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I have bought this new Sony Ericsson W205 phone. I need to transfer the sms'es ,notes etc to my PC.. I tried using MyExplorer software, no luck..There's no phone mode only file transfer. Need help! -question by Ruan
futureDo Dreams Really Mean Anything?they way I see it is its your connection to your future and past self after all we are not alone on this planet. And every body should know that and u have more than one time line it just depends on how you take your as to what will happen and where you will go but as far as your dream you are the one with the open mind not your husband it is said that women use both sides of there brain as men use one which I believe to be a total lie but as you get older the only way for you to communicate with spirits is in your sleep as to you have closed your mind off to every thing other than what happens and you probably believe in life after death. When we were kids we could see spirits that walk the earth as to we still had an open mind but if you focused on opening your mind you would be amazed and some of the things that you would see in your sleep and during real live but that is just my point of info. It might not help but it might.. And also were you really close to his uncle and if so that is why you were seeing that
Slitaz..Can Anyone Recommend A Light Linux Distro?Can't believe noone has mentioned Slitaz. Its a 20mb download, 80mb installed, comes with Firefox, a GUI, using 13mb of ram with the GUI running. The package manager is a good competitor to apt-get (the repository selection is not however). Try it. -reply by Noisome
i cant browae via opera miniOpera MiniI have a big problem regarding using the opera mini I have a nokia 3230 and I have already installed the application but I cant browse using the application. I activated my phone for mms already but yet again cant browse.. Please give some advice and also the correct setting if there is one.. Please help me. Thanks a lot. -reply by angeleuz
REALLY!Hiring FelonsLadies & Gentlemen, let ?s get real. If we are going to scrutinize people and turn them down for jobs; based on morals and ethics. And based on what they did in the past. Then perhaps we should put it all on the table?. If it is fair to question a person?s integrity or honesty based on a (non-violent) felony conviction . Then it would also be fair to question the honesty and integrity of people who?ve been divorced for cheating on their spouse? But things like that are not issues to the people in the HR?Humm! If he, or she can?t even be honest with the person they claim to love, then why in the hell would we think they would be honest at work dealing with strangers? REALLY! Or, how about the minor offenses? ?simple assault? sounds minor; ?He just choked his wife, he didn?t kill her? REALLY! Or, ?she threw a knife at him, but it didn?t really hit him? REALLY! Or, how about the one we all know at work, who drinks way too much, way too often. It?s like taboo to take these things into consideration. Why; because a lot of upper managers fit into this criteria? Perhaps! I?m just saying that if you look deeper into a lot of these ?minor offenses?, you will see that many could have or should have been felonies if it were not for Lawyers! If we put it all out there, many people would lose the jobs they now have. The bottom line is that we should look at who a person is today; what kind of experience and knowledge do they possess today; and what kind of felony they were convicted of. Because honestly, the main people stealing and under cutting the employer often times tends to be the one they thought wouldn?t do anything like that?REALLY!-reply by Kevin Anderson
Most Romantic / Sweet Things To Do For Your Mate
iGuest replied to OpaQue's topic in Dating And Relationships
True HappinessMost Romantic / Sweet Things To Do For Your MateI must say the list above is quite correct, although I would change a few... I think the most important things in a relationship are LOVE, TRUST, COMMUNICATION, and God! Without the fantatisc four a realtionship could never gain "True Happiness" therefore it will not work/ last! -reply by LOVE & Happiness -
Close an IE tab programatically using javascriptClose Webpage If User Goes To Another WindowTo close an IE tab programatically using javascript check out the following article : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by Jim King
Replying to kurtis the tenth one is actually called THE lake of souls but other than that you actually have them spot on perfect.-reply by Jovie
One of my favourite wepon for medium range maps. Use it to get multitude of headshots. Try using it in burst-fire mode. But it has one disadvantage. Its less effective for long range. Try using M4A1. Its superb. Although AK47 seems much powerful than M4 but its recoil really bugz me. -reply by Brut4l1ty
**FIX**Random Message GeneratorThe example is **REJECTED** it have some minor issues: I fixed it as follow: $randMsg = array("Hi, welcome to my page!", "hey you! Thanks for visiting!","Bonjour, mon ami!", "So, do you like the site?", "Come one, come all!");$MsgGenNum = floor(rand(1,count($randMsg)));echo $randMsg[$MsgGenNum]; Thank you! -reply by Arturo Garro
Chase-good Example Of Bad Banking Stay clear of them
iGuest replied to Joshua's topic in General Discussion
overdraft feeChase-good Example Of Bad BankingWhile on vacation, Chase lowered my credit limit to less than I had already charged. I received a letter dated July 15, 2009 (on 7/23) and on July 16th there was an overdraft fee of $39.00 in my account. No way you can convince me they are in financial trouble...They have access to all kinds of money acting like this. -reply by Patricia Dillon -
how to unsubscribeAre You In Search Of Free Google Cash Program ?Hi A site has been taken ?46 out my bank each month called Simplesearchcash.Com and also in the name of netdollarssource which I have never agreed to I have tried E mailing them but its not getting delivered and the phone no surprise surprise is dead!! my bank is not being helpful at all they say I can only shut down my whole account cancel all transactions that come out each month and start again! What a nightmare has anyone else dealt with this so called Google site and how do you stop it? any help greatly appreciated. Pam -reply by pamela Mitchell
GOD GIVE THESE MAGGOTS (world leaders) SOME SENSEWar Between Us And China? I think that there will be a war and that too a world war. All the countries that are capable of spending money on defense inspite of the fact that people in africa are starving are the biggest shame for our plannet..I hope a big tsunami takes their entire mainland underwater including my own nation's...Being the most powerful and rich somehow seems more important than living in peace...Yeah the states and eu nations are fighting for peace, while blowing up others in pieces...I mean why is it so important to them..Why is it so important for nations like china and india to develop more weapons...What are they protecting themselves of...Each other...For christ sake..We all are humans...Have some sense...Why cant we use this money for the care of our environment and nature...For the betterment of our planet, people living in this planet and other creatures...If this is something they cant understand...I personally pray to almighty that wipe the bloody human race off this planet...No more humans...A massive explosions or too much rain...Evaporate life and reinvent everything again...I believe the humans in the stone age were far much better far much better than humans now...There were no borders, no currency, no religion, no nationalities, no bloody economy (no recessions)..And hence no issues to spill blood for... OR IF THIS IS A BIT BRUTAL FOR God, THEN MAYBE A VANISHING TRICK ON ALL THE WEAPONS OF THE WORLD..ESP THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS..JUST ERASE ALL THE TECHNOLOGY REGARDING THEM AND TURN ALL THESE SCIENTISTS INTO PIGS, COWS, CHICKEN AND VEGGIES SO THAT WE COULD USE THEM PROPERLY...( tats a bit kiddish but would be a perfectly well approached solution for all these VOLDERMOTS) -reply by earthling
Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!
iGuest replied to Forte's topic in Computer Gaming
legendariesPokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!The only new thing I am looking for in a pokeon game is a handheld one where you can actualy catch ALL of the legendary pokemon without having to trade with other versions or going to some event and so far gold and silver are the only ones that did that (although there are now new and different pokemon that they obviously hadnt thought of then) so I just hope that stays the same with heart gold and soul silver. I would like to know though if they are going to include the legendaries from diamond and pearl. -question by 000000001100110100011 -
had the same problem but now I realized that it's fairly ( as usual with SQL) straith forward to reformulat my query. I'm selecting say 10 items from specific point but want to move exactly 3 steps up/down this fails if the id's aren't evenly sorted, but I can just as well chose the starting point ( this is absolute, the top or bottom of the list ) and select out 13 items ( using LIMIT ) and T.H.E.and move 3 items down/up this list... Different route but resolves the problem..
1 Terabyte Of Data On A Thumb Drive Yes, a whole terabyte
iGuest replied to Inhuman's topic in Hardware Workshop
"Now granted it took me roughly 3 days non-stop downloading to get the music" So roughly 72hrs to download "997GB" eh? ~13.8472GB an hour~0.230786GB a minute~0.00384643GB a second~4033.27418 kilobytes/second Seems ridiculously fast to me. That's almost 4MB a second, downloading music. Also, a 1TB HDD formatted is only ~931GB, so how you then fit 997GB of music, onto one 1TB drive, simply AMAZES me. You sir, are a magician. If you're going to BS about your e**nis, at least do the research. -
Creating New Process Under Alternate Credentials (createprocessasuser)
iGuest replied to tansqrx's topic in Programming
problem hiding the window created by createprocessasuserCreating New Process Under Alternate Credentials (createprocessasuser)Hi, I am not able to hide the window of the process which I have started using CreateProcessAsUser(). I am using c# and have tried setting values for dwFlags and wShowWindow . Please help. -reply by Monika -
Linkbucks Make Money when People Leave Your Website
iGuest replied to vbdeadly's topic in Business Forum
Linkbucks - Make Money when People Leave Your WebsiteLinkbuckshttps://www.linkbucks.com/ Join using this link to make more money with linkbucks -reply by welshkid -
help pleaseHow To Delete An Undeleatable File...I have tried to download tuneup utilities which came free with kaspersky security but it did not give the option to enter the serial number and as a result it does not work so I tried to delete it but with no luck so I tried all the advice on this forum again no luck. I do not have much experience with computers so it may be something really simple I am missing but I'm getting frustrated I just want the file gone but dare not boot the computer trough fear of losing all my photos and videos and such like. Any ideas? -reply by chris
The Global Warming Scam The Global Warming Scam
iGuest replied to sofiaweb's topic in Science and Technology
I believe global warming is a profitable scam. they say that the whole in the ozone layer is getting bigger. But leading scientists have said that it is in fact closing. global temperature change is common and the earth goes through stages where it is hot and cold at different times example being ice ages. If you look over temperature on the earth in the last 50 years maybe then it could be at a high but if you look back much later (500 years) there has been much higher temperatures then now and yeah man kind was wiped out then wasn't it. so my advice is to get into the global warming profit making schemes now! before people relise its a joke. -reply by hgdhgyasas -
Pro Tools or Logic 8Pro Tools Or Logic 8?I actually have both! I first fooled around with Pro Tools and I'll tell you that you can do soooooo much with it than Logic. The editing capabilities are endless and it makes editing and mixing a breeze. Now for Logic... The instruments are better than Pro Tools. 50 gigs of instruments and sounds quality. Logic's instruments sound great! But, Pro Tools is INDUSTRY STANDARD! Here's the questions you must ask yourself: Do you want to do this for a job or career someday? Yes = Pro Tools Do you want to make beats and experiment with a lot of different sounds? Yes = Logic Do you want to do both above questions? Yes = Buy Both. There are plenty of producers out there that use Logic and import the tracks into Pro Tools for editing. It's expensive, but worth it. Which should you do first? Get Logic first and if you get really into it, top it off with Pro Tools. -reply by chris almazan
I am having a vary similar problem. I can start up my computer and log in but I was an idiot and decided to change my resolution by clicking on the balloon in the bottom right and now my monitor shows everything just fine when I log in until just before the balloon shows up then it goes blank again.I have tried to change it before the balloon shows up but failed in my attempts. I also have tried to resolve the problem in safe mode but once I try to bring up the settings for the Video card it states it is not installed and that this message is here because it is not installed or I am in safe mode T-T -question by anonymous
DONT BUY 6500 SLIDE OF NOKIANokia 6500 SlideReplying to daftpunk bro.. Don't buy a nokia 6500 I got one and i am not satisfied with the performance although it is good when it comes to look and memory but soon the problem will appear on it. Come to think of it... The worst is the only thing that I can do on my 6500 is just sending SMS, all applications now are not working. So don't waste your money to something that will not suit to your lifestyle in the future.-reply by 6500 sucks
games to talk aboutThe Best Multiplayer GameI seen twisted metal but twisted metal 2 is by far best fun to play age of empires 2 freelancer stronghold crusader rainbow 6 3 call of duty world at war zombie missions of course (tanks) was not listed lol the classic game where there are like 10 tanks on a 2d screen and you shoot each other till someones the last standing and goes for as many missions as you like nukes baby funny stuff there quake 2 coop or die jesus I over played that game hot shots golf atv offroad fury the one with the hockey a lot good times with that could go on all night with games but the most I play right now is still quake 2 and stronghold crusader shoot for stronghold been playing it for many years love it always looking for new multiplayer games especially lan party games but with no luck on anything I like peace I'm out -reply by mike
Digital Lockets! digital picture lockets
iGuest replied to trinifawk's topic in Websites and Web Designing
digital locketDigital Lockets!My 10 year old has had a digital locket for two years. It was pre-loaded with pictures for her and she hasn't even touched it since she received it. Come up with a better idea than a digital locket-it's big and bulky and if a 10 year old isn't swayed then I'm sure anyone older certainly won't be either.-reply by Pinky