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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Ed Wood *Managed to sneak on a computer*
  2. Everyone ignored my suggestion of Elephant Man for some reason. If you are reading this in the future, just skip over it.
  3. RadioheadQueens of the stone ageThe BeatlesNils Petter MolvaerThe Knack
  4. OK, so the link works, but theres nothing on the damn page! :|
  5. Random FNH its starting so its natural that it have to correct some "bugs" and made some updates and that would cause some delay on making some requests.FNH seems to be a reliable hosting though like you?ve said at the moment its not.Users with free accounts (like me) can?t complaint to much if the site goes sudden off line since we don?t pay but paying usrs need to get a server with 99.9% of uptime.The only thing that FNH should change is the fact that before they "update,restart,shutdown a server"send and email 24h before doing it so that users can backup theirs accounts to be prepared for the worst. if the updates went well nothing to worry,if something happen don?t worry also since they?ve backups.Finishing....At the moment i can?t consider FNH a reliable host, but i think that after all this they will be one!!!! THE BEST.
  6. Apache was down and accounts was moving to another server
  7. No, It's just you... You're crazy! JK, Yeah, it was down
  8. phpbb it the best :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted:
  9. Night Of The Living Dead
  10. Darkman *Gotta go to class now...I'll be back in an hour or so.*
  11. Hm i dont see much of them, but Berserk is ok.
  12. net2ftp works for me...You can use CuteFTP, you?ve free trial version and then you can crack
  13. Yeah Full Metal Jacket would get mine too...only Saving Private Ryan would be very close behind for it's overall feel.
  14. In no real specific order... Aliens - Anyone who knows me on here will know the reasons why. But saying as I wouldn't be confident of that fact; it's simply because it is so well crafted and shot by James Cameron; add to that a very intense and brooding atmosphere and some very real and gritty characters. The sets are wonderful, miniature work is top class and all in all it still holds up today... Terminator 2 - Another Cameron gem, again for pretty much everything mentioned above with the inclusion of some great casting of Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong. Special effects are great but not over done; and the story is epic and involving. The Matrix - I will freely admit that I am a techno freak. A film with good use of technology will attract me to it more than the likes of Mona Lisa Smile. It's a preference, but I like other genres as well. Anyhow, were to start, it would be like taking the Truman Show to another dark and hellish level. Just that first thought of actually wondering what was real after watching it for the first time...it was freaky. Add to this pretty shocking story, some well casted characters and some inventive photography to get a seriously lethal film. Bill And Ted's: Bogus Journey - Why do you ask am I adding this in? Because I don't know if I've very mentioned it on here. Most of you most likely think that this is a completely crap film. Not to me, it is just so much of a fantasy that it is captivating. One of the best films I've ever seen for it's pure enjoyment factors and the great music in the finale; yet I rarely mention it ahead of other films like The Shining or The Lord Of The Rings...I'm not saying it's better; I'm just saying that I like it as much as them and it's about time I mentioned it . The Shining - Quite simply the best horror film of all time, by miles. What's good about it, everything. The music is well paced and adds to what Kubrick shows us on screen. His cuts are surreal; the story is involving...the character development is immense compared to most films. Jack Nicholson is the heart of this "big great source of all evil". I don't think he's done better acting work...but it's only my opinion. :wink: Having done this, I think I'll start another thread later on...it's given me an idea. (Oh Dear)
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