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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. It's nice, but there are certain GFX things that need work.
  2. iGuest


    yes becouse the first time i installed it on a win32 computer i fryed my graphics card and lost all my data. this information backed up by my uncle which is a well repected computer programmer, i'm just saying, don't (f) around, just be careful
  3. 'Fraid not. He wants a flash decompiler http://www.flash-decompiler.com/
  4. http://www.lavasoft.com/ scan ur pc for spywareif that don't work try spybot
  5. sandman well i would do that if my parents would agree, but they would have no idea on what im talking about so their is basically no way of that. and i know what paypal is and how it works so..
  6. iGuest


    What?! Have you any idea what your talking about?
  7. Photoshop and Flash MX, easy to learn because of all the tut's
  8. ty fellas for the feedback
  9. I sleeped all night because i drank too much beer the day before
  10. I got a nice case for my guitar,A risk game,Some cash,Chocolate,A shovel ?!|
  11. Hi all,I dont know if i'm in the right section, sorry if I'm in the wrong place.There's casion, poker and other icon on my deskstop. It appeared yesterday and it's impossible to make them disapear, what can I do ?
  12. I use a trial of Ulead PhotoImpact for design and for webpages Macromedia Dreamweaver.
  13. I just got it and I am already pretty good.First time I played I got 46 - 16 or somehting.
  14. I tried to learn flash by myself but it was really really hard... Maybe those information will help me out. I'll repost in a few week with a video :DThanks guys
  15. Half dead vampire (not the kind of vampires you seen on TV). And the lady to the right.. I'm not quite sure but she looks like some demon valkyrie. ---- As for this, I have complied a list of all books that I currently have or have read in the past. If you're interested that is. Ghosts Among Us: True Stories of Spirit Encounters - Leslie Rule I Never Believed In Ghosts Until - "Unknown Author" America's Most Haunted Places - Nancy Roberts How to Be a Ghost Hunter - R. H. Southall The Ghost Next Door: True Stories of Paranormal Encounters From Everyday People - Mark Alan Morris Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs - David Sereda UFO Briefing Document : Best Evidence - "Unknown Author" UFOs Are With Us Take My Word - Leo Dworshak Weird America: A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States - Jim Brandon Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time - Stephen Jay Gould (REALY GOOD) Places of Power: Secret Energies at Ancient Sites : A Guide to Observed or Measured Phenomena - Paul Devereaux Ancient Energies of the Earth - "Unknown Author" Well that's all I can come up with at the moment. Some of these I own and some are long lost and forgoten. I realy can't remember the names of a few of the authors, sorry.
  16. AIM, it starts up faster than MSN and everyone I know uses it.
  17. What do you need?You wish to see the source of the compiled flash?
  18. GBC, Xbox, and COmputer.Computer is the best one.
  19. yeaow-zah, sweetgonna check out zentri
  20. my favorite intrenational team is Italy :mrgreen: 8)
  21. Helps a lil bit, but not enough :evil:
  22. I use winget! It`s free and I like it
  23. the Activ? one is very coolthe Mission one needs some work on the div cause the text runs over the pic but the layout is cool
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