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I tried all of 4 different methods but i still cantHow To Remove 4 Different Msn Messenger Virus'sI did through all the way. I could not find those files in start up tap. My friends told be that I keep sending them pictures links. Also, I got a failure delivery emails which I never send out from hotmail. What shold I do? -feedback by feedbackuser
i am in big problem, pls help.Love Problems?I am 24 year old guy, and I am in love with my friend's small sister, she is 20 years old, she was staying in different town and come in my city for studying. My friend told me that I have to take care of her sister, in any problem I help her. She was here in my city from last 3 years. But after helping out so long I am in love with her. She was cute and understandeble. I have spent lots of time with her. In first year she is in love with me after my proposal. But from my small mistake she didn't want to make relation with me. And she was of my cast, now she have to do nothing with me she telling me bhai now. So please tell me what I should now? -reply by moiz
Do You Think Technology Can Alienate People?
iGuest replied to rovertos's topic in General Discussion
I strongly believe internet can make people closer, especially for those friends who live very far from each other. I'm a undergraduate and study in place thounsands kilometers from my hometown. I miss my friends very much. Thanks to internet, we can contact with each other and even play games together. -reply by Dana -
AdviceOutlook Express TroublesYesterday I opened my OE and was amazed,because of some of my emails were lost no one knew how. I entered the Google and observed there a lot of tools,but no one of its couldn't help me. Luckily for me unexpectedly my friend called me up and advised - problems outlook express. To my great surprise the software solved my problem for a minute and without payment as I bore in mind. It helped my friend quite rapidly and he thanked me a lot. -reply by zlatan24
overheat ASUS MoboHdd Causing Cpu Overheatingmy cpugoing 105 degree celcius on the first start I've been cleaned. Apply thermal paste, reset BIOS & doesn't work it all still hot... any solution for me ??? I use3 HDD 530Watt Power Supply core2duo RAM 3Gb -question by tim0thy
Deployment Preparation For A U.s. Soldier Going To "the Sandbox?"
iGuest replied to rayzoredge's topic in Business Forum
served one tour in iraq. I was issued pretty but everything I can think of but now I was on a air force base I had more thing unlike some that was their like a/c in the rooms and the px yea it wasnt always filled up but hey it had what u wanted and if not ask the people their they might have ina conx also ipod get a cheap one don't buy the touches and **** cuz I had a few people run theirs over or lose them and even forget it, so buy a cheap one and get a portable dvd player from the state side to watch movies cuz theirs wont play state side movies. Most trucks have a/c in them too but to stay cool really its goona be hard but you can do it they have been giveing out energy drinks gatorade and electrolight packages to pour in your water which will help u out but wouldnt hurt to put and banda in the cooler till your hot then put on back of neck then when its dry back in cooler again but don't buy junk their buy things your gonna need and people blackhawk sells good flash lights that will last better and long and not the 123 batts thos are alot their and if your lucky como will have them but just stick to a list and o eat food from the chow hall don't always hit the mds or bks or tb youll get fat but also one thing u will need and u cna get their is detergent it works good when u need to clean your gear lol but everyone will slam the washers tho but have fun -
Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!
iGuest replied to Forte's topic in Computer Gaming
Seeing as though i own HeartGold,Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!I have played the original Silver and Gold when I was very little, and loved it. Now, with the remakes, I can fully enjoy them. I personaly felt that silver was probably the best game in the entire series, due to Lugia and the two regions. One thing I would like to see would be being able to go to all the regions somehow, I believe that would make the game a fair amount enjoyable, as well as a way to catch 'em all without extenxive trading. These remakes are quite good, the only drawback being the vast amount of legendaries to catch. -reply by andrew -
I'm a gangsta these streets am runnin its all like **** the cops are comin street battles on rooftop shootin at the police u wont take me alive I'm a beast like yo what up what say u try stop ma gansta ways damn fool get put in ya place sit down shut up I aint talkin u speak when your spoken too damn fool shotgun loaded as I take next shot damn fool get his head blown off disrespectin worst respect better learn respect if ya want a head on ya neck haha but no I'm being serious al end ya life period full stop no questions asked do it go to sleep just like that don't bother me am a damn gansta aint bin nothin bigger since the mafia I run these this world is mine am gon take it try stop me fool and it me hu gon make it
Help, My Laptop Charger Is Not Working Properly
iGuest replied to torres1287's topic in Hardware Workshop
Can I fix a faulty charger connection myself?Help, My Laptop Charger Is Not Working ProperlyMy connetion on my Presario 2500 is not working properly. I have a new charger/cord, but it is not making an active connection to my laptop. Could this be easily fixed? is it a problem with the connection port itself as it seems? -reply by Linda Barts -
how to do 1.Choose the message event 2.Write the question...Lets use the one you used as example... ''how are you?'' 3.Now choose the one that is under the message one 4.Put the choices(like...I'm fine and not good) 5*.Under I'm fine,put whatever you want him to say like...Thats good 6*.Under not good put whatever you want him to say...Like...Why not? *for 5 and 6 use the same event that you used on 2
Why do you believe in myths?The End Of The World By December 21, 2012I think that people should just wait and see because in the bible it says NOBODY knows when the world will end also people of the world should think it also says that God says that people stop thinking about God and respecting him so by believing what these people are saying thats disrespecting him so just stop believing this crap and start thinking about the word of gog also don't listen to everything fake scientist because like we all know nobodies perfect and you have to perfect to know when the worlds going to end so don't believe the movie 2010 because they don't know they are being payed to scare the children of the world but I think they are just sick sick people that need to follow and read every last page of the bible not just what people direct you to read because by doin that you are mocking the word of God THINK SOMETIMES PEOPLE.-reply by Rayanna
Run Internet Explorer From Command Prompt Windows Tips
iGuest replied to delivi's topic in The Internet
Replying to iGuestno although you can go to task manager, click on file, click on run, and type in chrome.Exe-reply by Michael -
My opinionsBest Free Mmorpg Out ThereI've tried a few different MMORPGs, but I'd have to say my 2 favourite are Maplestory and World of Warcraft. I really like games that offer a lot of different classes or jobs, because it's more fun to be original, an these games offer a certain amount of creativity, WoW because specc'ing in different talent trees allows you to be different then other people who are the same class as you. And I like Maplestory because when you start, there are a lot of different jobs you can choose. Although, I'm kinda taking a break from the two because for WoW, I'm waiting for the next expansion "Catacalysm" so I can make a goblin Shaman and a worgen Druid. And for Maplestory, I'm waiting until the 31st so I can make an Evan, which is the new hero class they're adding. I've also tried this game called "Wizard101", which is kinda fun, but it gets to a point where the only way to level is to either kill stuff for hours at a time, or pay money to be able to get new quests(like, REAL WORLD money) Also a game that seems kinda cool is "Dofus 2", but I can only play for for a bit, then I'll get bored of it for a few weeks. -reply by guyperson
Are They Private Or *pirate Servers? mostly about rs
iGuest replied to dazappa's topic in Computer Gaming
RuneScape privates servers are legal 100%, it's what your using to make them. If you look at Jagex's TOS (Terms of Service) It does not indicate at all that this is illegal, and is a fault on their par. As for your distrust of private servers, if you see a well dedicated server, with over fifty people playing of course you can trust em. You are just being over protective, and using facts you do not have. Most private servers are illegal, but according to Jagex's TOS it is not. -reply by The Truth -
saving lives and ending catastrophie go Paul Tibbets and Tom FerbereeHiroshima And The Atomic BombThe A-bomb is completely justified in my opinion because that is all I can speak for MY OPINION. We saved lives by not storming the beaches and getting slaughtered. We expressed our power and how far we would go to win. It was economically better. Started a new age of technology and weapons. It was payback for Pearl Harbor where we lost many troops and troops may be troops but they are still people. Killing around 120,000 people and saving supposedly Millions is enough reason for me to back it up. -reply by Aakash
I agree the third book in the inheritence cycle was great!!. Through out the first 2 books you learn who the charicters are and what thier role in the story is the third book though long (longer is better in my opinion) lets the charicters creat bonds and become more of a united front that hopefully we will see take down galbitorix...Buy the book its wonderfull, Also if you like to listen on audio the audio narrirater does a great job of catching the essence of each charicter in the book...I CANT WAIT UNTILL THE NEXT BOOK COMES OUT!!
Join The Best Runescape Clan On Earth noobs are welcome..
iGuest replied to lordshaun's topic in Computer Gaming
Ill join I'm lvl 88 my stats r; attack 71 strentgh 75 defence 70 ranged 63 prayer 43 magic 66 health points 73 mining 47 smithing 35 fishing 69 cooking 39 fire making 68 woodcutting 61 slayer 43 hunting 31 -reply by Ix rep xi -
Microsoft Vista Needs No Anti-virus? Stupid Microsoft employee...
iGuest replied to beatgammit's topic in Software
beatgammit and his predictionsMicrosoft Vista Needs No Anti-virus?hey "beatgammit," you are a real lousy predictor ! Ha, ha! You said: "Apple OSX has it's moments, but Windows Vista will make a much bigger splash, for better or for worse." Yeah sure. Did that happen? No! So much so that MS had to come up with W7 to sweep the Vista embarrassment under the carpet! You also said this cheap unsubstantiated remark: "sorry Apple fans, but most of their ads are totally untrue." Most? Most??? "Totally" untrue? You do like to exaggerate, don't you? Apple may have some spin on some of their ads, but having used computers for 38 years, and had dozens of my own PeeCees since 1985, and then several Macs since 2003, I can tell you from experience that most of what Apple says in their ads is actually pretty much true. Oh, and just look at how their stock has fared since 2002 compared to MS and that of ANY other tech company in the WORLD. Then let's talk about "splashes." Yeah, I know, it's not what you wanted to hear. -reply by Morgoth -
who can i get recruited to your teamArsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !Replying to timmy41Hi there am a young and talented strugling and suffring footballer from africa to be specifice nigeria am in my early 13.Am the firsts choice goolkeeper of my high school also the first choice and the captain of my church team. Have lead my teams to many victories and many trophies.Am dedicated hard working and strong minded. Am a strong fans of the ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB and my dream is to put on the GUNNERS jersey. I will be glad if am been given the chance to show case am talent at the academy becourse the club is been addres as a youht team and playing for the academy will be a thing of pride to me becourse I will be able to help many young poor and suffring africans like me if I got recrited. LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR FAVAORABLE REPLY-reply by mayungbe oriyomi babatunde
my rapRap LyricsThis is my rap I'm 16 so tell me wot u think I'm sittin here nt realizin tht my mom is dying so sad but I'm 2 strong 2 start crying people say they hate there mom well they defernatly liein or they never see them so they wont no that shes dieing and when they find out shez died they don't start crying she never cn her and now she never will she doesnt no wot 2 say when I told she just stood still now her hart is burning thinking of the things they couldof done 2gether now her mind is turning cuz they never had the chance 2 meet eachother its sad u didnt think of your son or daugther now they thinkin of u that if I seen her wot would I do wot wld I say but its 2 late now cuz my mom has gone away.-reply by adam humphries
Microsoft Warns Users Of Pirated Windows Os with a Desktop Message
iGuest replied to Inspiron's topic in Operating Systems
this is soooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to solve!!Microsoft Warns Users Of Pirated Windows OsI use black xp, a pirated copy of windows which combines the good parts from XP and Vista together and leaves out all the crappy bits. windows genuine advantage (wga) is the easiest thing to get around, it is pointless in them even bringing it out as I was only 15 when I figured out how to get around it. if the WGA message has already came up on your system the just re-install your windows. Don't have your internet connected during re-install. Once your PC/Laptop is finishes re-installing: go to start > runType in the box "services.Msc" (without speech marks) Scroll down to where it says security centreRight click and stopRight click again and propertiesWhere it says startup type with a dropdown box make sure this says disabled and not automaticClick ok and close the services boxThen after this go to start > control panel > security centreMake sure the only thing in this box is windows firewallInstall your antivirus and there you have it a pirated version of windows without the stupid pop upBox!! !DO NOT DOWNLOAD A WGA PATCH, THEY ALL CONTAIN VIRUSES/TROJANS/WORMS THAT INFECT YOUR SYSTEM UNDETECTED AS THEY INSTALL THEMSELVES THROUGH THE COMMAND PROMP! -reply by Nathan -
Replying to (G)VeeEssEvery Human being is capable to live normally. First of all u have to find answers for u. Tranquilize your mind with meditation techniques and search for your aim in life. For a change visit and help needy peoples like old, sick and dying. U will gain your power and confidence in life. It is always difficult to struggle and follow the path of righteous and light-reply by Rizwan Shiekh
VB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (Part I)
iGuest replied to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG's topic in Programming
VB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (part 2)VB.NET: MS-Access Interaction Tutorial (Part I)Hi I'm working with vb.Net and msaccess project. for login window, by using datareader I'm checking database data but the condition is checking only 1 record. To check full what is condition I hav to take or by using oledbadaptor,how to write code to check the total records in database -reply by Rahul -
html code comes on running phpmyadmin or localhostWamp Server ProblemsI have installed wamp5 and when I am trying to run localhost or phpmyadmin, it gives me the coding...It gives me the html and php code in the window instead of giving me the original gui type page... can anyone Please Please help me out with this ASAP... I tried to reinstall the wamp5 also but still the problem is same...This happened when I tried to install netbeans ide and tried to run my php project in netbeans...
White boyRap LyricsI look up to God hope he forgives me cuz theres a white boy whos tryin to go against me called me a *BLEEP* put the er on the ***** now you do the math tell me whats the difference hes white and I'm black so pay attention cuz tonite somebodys bout to come up missing I wrap you up like presents on christmas underneath the pine tree is where ull be sitting on my lap is where your girls head be dippin she said shes thirsty so my nut is what shes sippin cuz after all I'm really what shes missing oops my fault the glamor life is really what shes missing -reply by emmett