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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. look good, heres my works site, i made it and i also look after it http://www.alecs3piecesuites.co.uk/
  2. Looks really cool, good work......... glad to have you back sshooter 8)
  3. I have installed several times phpnuke and wen i register for the first time never need to confirm by email. That happens only when a user register . But that can be alliterated in properties admin.
  4. I play Source, and I have played rats, it's fun, but it lags me comp.
  5. Half-Life 2 is much better than Halo2
  6. Counter-Strike Source all the way!
  7. iGuest

    My page

    Layout looks ok, But i dont understand a word.
  8. Go to the website which you ordered your domain name, go to the management section (if there is one) and you should find a link to changing the DNS servers there...
  9. You can also overwrite this file. (that's probably the fastest possibility to solve this problem... if it isn't solved yet) :wink:
  10. That sounds fair! to get members from our forums to gudge our websites! Giving marks 1-10. Why dont someone create a minisite for the comp, be much easier than forums.
  11. soory, but that is outside of javascript capabilitty. you will need either a cgi or php script for that. check these sites and you should find one http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ http://php.resourceindex.com/
  12. i am looking for pink phpnuke themeAnyone can help me.I need for an irc comunitytanks
  13. It looks like you put a lot of work into that site and pays off well.It looks great :wink: 8/10 8)
  14. iGuest


    once upon a time the weather in the UK just sounded miserablenow it's turning vicious
  15. in the 1st and 3rd ones, the text is a bit hard to read, otherwise they are all very well done. 8.5/10
  16. iGuest

    A girl

    Exactly what I did. I just flat out told the girl, got rejected, and didn't care all that much. We still talk just the same as before.
  17. These old movies where a dinosaur is as tall as a human.(Just the fact that they showed them together is a joke)Without any perspective and where you see this real "low budget, boring story, nothing's great" thingy... :roll:
  18. iGuest


    the weather is still ready bad in england, we have had bad flooding. plus 80mph winds.
  19. I don't se you come up with anything better! I wouldn't expect it either, from someone who understand this:
  20. iGuest


    Post it to me, Please!
  21. iGuest


    I can send some snow to whoever wants it. Really, I mean, I've got a good two feet over my four acres of land. So, who wants it?
  22. I can aford it, but no point in getting hosting for a site I don't even have made yet and don't know will get $$$.
  23. you should also check to see if your old host allows remote linking. if it doesnt, it wont work, and you will need to host your image elsewhere
  24. Know any good phpbb skinning tuts?
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