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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I can log in to http://domain/cpanel just fine.
  2. thanx dude Im feeling a little better- yeah im doing some work on it now
  3. do you creating accounts ??
  4. the Christian view of war is its ok if fewer would die through war than with it.In that regard, there is an argument that the war against iraq was justified from a religious perspective. I personally dont 'hate america', i quite like it, and the americans i know... but i dont support stupid policy. Just as if i felt a policy in england was stupid i wouldnt support that. It doesnt mean i 'hate all american policy', it is very rare to find a party with whom you align yourself with every policy.However, it isnt just that issue that makes people think Bush is stupid.For one thing, he's declared war on 'rebellion' - As terrorism is basically a rebellion against the people viewed to have all the control.It doesnt take a genius to realise that rebellion is the fruit of supression.He is simply breeding more terrorism. Perhaps he would have done better to attempt to help these countries who hate america, by using the money he's spent on this much broader war to repair the damage that was breeding the terrorism.I happen to think that having saddam out of power was worth it, though i dont think there was any great rush to run against the united nations, or to prevent hans blix from finishing the job he was commissioned to do.If you are going to defend Bush, then tell me what the rush was? If the rush came from the people of america..then i feel justified in calling those people of america rash and hasty...or perhaps those same people can be called ignorant, or volatile, given that their views will have been aided by the media, who would have been adjusted to some degree by the government, and given that their anger at the 'eastern world' stems primarily from 9/11. If it was some economical diversion, then i worry that your economy hasnt done quite as well as it could have lately, and dont know why you're falling for it.I find it funny that people who defend Bush, make a point of saying that the rest of the world views 'all americans' as stupid when none of them are, when the actions of their country would suggest that all muslims were terrorists, and all of the east were mixed up in it. I'm also very wary of taking note of people who use arguments such as 'omg you just dont get it do you?'. In this situation, i actually just disagree with you, though i do understand your position alot better than you might think.
  5. Atcually I just a temporary Admin just to help him.. :mrgreen:
  6. do you have domain or subdomain??
  7. It wont let in cpanel ive tried http://forums.xisto.com/ & http://domain/cpanel What should i do? I tried the normal way of loggin in. my username plus my hosting password (not my forum password. Can some-one check to see if they can login into cpanel click here for cpanel
  8. Final Fantasy is the best game series imo
  9. Sorry to hear it, DJBungle...But congats on the days off work... give you a bit more time to be with your computer :DI love school holidays...
  10. IC Naz.... anyways I know you will always be there to help others, that's almost being Admin ..... thanks for your service.... Keep up the Spirit Naz ...
  11. I'm no longer admin...just you all want to know..
  12. Well if you'd replied to the link you gave here, you probably dont need to re-Request it. But if you have not replied in time you need to re-request it like me..
  13. I don't know... I think admin might be getting desperate fro Mods if he is making people with no post counts moderaters
  14. iGuest

    My car

    lol, I'm from Aus tooThat car must be fairly old... most Ford's look good
  15. Sorry to hear that, Get well soon....
  16. CS puts in a lot of sense.. u have to have patience , skill and firing abilities at the fliker of the eye..else ur a dead duck ... lol... I am 95% addicted to CS .. wat bout u???
  17. i think that would have to be the lord of the rings (as much you can call 3 games a series ) ...
  18. Yeah, I have tried out most options folks mentioned here, but I like the simplicity and the fact that miniserver.sourceforge.net always worked for me.Very simple...no installation or config...just unpack and run. 8)
  19. Hi guys, Im try to install a php hit counter! But im having problems creating a mysql database. include "phphits.php";//---------- Set general variables ----------$sql_name = "";$sql_list = "";//---------- Connect to MySQL server, using settings from above ----------if (!($sql_id = @mysql_connect(SQL_HOST, SQL_USER, SQL_PWD))){ if (SQL_SHOW_ERRORS <> 0) phphitsShowErrorMsg("mysql_connect", $sql_id); Do i go into cpanel and create a database? then edit-$sql_name = ""; $sql_list = ""; Please help! Im clueless with php
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