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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Man. I honestly will tell you that I do not have time to show you all the templates. I find a link you may like to check out. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That is about 80 templates.
  2. I do not get it. What are you trying to get us to do? Exactly what is your purpose?
  3. Yes. That is what fantastico is. However since I never see it, I do not know if I should believe there is such a thing as fantastico for us here.
  4. Does Lycos even provide MySQL? It was my impression that they don't.
  5. This can be caused because of the following reasons: Maybe this can help you :wink: , bye.
  6. PC: Athlon XP 2400+ overclocked to 2.4GHZ (from 1.35 8) ) 512MB DDR400 RAM 80GB HD Generic 64MB nVidia (I'll be getting a better one this summer) I also have PS1, but I don't use it. I'm not into console gaming. btw, manyoung, your sig is too big. You need to size it down to no mroe than 100px
  7. I just bought the iPod Shuffle like a week ago and it is working great. Only have had to charge it once and have been listening to it non-stop. Great buy if you don't have that much cash or you don't need that much space(ie=you will not listen to 9,000+ songs in one day). 8)
  8. i do like inuyasha movies snice Inuyasha is kool lol im wanting Inuyasha movie 4 its gonna come out like next year i think dunno
  9. GRAND THEFT AUTO, GT 1-4. I have GT4 its kool but when you get all the cars and all that money its not that fun but its still fun to me kinda lol since i have to win like 10 more championships
  10. whats with you guys and windows? WindowsXp has viruses and spyware when i have winxp i have norton and anti-spyware and norton firewall and all the protection yet it wont protect me that much and plus windows is a resource hogger so i have to say linux all the way
  11. Hey- check out my new status. It's on the left, under my location. :DAnd just for the record:No, it's not a new mod.No, I didn't hack the site.Yes, everyone can do it.No, it's not obvious how I did it.No, I'm not going to say how I did it.
  12. Stephen, did you ever try doing a WHOIS search on the FNH domain and calling his house? That's what my friend did. 8)
  13. Yeah that was irrelevant, and for the record yes I do put " 8) " after every sentence. It's kind of a mark to let people know that I have posted. :wink: 8)
  14. my pc specs is 2.4ghz p4 512mb ram kinda crappy im thinking to get a new comp thats better o and btw i got 120gig hdd i also have a ps2
  15. GAH! This is really annoying! Maybe I didn't say it clearly enough? STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD!!!
  16. i have to say that the ipod is pretty good but its a bit big eh? they should shrink it which is hard but i dont own it but ive used it i like the touch pads
  17. my site is down too.. i can access via ftp, but the cpanel n the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are not working ...i can see that it's not a account trouble, cause same things happens to a lot of members..but.. does any admin/account creator knows when this problems are gonna be fixed??????hope soon...thanks in advance FNH
  18. thanks can mods lock this thread.thnx
  19. apx004... do ya always put a 8) at the end of your posts? :?
  20. u were right.. i only have to wait n every works ok.. thanks
  21. My favorite OVA is Macross Zero !!!....the best i've ever seen (lo mejor ke he visto)
  22. That is true. vBulletin mods are much easier to install. However there is no free access for those mods. You have to have a license of vBulletin to access those mods. For phpBB, all is free.
  23. Last time I checked, people also had free speech. Which means I can say whatever I want to. Mods and account-creators have this right too. When you register for these forums, you agree to And if you're so worried about hearing someone else's opinion, you shouldn't be posting it on a forum where others can express their opinion. And if you haven't noticed, the admin rarely gets on here, so posting it here will do no good.
  24. You mean like get the dutch language icons??? If you are just looking for a language then you can find it at phpBB.com. They will give you languages to your forum. But to find something that is graphically of your native language, you will have to search at phpbbhacks.com and phpbb.com.
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