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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Let's hope Admin appointed them for GOOD... he knows too well the risk that can involve with appointing anyone as Admin or Moderators..... If he does it means that Admin trusts them ... So, I welcome both Carlos and tommyk to the forum ! Thanks in advance for your service...
  2. If you have account and you don't remeber the passwors send email to admins cops@freenukehosting.com
  3. Its the best free hosting pack around :wink:
  4. My favourite character in The Matrix? ekhmm Ofcorse Morpheus
  5. To bad....I'll hope that FNH will solve this problem..1 thing i know, i will be here around for some time... :wink: @ Hrvoje:Do what you think is right... dont feel pushy by other members... "Choose your own path" :|
  6. Hrvoje, I agree with you, he is a bit lousy/lazy (whichever you meant) at his job, but he does have many other sites to look after... he said 7 at one stage... I have enough trouble looking after 1 site! :DBut yeah... he isn't online much either. And he never replies to PM's...Sorry if i'm hurting your feelings or something, admin... I'm not intentionally bagging you or anything. 8)
  7. ha..true...very true... :wink: Random..try to use FNH first...if you feel uncomfortable you may switch to other service...but I fell right now admin has done a very good job..
  8. Please say me what i have to do ? or if the admins can sed me another time messages wiht my pass words user and date of my acounts
  9. you domain or subdomain ??
  10. suvring christmas Good new movie Who wathed?
  11. i cant speak for meeko, but i think he has same problem.. his site got deleted for unknown reason... thanx,
  12. yeah thats what i'm wondering...but its down and if its not been seen then i need to know if i should re request...thanks.
  13. Mekko probably don't have time for us . Meybe he have wife and childrens
  14. yeah..wish him luck :mrgreen:
  15. Anyways I don't think Admin would make anyone Mod. recklessly, he must be knowing the risk involve in it..... let's hope he does this for GOOD...
  16. you rock~ simple but nice. carry your work on :mrgreen:
  17. thanks, sorry by my impatience
  18. wow..good explanation Hrjove...I understand...what about you Meeko?
  19. meybe admin delets this topic what is transfered
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