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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Na its not just about golf. Its about longest drives, best clubs, trying to make your own player hte best of the best, beating tiger!!!!!
  2. Im here in NZ. Here you can start driving at 15 years old. HHHHHahhahaha every one else around the world..
  3. lol americans (no offense intended). Yeh that michael phelps man hes awesome with his 4 golds.
  4. I have 38.1 GB, and I have only used 1.8 GB. The reason why is because I recently partitioned and reformatted my hard drive (it's the second time I've done it this year.)
  5. I have seen it yet. Is it worth seeing???? Whats its about??
  6. Nice work there Spectre. And no, I don't mind if you changed some of it. But thanks for the compliment. I may post some more scripts sometime.
  7. This joke is funny the first time you hear it, but then it gets lame.Q: How do you circumcise a whale??A: Send down 4 skin divers.hhahahhahahahhaa
  8. These are three other websites related to JavaScript. http://www.pageresource.com/jscript/ http://webteacher.com/ jscript http://www.webreference.com/js/index.html The first site is pretty good, but I'm not too sure about the other ones. You can decipher which ones suit you.
  9. Those are abit tacky. I think darker letters and a lighter background will help make it look better, but there is still much to be desired. I say keep going and remember to take people's eyes into consideration. I give the first banner a 4 or 4.5/10. I give the second banner a 4/10.
  10. If that were only truly . I actually don't use Notepad anymore. I just think it's the best (in my opinion of course).
  11. iGuest

    Game Maker

    Actually, Game Maker can be used to make many unique games, including Platformers, Puzzle Games, Maze Games, and is flexible enough to tackle challenging games like RPGs, RTS (Real-Time Strategy) Games, and "3D" games.If one gives him/herself enough time to grasp the fundamentals of GM, one will have the capabilities to create amazing things. You've just got to have the will, and patience. You are right on your last point, however. Game Maker is for 2D games, and once one is done with it, they should aim for 3D game design.
  12. In my opinion, Notepad is the best program to use. Even though it lacks color coding, spell-checking, and the more advanced features that other html editors have, it is still my favourite. When I first started learning HTML, it was the programI used. Now don't get me wrong. There are HTML editors out there that are very good, like NoteTab Lite, and two others that I have used in the past (I can't recall what they were called). On the flip side, I do not use WYSIWYG editors - I never have, and I never will.
  13. I use IE6. I've never used any other browser (ie. Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, etc.) besides IE. I guess I just don't feel like changing to another browser.
  14. Okay, I wrote a cool little Guestbook script a few weeks ago. It is very simple (one page of php) that uses flat files (text files). Using this script, you never need to use a database (you can if you want, but that's up to you). Anyways, here is the php code. Enjoy! [br]<?php[br][/br]print "<form action='whateverthepageis.php' method='post'>";[/br]print "* Your name: " . "<input type='text' name='yourName'>";[br]print "Email: " . "<input type = 'text' name = 'email'><br>";[/br]print "Website URL: " . "<input type = 'text' name = 'webUrl'>";[br]print "Website Name: " . "<input type = 'text' name = 'webName'><br>"; [/br]print "* Comments: " . "<textarea name='comments'></textarea>";[br]print "<input type='submit' value='submit'>";[/br]print "</form>";[br][/br]print "<table>";[br]if(strlen($yourName) > 4 and strlen($comments) > 10)[/br]{[br] $newEmail = "<a href='mailto:" . $email . "'>" . $email . "</a>";[/br] $newWebUrl = "<a href='". $webUrl."'>". $webUrl . "</a>";[br][/br] $fileID = fopen('post.txt', 'a');[br] fputs($fileID, "Name: " . $yourName);[/br] fputs($fileID, "Email: " . $newEmail);[br] fputs($fileID, "Website Name: " . $webName);[/br] fputs($fileID, "Website URL: " . $newWebUrl); [br] fputs($fileID, "Comments: " . $comments); [/br] fclose($fileID);[br][/br] $fileID = fopen('post.txt', 'r');[br] while(!feof($fileID))[/br] {[br] $gbookLine = fgets($fileID);[/br] print "<tr><td>" . $gbookLine. "</td></tr>";[br] } [/br] fclose($fileID);[br]}[/br]print "</table>";[br][/br]?> By the way, if there is an error, I'll correct it.
  15. iGuest

    Game Maker

    This is one of the best free Game-making programs on the internet. It it an outstanding program with easy-to-use tools for beginners, and a solid flexible programming Language for advanced users. I've been using this program for over a year now, and I must say that it is amazing. It may not be as good as OpenGL C++, but it's still worth the download. You can also register if you want to use some of the more advanced functions, such as Multiplayer functions, DLL manipulation, and such. If you would like to take a look at this program, click on the link below: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Register at the forums also for assistance in using Game Maker. Well, I hope you check out Game Maker, and I hope you see what it can do.
  16. Yeh but generally men have more hair then women overall. so big tuffs under the arms dont appeal to me lol.Most women prefer to shave so women with lots of hair underarms standout.
  17. Yeh I reckon cs in better then cs condition zero for online play. Better levels, guns, etc and far more servers on cs 1.6.
  18. Id buy it since (in my opinion) its the best release from eagames to date in the driving genre.
  19. Yeh to true. We have similar cases in New Zealand. Its pretty expensive if its not managed effictively.
  20. Whats everyones overall opinion on the olympics??Who's going to get the most golds??It looks like the USA at the moment
  21. I'm playing the field right now, so I don't have a gf. But if I did, she would be hotter than both of yours. \/ Out(If you cooked any slower, you wouldn't need an egg timer, you would need an egg calendar.)
  22. Yeh i already know about ur clan lol
  23. Im from New Zealand. And thorpes a bit off form. hes not as good as a couple years ago.Hear about the swindell twins, hell yeh gooooolllldddd.
  24. yeh its great isnt it. Ive clocked 2002, 2003, 2004. Do u like the skillzone????
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