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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Connect to db from Java and embedding SQLHow To Connect A Java Applet Or The Html To A DatabaseCheck this link ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) for a reply to your question. Here you will find detailed description of how to connect to a SQL server database from Java and pass embedded SQL. It describes how to create the connection string, pass parameters to the embedded SQL queries and stored procedures. -reply by Shahriar Nour Khondokar
  2. Private ServerAre They Private Or *pirate Servers?I, myself, run a private server. Depending on your country's laws it may or may not be illegal. In the United States, it's perfectly legal. Since most "sources" are released under the GPL license, Jagex has no business interfering with such software or the rights of people to host, modify, and/or sell it. You may even charge players to play your "private server" or accept donations because of the fact the software is under the GPL license. Of course, if you make a certain amount of money you are obligated to pay taxes on your income UNLESS you have tax exempt status with your state and take in donations. -reply by Anonymous
  3. I love your article and I read it at the right time...Just when I needed to hear those words of faith. Thank you and God bless.
  4. brisingrNew Eragon BookReplying to iGuest-A he also names his sword brisingr and that is the swords true name.-reply by dakota
  5. Why would she do it to meSo Called 'friends'!Me and this girl Lauren had never been close, untill in year 10 when she was upset and I was really hyper so I invited her to my party. After that we got really close. We both really liked and got on with each others family and had sleep overs nearlly every weekend. We would talk non stop about the boys we likes. Hers would change every week and it would really bug me. But I was stuck on this one guy, Joe, me and him got really close which made me like him even more. I would never stop going on about him at school, and Lauren wanted to meet this Joe guy I really liked when she came over next. But I knew what she was like meet some one once then fancies the pants off them. But she met him any way and yes I was right we went back to my room and she told me he was really fit and she also fancied him. She asked for his number I really didnt want to give it to her. But I knew if I didnt she would hate me so resentfull I still gave it to her. He went on holiday to go camping or something with my brother, so I went to her house to sleep around. But when I got there she said she had something to tell me, she said when Joe got back they were meeting and going back to his. I was upset as they only met once. But then I found out they were going out and she asked him even though she said he asked her another lie. Any way this week me and my other friend Tam were going through Lauren ex boyfriends who she never told us about Tam never said Joe so I brought it up and laughed She went really snappy and was like oh well you'll get over it. I never have and I have never forgiven her I still really like joe and we are starting to get close again. When he got back he said they went out for an hour and she agreed yet another lie so she did it to hurt me. We are still meant to be best friends but her and Tam are treating me like there slave and saying they need to train there friends like dogs! I am not the youngest Lauren is and Tam is only 11 days older than me, I really don't know what to do any more because I know I can never forgive her but should I? And how about how they all treat me its doing my head in and I cant stand it much more espcially now my family is falling to pieces. -reply by Had enough of all this
  6. How to bypass WebsenseHow To Bypass Websense?Well this is easy when a website you want to visit is blocked, just copy the url, go to command prompt and type ping then take the ip address and copy it into the browser. Simple, easy, and I never, ever, got caught! (btw, this site was blocked too )-reply by Xtreme
  7. Tele media is just going on with creating hype out of nothing. They are not ready to see what burns under their own feet before giving one sided news. A new dangerous trend is being set to hold parrell judiciary by calling related persons and victimise them with presumptions that they are guilty. Especially 'Times Now' pretends to be the only who have awarded rights of doing justice the way mentione above. Its all agonising to see them behave the way trhey do. -reply by Avinash Joshi
  8. I need help... I am oveously confused. (Not that-that is new)Guy ProblemsOk, So me and my boy friend have been together for almost a year. We have never really be in any big fight or anything like that, I am confused at the moment however... This is what happened: I have epilepsy and am not allowed to drive and on March 12th I had a doctors apt. ( I am also not allowed to live alone so I now live with my mother again even though I am 22, I have only had epilepsy for about 7 months) after my apt. I was informed that I can start looking for an apartment in town on my own so I was taking the city bus around town seeing what was near the bus stops when I ran into an old friend of mine who said that there happened to be an opening in the apartment complex that he lives in. I was excited and because I had all day to waist he invited me over to show me the lay out of what it would look like and get me all of the information on who to contact about the apartment. Little did I know at the time he had other thoughts in mind. ... We all know what they were... Needles to say he pushed himself on me and I had to file a police report. I have not told my boy friend about this yet because I don't know how to bring it up to him. That is confused part number one... Number two: Yesterday after work I had a job interview and stupid me forgot my resume at home so I txt him and asked him to print off a copy and bring it to work when he picked me up. I gave him 100% access to my email so that he could do it. When he picked me up everything seamed fine other than he looked like he had just woken up and that he might be coming down with a cold =( /sad face. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek so he wouldn't get me sick and took me to my job interview. The interview lasted about an hour, On the way home he was still acting a little stand-off-ish but nothing to much to worry about. When we got to my house again he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug then I said I love you... When he didn't say it back I asked him why and he got all defencive and accused me of pushing... Then informed me he was upset with me and that we would talk about it later and left. Knowing that I was home alone and upset and that my seizures are caused my stress he called my neighbor and asked him to come over and check on me, (not knowing that he was already at my house getting there mail that was wrongly delivered to my house) so I know he still cares. But he has not answered any of my txt's, or calls... What is going on? Please help~! Oh... And to top it all off I might be Pregnant. I will find out next week... -reply by ConfusedPrincess
  9. win7 media issueWindows 7 Media Center IssuesDefinately a win7 media center issue for us in Edmonton too. We have 3 pc s with tuners hooked up all 3 have no problem downloading the epg each pc uses the same firewall ,antivirus ,network settings etc The two using vista work properly but the one using win7 downloads a similar guide with the all the right channels but the last half of the channels show a different tv show then what is on the zap2it guide. Even tried a variety of similar postal codes without success,also tried the software that came with ATI 650 PCI tuner . Maybe shaw is still not ready for win7 yet ... -reply by mzorro
  10. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 7 months we had our ups and downs but he was different everyday, one day it woudl seem liek he really likes me and the next day it seems like he was having second thoughts. I always had a feeling he was cheating on me and I was right. I always told him I think we shouldnt be together anymore because when I get mad I say things I don't mean. I guess it got to him and he just officailly ended it. It seems like he doesnt even care anymore I moved on to a better guy and he moved on but hes still doesnt have a girl not that I know of. I know I will always have feelings for him and I just don't know how to get him out of my head because I know I will always be his girl
  11. I feel your pain. Hiring FelonsHi Depressed. I know exactly how you feel, for I am going through a similar hardship. Back in 2006, my one twin son died in my arms at 3 years old. I didn't handle it well. I opened up a credit card in my Mom's name and was buying things that made my yard look like a cemetary. My Mom turned me into the police. She regrets turning me in. She, nor I, realized that I would not be able to get a job after this. I had to move back home with my Mom and my other autistic son. Before my record, I was working in the healthcare industry, but had to resign there due to needing to stay at home to take care of my son. After my felony conviction, I started working at a cleaning place. I was working at a drug rehab. I received a call one morning, before I went into work. It was my employer. He told me that I would have to turn in my badge, due to the police report. I CAN'T EVEN CLEAN TOILETS! HOW PATHETIC! I have never done anything illegal before this. I just want to move on with my life and pay back what I owe, but that is going to be impossible! What angered me even more is when my probation officer sent me job listings from snagajob.Com, for cashiers positions at that! I don't know what world she is living in! Felons would never get hired for a cashier job, especially when I have theft on my record! Felons need to be reintegrated back into society. The justice system wonders why crime will continue to get worse? If they would give felons a second chance, they would definitely see a reduction in crime. -reply by Depressed Felon
  12. howdo i spawn npcs?Runescape Private Serverhow do I spawn npcs? do I have to put the cordnites in then the npcs codes or what? also. How do I dictate what npcs drop? any way please answer ciao -reply by servernub
  13. Need to back up Mortoral Q9 phoneNeed To Backup Contact List On My Moto QNeed help! need to back up my Q9 phone but everything I tried on the web is for the Q8. -reply by David
  14. I live in the US and I have worked with people visiting the US from both Europe and Asia, usually chemists and engineers. The common trait between the two nationalities above is they are somewhat intimidated by ordinary America life; the lack of formality, the pace of everything, chance encounters with sometimes loud-mouthed US people, food portion sizes, large cars, and the realization that life in the US requires more individual effort to live and eventually retire successfully. There are programs in the US to provide food, housing, clothing, and health care even to the most dead-assed citizen, but the one?s quality of life will not be that high. (btw, I am mid forties and I have never heard of a single US citizen that has been denied necessary health care which seems to be a huge misinterpretation the rest of the world has of the US. Health care in the US is pretty good, even if you are poor or lazy, or both.) I work in Southern California and own a home in the foothills outside Denver, CO, flying commercially home on the weekends. SoCal is a collection of polluted, crowded, semi-cultured, uber expensive 24-hr cities with many high-paying technical and entrepreneurial opportunities that many people cannot wait to move here for. Colorado is beautiful and home, but not as many economic opportunities as SoCal. One?s future prosperity in America is largely limited to one?s personal drive, preparation, and sometimes luck. I could not imagine living in a socialist/communist country even though our current president is hell-bent to form one here. Personal impressions of other places: - England is very cast-conscious. I have no respect for anyone judging me by my lineage or parent?s occupation. - France is lazy cry-babies that deserve the lower quality of life they have earned with their 35 hr work weeks and labor strikes. I see this as a shame because France had so much going for it a couple of centuries ago. - The whole of the middle East hates and would like to kill me and my family because of Israel, and I do not know why that is. We in large part saved the Jewish race as it exists today from Germany. Why is that bad? Finally, America has done a whole lot of good for the world. I believe the world is better off BECAUSE of the USA than if this greatest country had never been founded. It is sad that many nations hating the US don?t remember the not-so-distant past.
  15. my hp is missimg alot of stuff, Password RecoveryMy laptop is missing alot of stuff, I thought I would just fomat the drive. It won't let me cause I'm not the administrator , don't know who was and no password. All I wanted to do was format the drive and start over, can't do that either, I'm lost with this one, please help ..Thanks -reply by Jeff Luther
  16. Every time I try to log onto my gaia account it lets me log in. There is a black screen behind my avi. I logged onto my other mule accounts and it still has a black screen behind it! Even when I click on my gaia the page loads so slow Dx! What is the issue here!?
  17. I just got alienware, TODAY, and it owns, there are so far no problems and it runs perfectly fine, very smooth and quiet equiped with many custom upgrades I have made to it (before shipment) and its great. The design is awesome (for showing off of course) and its great...Well hope u get 1 good luck and no problems what so ever except that it came with windows 7 which sux compared to xp, not sure about vista (well I hate vista too) -reply by Alienware Owner
  18. I just got alienware, TODAY, and it owns, there are so far no problems and it runs perfectly fine, very smooth and quiet equiped with many custom upgrades I have made to it (before shipment) and its great. The design is awesome (for showing off of course) and its great...Well hope u get 1 good luck and no problems what so ever except that it came with windows 7 which sux compared to xp, not sure about vista (well I hate vista too) -reply by Alienware Owner
  19. Vista desktop not loadingDesktop Doesn't LoadI uninstalled the internet explorer from the command prompt ( as administrator) and then from that point onwards I am unable to view my desktop icons. Please help. -question by citi
  20. Old, Forgotten and Out of Print Fairy Tales, Folkore, Myths and LegendsHome Schooling ResourcesAbela Publishing is a social enterprise publisher. By this I mean we republish old, forgotten and out of print books and donate 33% of the net profit to charities and schools.We also publish a limited number of titles for authors - but only on recommendation and after careful consideration. Even here we insist the author donates 10% of their royalty to charity.I note that we have republished a number of the books listed and that some of the links are not working.For the traditionalists among you, who prefer a hardcopy, you may want to visit our our page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ where you can buy copies of these books in the full knowledge that their purchase will also be sponsoring an education somewhere in the world.We currently have over 45 titles in print and our list of republished titles is growing weekly.Our categories are:Western Europe & Great BritainEastern Europe, the Middle East and Central AsiaAfricaThe AmericasThe East and Far EastCelticViking & IcelandicAustralia and PolynesiaThemed SetsCompendiums & OtherBooks are printed as close to the purchaser's location as possible. For example while we are based in the UK, books purchased in the USA are printed in Tennessee. Likewise our printers also have locations in the UK, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Australia. This almost entirely removes the need for airfreight which reduces our carbon footprint. It also eliminates import duties which would normally increase the price of books.We also have a special service for schools and educational organisations, where we republish books from their libraries that were originally republished 90 years or more ago. This enables the organisation to create a passive income stream.RegardsJohn HalstedAbela Publishing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by John Halsted
  21. microsoft?What Is The Most Evil Corporation In The World?I don't like Microsoft, but it certainly doesn't fall into the "evil" category when compared to companies that have large body counts. Dow Chemical left 150,000 people disabled or dying in India just in one incident. DynCorps employees have been involved in mass poisonings and child slavery, just to get you started. Chevron has dumped hundreds of billions of gallons of toxic waste into the environment, including in pristine rainforests. Coca Cola has been buying up water supply in third world countries, leaving the locals with nothing but the worst quality water. And on and on. Think about that next time you buy a bottle of Dasani. -reply by Brian Salvatore
  22. hey dude I followed all your instructions and it didnt workoh and if it did work how do we put onregister it on moparscape can you please send me an email telling me the right way to this and how to put it online please my email is piti1870@gmail.Com please email the info -reply by piti
  23. I think some people are confused about finite and infinite. With the God question, why cant he be infinite? Maybe he always existed, and maybe he created time. It is impossible for humans to comprehend though. You need faith to believe it just like you need faith to be an atheist. And the big bang theory is the biggest joke in the world, it makes no sense. It takes far more faith to believe in that then believe in a God. And it is probably better to be frozen alive.
  24. Play PC games Xbox360 ??Pc Games On Xbox?Ok, like someone already posted-- Xbox is microsoft, windows is too, and like you can play any other games on PC from other gaming consoles with an emulator, maybe you can make an emulator for your xbox(guessing it has to have a HardDrive) so when you put in a computer game it has all the functions needed to run this gameOr maybe if its an old computer game and small in size-- maybe insert something(emulator) on a blank CD along with an .Iso image of the real game, then burn it off--- possibility?-reply by colin
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