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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. For making logo you should use Adobe Illustrator!
  2. I saw 50 first dates: 6 times Fast and Furious: 3 times Blade : 4 times
  3. yo guys, among all the war movies (exclude the war movies like LOTR), which one is your favourite? my choice would be the Saving Private Ryan, although I like the Brave Heart very much SPR was very touching especially when Tom Hanks was get shot!
  4. What do you think of The Incredibles? I thought it was really incredible! I liked the animations and graphics. The plot was great, lots of twists and turns. The action and humour was good too. Definitely one of my favorite animation movies!
  5. Which one Is your Favourite Anime Movie? For me i guess the best one is Tenkaihenjoso From SAint Seiya Anime is very Good Movie if you have time to see it Enjoy it
  6. 1. Lord of the Rings - TTT 2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Titanic 4. X-Men 5. Polar Express
  7. There is a program for windows called "The Logo Creator" that is quite good. It makes really good logos... no it doesnt
  8. I've received e-mail "24 hours left" Jan, 10 but until now my site it's no online...
  9. how to encry to file config.php
  10. I use FileZilla and it works fine.... get is free from the following link https://filezilla-project.org/
  11. IMDb is the best... No doubt on that
  12. i found this tutorial http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Publing-it-Live/5054
  13. Linking Park, Limp Bizkit (before "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water"), Korn, Blink182, System of a Down.. :twisted:
  14. Ping Pong, Baseball and Basketball
  15. Nightmare Before Christmas
  16. I use "AceFTP 3 Professional" and it works great!
  17. Right.. let's carry on Spiderman ( I wouldn't like to put Spiderman 2, numbers should be written as words)
  18. well i agree with new rule Star Wars
  19. iGuest


    What kind of a sport is it? I mean, what is the goal?
  20. may be they think a Legendary member could do all those...
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