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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. You have topic for that.No need to open new.Just search
  2. Eminem & 50 cent is the best
  3. I love hip hop too!This is the best MusicFOREVER!
  4. iGuest


    Pop is not god like Hip-Hop or rap.
  5. For me is EMINEM-ENCORE good album,and 50Cent-Get rich or die tryin
  6. How to host Game Server in Cpanel ??
  7. iGuest


    Funny ,, :shock:
  8. doom 3 was bad but i think that Half life is bad too.
  9. BTW emilin;I got some photo's here 4 u 2 edit :DJust need to scan them and upload them (Scanning is gonna be a problem without a scanner) :?
  10. phpBB is good but IPB is better and vbulletin is THE GOOD!You can find free IPB host and you will have one for free!
  11. Yes but you can buy all 8 distribution for onli 30$
  12. your computer is not enought fast!
  13. Does somebody know how the panel thing works in PHP-Fusion???
  14. haha Holland sucks at football!!!though I'm Dutch :roll: lol
  15. agreed. now adays every uses wallhacks and it blows
  16. I'm a male!*looks down*
  17. could you plz explain it a bit more, like: the size (800x150), colours scheme.....a link to your forum would also really help
  18. website and cpanel not working. :x mySQL databases don't work yesterday, it seems anything is working today. i hope it will be fixed soon...
  19. iGuest


    1 - 9/102 - 7/103 - 8/10This's my opinion :wink:
  20. the game is nice, but somethime hackers totally hack the game for a while
  21. wait i dont get it, must i now signup again?
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