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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. yeah me too cause you can see the sub title or quote which ever you wanna call it
  2. try look on forum websites from EA (Electronic Arts) Games on information bout Call Of Duty
  3. I have used Free Download Manager from download.com on many occations. I like to be able to prioritize my downloads while they are downloading. Maybe FlashGet does this as well?
  4. Great movie ! Donnie darko is one of my all time favorites too. It is not underrated. On the corrected imdb movielist it is in the top 25. http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/imdbfix.shtml Just few people know the movie, especially in countries other than USA and UK.
  5. Thanks for the link!!!!
  6. Does Trance count? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://www.tranceaddict.com/ :-)
  7. What genre of music is F.I.R.?
  8. that was great! but in a bad way
  9. i also use the same but i use CS
  10. Me too saint, i'm in that boat... Who has seen the bit with the legs and the tree.. I crowbared the legs and they spinned all around the tree!!! Haha!! it was the funniest thing i've seen untill they kicked me and tried humping my head :shock: The game is fantastic :wink:
  11. Ah great game, completed it - lots of fun
  12. Counter Strike Source is brilliant, try the "rats" maps, you are little people in a kitchen, great fun :wink:
  13. iGuest


    I hate the snow, thanks God the weather is templated here
  14. more easy than html i think that dont exist it. But...
  15. Why are so many people calling MIB 2 and the village as the worst films. :? They aren't masterpieces but they aren't bad movies. (doesn't wanna say that you hated it.)mine are Urban Legend, Elizabeth, so bad...Waterworld and Robin Hood : Prince of thieves, both with Kevin Costner in the lead. he is quite a good actor but these movies were awful. And shouldnt be missed in this list Charlie's Angels (you might like it if you think Cameron is a hottie). Haven't seen the sequel yet, but it seems even worse....
  16. iGuest


    It's difficult when you come from a windows background
  17. iGuest

    A girl

    the best thing is tell her what you feel, if she doesn't feel the same about you, what the *BLEEP*, you won't be dreaming in something that was not ment to be, but if she does, then you are a winner :wink:
  18. This is a software forum >> I never saw anything saying :: U CAN'T POST SOME GOOD THINGS WHICH IS ALREADY IN FANTASTICO >> I thought that those infos should be useful for some people :wink:
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