat should I do -reply by worried
  17. Replying to JasperIkReplying to Justin S.Then what has happened to humanity? We would've destroyed our diversity, which is the largely defining trait of humanity, in order to not offend people of our own race... Are you willing to sacrifice everything that makes us human just to make things "better"? The last time religion was abolished, Stalin and Red China killed millions, if not hundreds of millions.-reply by none of your business
  18. Response to Diet Coke Diet Sodas/artificial Sweeteners Relationship With Cancer? Iv'e heard horrible stories about Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, etc... Now, they may be just that, "stories", but usually you find truth somewhere in the middle. I was told that some State Police carry 12 packs of soda in the trunk to poor on top of deer blood at a roadkill site. The acids in the soda supposedly eat the deer blood off of the pavement. Yikes! Iv'e also heard stories that if you put certain pieces of metal in a glass of soda and let it set, the acids will literally eat the metal? I have a hard time swallowing that this is "o.K" or "good" for anyone to drink. I know this, yet occasionally I still have one or two on a hot day. It's crazy! Mass marketing melts our brains and soothes us with those Cindy Crawford commercials into thinking it's o.K. Much like cigarettes, there's so much money involved in this industry that there will never be a REAL answer because I don't think we really want to know. I just don't want to be the sap that's lying there with pancreatic cancer wishing I had a few more years with my children so it's a simple choice, years with my kids or take my chances with the soda (and a hundred other things)...I usually choose the kids (although they may very well be the death of me before it's all said an done! LOL) -reply by Yankee44
  19. Replying to evoughtI live in iowa and grew my own st johns wort plant.It just today started blooming the yellow flowers.I was just wondering how to get the herbal properties out.Can you eat the plant or does it have to be prepared somehow?-question by shiela
  20. I think the point was missed Game Maker To compare GM to programming from scratch and RPG maker is fair, but the whole point of GM is to provide a user friendly IDE in which novices can learn the basics of developing and creating games. It can be used to turn out some pretty impressive stuff like 3d games, multiplayer games, and the like but it's really a teaching tool above all else. The real appeal of GM over anything else is because of it's simplicity to learn it makes a great enviroment for hobyists who do not have the time to learn advanced coding in a given programming language while remaining versatile enough to not limit the type of games you can create. -reply by Geo Seven
  21. Dreams Why Are We Dreaming? Should we dream of future? means should we dream for profession? why so?what are the benefits? what are the disadvantages? -reply by saba --------- ADMIN REPLY ----------- These are my opinions.. Dreams are caused out of your "Actions". Eg. If you had a really good day and were successful in being good with people without hurting anyone knowingly.. You will have a good sleep with Pleasant thoughts. If you sleep while CRAVING for something, thinking about someone, your mind using the power of imagination/intelligence manifests images which feels real during sleep. So, in Dreams you can even fly or do feats not possible in Reality. So I can conclude .. They do not have a CONNECTION as such. However, because DREAMS can show your hidden longings or desires, your REAL life can be Greatly related to your dreams. DREAMING is good. Sleeping is NOT. your Goal should be ONE. Your DREAM should aid that GOAL you have. If you DREAM anything other than something that does not take you CLOSER to your goal, you are JUST wasting time. DREAMING your goal programs your brain. -Shree (Xisto.com)
  22. Dell inspiron fan Running Bios Setup On A Dell Inspiron 8000 Laptop Hello all. I have an overheating issue with my inspiron 2200. I have pulled the fan and bench tested it. The fan runs fine on a 5 V supply (actually is runs fine down to 3V). The mother board is not supplying the VCC to the fan. I know because I have speedfan running And the processor get to73C and no VCC on the supply pin. Does anyone know of any software switches that turn the fan on and off? Dell Inspiron 2200 with Windows XP.
  23. my naruto chracter What Is Your Dream Naruto Character Name izuna atiyah Kekkai genkai leogun can put you in a mind state like tsukyomi but instead you think you are fighting you most hated adversary only when you beat him you'll will be freed also the leogun can explodes anything in it's site with fire Justu summoning as soon as izuna kill a number of ninja he can summon a death lion capable of spewing posion and attacking it can also guard you. Death clones which if attacked can lower your stat's for six second's each they can also run at you and throw kunai knifes. Flame blade which is like the lighting blade but in the form of fire Fire explosion he is surronded by fire than it explodes around him. Weapons explosive arrows which blow up HE also has a death sword capable of releasing energy waves and absorbing chkra whenever it cut's somone. Story He is from a rogue ninja clan wandering all over the world learning the most powerful justu's Ninjustu 60% genjustu 10% taijustu 30% Fast as neji -reply by atiyah
  24. Helo, kindly tell me the difference between the following computer laptors1.Ph,2.Celeron,3.Dell,4.Toshiba in term of the below: 1.The speed 2.Memory 3.Pentium 4.Product 5.Dvd/cd writer 6.GB I.E Hard disk I want to start networking now remember its your price that can convience me.Lets work together.Happy sales-question by baro kareem
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