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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Where do they live? Boltblue: Beware! They got me too bastards. If I ever get to meet anyone associated with bolt blue I will chin them They suddenly took �112 quid directly out my bank account through my phone We are skint and just to about to have a baby Blue bolt cuntage. Don't give them your number man -reply by Tomma
  2. I would go with rock but not the lame sold out stuff like fall out boy or linkin park. I prefer the rock that still is art like BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME & ALL THAT REMAINS.. They still have the art of music because I think music has to do with more than girls and money thats why most rap stinks but there is still rappers out their that rap about inportant things and ill rather listen to them then sold out rock!-reply by The Art Is Fading
  3. how about this? Memorise Large Numbers Replying to midnightvamp inspired from that method I thought of making the numbers and the letters Look similar to easily remember,may be this might help,just check it out. â?» the rule is it should they shouldn't be a vowel in there but for zero I didnt have any choice I mean. Zero = "o" letter or "z" but "z" is used for 2. â?»ã??the number and letters should look alike to be easy to remember.I made My best to make them look alike.If you think they don't look alike then just change the angle from 90 degree or reverse it or ...You guess it already,right? 0= "o" like "octopus"(round) 1= "l" like "long" 2="z" like "zebra" 3="m" like "money" 4="h" like "horse" 5="S" like "Sun" 6="G" like "Gorilla" =>(you can change it to "b" but think about "8") 7="F" like "Fox" 8="B" like "Ball" 9="q" like "queen" => (you could use "g" but its already used bu "6") â?»ã??for example "46" is a combination of "H" and "G" but "HG" doesnt make sense so use "HUGE". You can make numbers to words or images up to 100 doing what I just did. Hey its just what I thougt when I saw this.I never tried it but I'm sure my method can help so ... Peace! -reply by justabro
  4. how about this? Memorise Large Numbers Replying to midnightvamp inspired from that method I thought of making the numbers and the letters Look similar to easily remember,may be this might help,just check it out. â?» the rule is it should they shouldn't be a vowel in there but for zero I didnt have any choice I mean. Zero = "o" letter or "z" but "z" is used for 2. â?»ã??the number and letters should look alike to be easy to remember.I made My best to make them look alike.If you think they don't look alike then just change the angle from 90 degree or reverse it or ...You guess it already,right? 0= "o" like "octopus"(round) 1= "l" like "long" 2="z" like "zebra" 3="m" like "money" 4="h" like "horse" 5="S" like "Sun" 6="G" like "Gorilla" =>(you can change it to "b" but think about "8") 7="F" like "Fox" 8="B" like "Ball" 9="q" like "queen" => (you could use "g" but its already used bu "6") â?»ã??for example "46" is a combination of "H" and "G" but "HG" doesnt make sense so use "HUGE". You can make numbers to words or images up to 100 doing what I just did. Hey its just what I thougt when I saw this.I never tried it but I'm sure my method can help so ... Peace! -reply by justabro
  5. Create your own Naruto Character What Is Your Dream Naruto Character Name: Juragi Iremo Sex: Male Age: 16 Description: Long black silky hair, Dark green eyes, a little tan with peach like skin, wears a cloak that is black with light blue swirls(2)that cover his whole body Clan:None Justu(s): Summoning Justu, Ice strike, Shadow chill, Mega Blizzard Personality: Very Quiet,Shy, Mild tempered(rarely) Village: Mist History: Works with Anbi Green Opps (Notes: Profile before gone missing,Went missing during sea war,Anbi is like Anbu but Anbi is in the mist village.) -reply by Iguest
  6. LOL @ Erdemir Cc : Red Alert3 CnC3 TW is NOT the next Red Alert XD, what a n00b, Red ALert 3 is out now, for all you n00bs out there, if you buy Kane's Wrath, it comes with a Beta Key for Red Alert 3, unfrotunetely, you can't use it anymore, since the Beta has ended lololol, well, you might, but what's the point. So yeh, Tiberium Wars is a completely seperate game, what's even more funny, abour his post is that it had already been annoucned by then XD -reply by Overseer
  7. In love with two people What Do You Do When You Love Two People? Here we go. I've been married for 8 years. Recently me and my husband have separated. The last four months I've been seeing his brother. I'm in love with him. We've known eachother for 5 years. One of the problems is they live together. So I cannot see him that much. And if I do I have to be around the both of them. Which is really uncomfortable. Right now, my husband does not know. His brother is going to tell him later. But I seem to not get any idea of when he's going to tell him. He keeps saying later not now. I don't really know if this is something I want or go back with my husband. It's very hard. What should I do? -question by Guest
  8. Two Lovers What Do You Do When You Love Two People? I'm married but were separated. I have been married for 8 years. I'm in love with my husbands brother. We have been seeing eachother for about 4 months. One of the problems is they live together. So it's very hard to see eachother. The brother that I'm in love with is telling me he's going to tell his brother later that were together. I think he's waiting for me to divorce him. So, my question is: Should I continue with his brother and see how it goes? Or end it. -question by guest
  9. Rel: Black Holes Entropia Universe Replying to iGuest Black holes are made by STARS imploding, not universes. Its when the gravitational "pull" of a star overcomes its "push" from the energy given out through nuclear fusion within the star. This happens in few cases when a star dies. -reply by HumanTriangle
  10. Red Alert 3 != Tiberium WarsCc : Red Alert3http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and Red Alert 3 both use the engine from Generals, however they are SEPERATE GAMES.-reply by Lupis42
  11. suggest a good company name Suggest A Name For A Company? Sir we are going to start new real estate business in india so pl suggest us a good name contents of business as follo 1. Property consultatant 2. Home finance consltaant of various banks Thanks Nilesh shinde -question by nilesh
  12. Worth Of A 1935C Silver Certificate Worth Of A 1935 Silver Certificate I HAVE A 1935 C SERIES 0NE DOLLAR BILL THE # Q70525431E WHAT IS IT WORTH TODAY AND ANY WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE IT LET ME KNOW -question by tony
  13. This helped me tons. Your First Autoit Thank you this a great little guide kind of thing you have set up here. -reply by Hunter
  14. Internet access through lan Networking Computers Without Modem? Can we access the internet through LAN between two computers. I have already accessing files and folders is it possible to access internet also? -question by sachin
  15. iGuest

    Google Os

    ANDROID THE OS MAID BY GOOGLE FOR PDAs Google Os The OS launched by Google is named ANDROID Visit https://developers.google.com/android/?csw=1 for more info -reply by Kedar Korgaonkar
  16. Mayan 2012 Prediction The Mayan Predictions I've gleaned through many websites and books on the subject of the Mayan date of 12/21-23/2012, and have found certain aspects of their prediction very interesting. A. Many other cultures point to that same date or roughly the same time period with a similar transitional perspective. B. Whether it is viewed as a transitional period, or purely as a catastrophic event, there seems to a projected consensus that something very big will occur. C. The Mayans claimed that every 5123 years our solar system aligns with the center of the galaxy, with its dark center (black hole) and a bright light casts upon us for a transition of conciousness. Now, before you discount the idea of a Black Hole casting light onto humanity for the purposes of transitioning consciousness, keep in mind that some theories, e.G. Theory of Gravi-Conscilution, views the Universe as being composed of equal amounts of mass and consciousness, with the parallel to black holes being God consciousness, which exists in the same space yet in a different dimension (5th) from a black hole (3rd), with time (4th dimension) as a link between the two. Essentially what the Mayans were predicting is that we would be cast upon by this light to either take a consciousness step forward to be more connected to and in balance with the Earth, with greater compassion and Love for each other, or we would resist that transition and suffer a great catastrophe. Here's my view of what will happen, and yes it is a prediction: Global warming is thawing the Arctic and Greenland. At some accelerated point of melting in Greenland, a small percentage (1-2%) of that islands ice will wash into the Pacific Ocean causing a tsunami that will break off the remaining brim of the west antarctic coast, and between both events the sea level will increase 1-2 meters. That will displace millions of people around the world, particularly in Bangladesh. How we decide to respond to those millions of displaced people and if we decide to make a move to renewable energy, will be the telltale signs of whether or not we are resisting or able to make the necessary consciousness transition required of us through this time period. Let's say we don't get it. We ignore the plight of the refugees and continue to burn fossil fuels without making the transition to renewables, then we are resisting the transition and we sentence ourselves to greater calamity with ever worse runaway global warming, that will reduce humankinds population to a minor fraction of its current lofty 6.5 billion. Don't think global warming can do that? One tipping point is the release of methane from peat bogs in Siberia. Frozen plant life locked in place for tens of thousands of years suddenly decomposing and releasing methane from that process. Methane is a 20 times greater greenhouse gas than CO2, and there is enough methane just in Siberia to double the global warming effect we are now experiencing, which means runaway global warming we could never stop. The result of a planet that has undergone full runaway global warming would mean inundated coastlines, and a dried out desolete, no plant or tree life, dusty, bone dry continents that will only sustain a small, desperate population of people. I think we had an opportunity to start the transition with Gore in 2000, but lost it to the idea we could continue to rape the earth without consequence. Now we have an incredible opportunity to make the transition with Obama. He wants to provide tax breaks for the installation of solar from Texas to California, and wind from Texas to North Dakota. A vote for Obama is a vote for a smoother Mayan predicted 2012 transition. -reply by Stesh Pernocili
  17. quick moneyHow Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/First I am not very good at rs but yea I can make cash well this is my way when you lvl 75 mem go to lvl 75 ankous and pick up runes and pure ess and battle staff take bones to peachs there 2nd way go to camelot and pick flax you will need 12 craftin to make the flax to bow string sells for a bit 3rd way you will need 65 wc and cut yews you probly thinkin y 65 well so you chop the yew trees faster they sell for $459 gp 1k about 460k cash gessing. Kk hope you like my ways.
  18. contract Dish Network - Scam Scam Scam! Do Not Trust Them! So I just got dish installed today, they took 5 hours just to install. When the guy is finished he was like this paper is to let you kno your gonna be in a 2 yr agreement, and I'm like noo over the phone I told the rep that I didnt want to be under contract so I will pay the 99$ fee and I'm like I cant pay it now but I can start off with 25$ so the rep was like let me get your credit card number so since I didnt have the full amount I was like yall can install next week. But then again they came out a week earlier and the rep had it like it was ok to pay 25$ now and pay the rest later. So the installer guy calls customer service and told them I'm not suppose to be under a 2 yr contract, and the rep said, we don't see anyting on file about that, and we don't even have a credit card number on file . But umm yes they did I gave them my discovery card number, and shes all well the account has already been activated there is nothing I can d, even if you do give the 99$ .I mean the only reason I went to dish is because I didnt want to be under contract; Thats why I didnt sign up wit Direct Tv. But my question is do you guys think its possible to get this issue resolved ? -question by Brittany
  19. The smallest How To Create Smallest Website If you really want to see the smallest website on earth, check out: http://onepixelwebsite.com/ -reply by Sander
  20. Same Problem but slightly different. Mac G5 Monitor Goes Black Except my monitor stays on for about one second when I turn on the computer. Then it becomes dim by half for one second. Then it goes black forever. Everytime I restart my computer, this happens. So the monitor obviously works. There's a pop in the monitor right before it goes out, so it's like maybe the backlight just won't stay on? Really really strange. -reply by kevin
  21. help - unreadable content Office 2007 Document Problems Replying to Jimmy89 Hi guys, I am still having problems with this issue. I am using a pivot table (but quite a basic one). Everytime I update and re-save (within excel 2003) when I try and open it I get this error message. Can anyone let me know how I solve the problem - it is driving me mad! Lisa -reply by Lisa
  22. My dad, who passed away at 92 in Feb 08, was a longtime member of AA, as well as a longtime drinker. He remained sober for the last 30 years of his life. He told me once about 30-35 years ago that people drink when they have an "inferiority complex", as it used to be called. Now I know he could not speak for everyone, but obviously that was HIS reason. Today it's known as low self esteem, which no one wants to admit to these days. The good thing is that it can be dealt with and fixed. But it takes a lot of work and self love, (the real kind---not narcisism) Peace.-reply by ames
  23. iGuest

    Undetected Virus.

    rejoice Undetected Virus. Avg 8 finds backdoor-CXI (rejoice), I just shoved it in the virus vault, and then deleted it. It seems to have worked Disconnect the computers before you scan them though. Otherwise the virus will spread back to the computers that you've just gotten rid of it from. If you don't trust avg, you can try this too http://thespywaredetector.com/MostPreThreat.aspx download the spyware detector there. I'm running it right now, just to make sure
  24. 1.2 Petabyte Harddisk 1.2 Petabyte Harddisk Replying to jovencoronel I download (archive) every thing. Music, movies, jpg, software, and web-sites thinks to three t4 connections. Of the 60.0TB I have used about 54.0-TB I do have problems with finding stuff. Need better organization. I have three computers with 21 1.0TB HDDs networked That gives me 60.0TBs of space. Non of them are setup as a RAID (cost me $27,000)
  25. HELP!!!!Problem Installing Sims 2 NightlifeHi I have the weirdest problem with ALL my Sims 2 expansion packs.I have tried installing the following games: H&M Stuff Nightlife Glamour life stuff Open for business UniversityThe installation itself completes but then it wants to update. It tells me to put in disk 4 of Sims 2. But when I put it in it says something about an error and the installation will now terminate! Please I have tried just about anything, what the heck should I do??? (P.S. I am in dire need so try to send back soon!) -question by Stella101
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