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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I want it can you share with me. I have try to go to easywarez but it have some broken link.
  2. Hi there i'm newbie from malaysia. I'm work at internet cafe so i use this time to surf.
  3. PCAMD Duron 1200 Mhz384 Mb RAMGe Force 2 Mx/400I'm going to buy Ati Radeon 9500 Pro
  4. If your wife has to yell "get the transmission out of the tub" just to take a shower, you might be a redkneck
  5. I am a full on right-winger also. If anyone wants to debate me too im up for it
  6. yup, it sucks. but i'm originally from Utah, and I'm going back there as soon as I can. <3 you all...haha.
  7. I am male. Yesh. I am .
  8. I live in Alabama, but I'm from Utah. I'm SOOOO going back as soon as I can. I'm stuck here until July when High school completes.
  9. I have 100 gmail invites. sheesh. anyone? PM?
  10. I hope its templates they're after! :oops:
  11. Use google for search, you will find more free phpnuke templates.
  12. I wasnt waitin more from a guy that do live on nutt street !!! lol hahahah yeah im really fat if u consider i do kickboxing , jiujitsu and i train at gym at the same time !@!! GG ownt now stfu you damn kid!! leave this post to admins which u arent and wil prolly never will be! PS : GG on callin me a scrub Mr.Mofo you just showin me how moron u are !!!
  13. THis thread is getting out of hand. I think a mod should lock this thread. I can see the tention growing.
  14. tamplets???if your talking about templates you can make your ownthats what i did or you can search google
  15. iGuest


    yeah i used it for my website
  16. haha ur probly a fat slob who stuffs his face with donuts and has a snot.im not fat im probly better looking than ur goofy azz.
  17. woo hoo i did it on my first try haha that was easy as hell!!!
  18. iGuest

    how do i

    You'll need to know PHP, you'll need to have a lot of time on your hands and a very powerful reason for doing it. I'd suggest you download phpBB. It's free, and it is already coded.
  19. yeah but fat nubs need to get there noze in ! Now all this topic is wasted by this fat kid and his color commentary ! Wow tHx .PS Plz tell yur parents to use condoms next time!
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