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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. There are some that have guns, cuss words, violence, blood, gore, etc
  2. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    Thanks for links.Anybody got imagination nuke? It is a phpnuke package, kinda like Phpnuke platinium... The site is down :S.
  3. Nope :(It's secret
  4. PhpBB Voting is Simply to install
  5. How about telling an advanced member how to do the status thing(via PM if you want to keep it a secret)Thx-Z?
  6. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    The site that I seen it on is down bro sorry, here some other sites you might check out though, http://www.codezwiz.com/ http://www.techgfx.com/ https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=nukescripts&e=com Tim :twisted:
  7. Thanks you guys, you just gave me an awsome Idea after the servers are up and running again (I'm gonna host demos of postnuke, phpnuke, xoops, ect.. well If thats not agenst TOS I don't think it is I'll have to read over them really quick )Tim :twisted:
  8. Contrary to scientists' dire predictions, the size of oil reserves the average American believes must exist somewhere are expected to increase through 2050, even after reserves actually ran out in 2043 Take a step out of your own little world, Cody.---------------------------------------------------------- This is no black and white issue Cody. I can agree in some situations, in others, I disagree:For example, Sort through the following: A serial killler. A 15 year old reject who pulls a columbine Is he at fault, do we blame society. Doesn't every kid deserve a second chance? A man drunk driving kills a mother and her child A serial 'killer' holds two hostages in a room. He tells hostage 1 to kill hostage 2, and if he does not kill hostage 2, his wife and daughter will be executed. He kills hostage 2. A mother kills a man who theatens to kill her and her children. A paid assasin My point: you can't easily say one or the other, can you? ---------------------------------------------------------- Okay, time for some bush bashing:Watch these, keep an open mind, would you? Now, just for yourself, think about what makes a good man, a good president, a good leader. Got that?, now compare that to this: Army Creditials: http://ericblumrich.com/ Environment: http://ericblumrich.com/ Respect For Veterans: http://ericblumrich.com/ Freedom in the Middle East: http://ericblumrich.com/ Humanity in War: http://ericblumrich.com/ A man of Faith http://ericblumrich.com/ Support of our Politcal System http://ericblumrich.com/ Prevention of Nuclear Disaster http://ericblumrich.com/ http://ericblumrich.com/ I agree, bush is a good man ------------------------------------------ Okay, so there's some *BLEEP*s on the planet. Are you so prejudjice that you'll judge a skin color because of a few? I live in suburban Rhode Island, so I don't really have this problem as much, but there stilll are the wannabe's I guess, and if you're too stereotype, (I'm not one to) then I'm of the freak crowd. But I have friends in every crowd, including the 'gangstas', 'Jocks', 'Nerds', 'Burnouts', (*BLEEP* these labels), so maybe you should try being more outgoing and down. People will start to call you a cracker if you keep it up. And a cracker gives white people another sterotype and a stereotype brings racism So stop it now, please. ---------------------------------------- Saddam was *BLEEP*ed up, but what about Osama? Which one blew up two World Trade Buildings ON OUR SOIL? Osama Which one's in custody of the US? Saddam DO THE MATH Well, that's all I've got to say, hit me back, and peace.
  9. i am currently stuck in the village, in Michinga, USA
  10. hey J-S je sais que 800 Mo c'est bien mais si sa foirai pas se serai encore mieu800Mo it's good but 800 who run that's better
  11. Fantastico is currently not working for anyone as far as I know, The admin is working on it or something your best bet it to install the for/portal/ what ever your installing manualy Tim :twisted:
  12. I just sign up with plan A several days ago. In the first few days the service here is very good without any problem until yesterday as I got an error message while trying to open fantastico in my account. The problem is still there now and nothing has been done from the host to correct it. Before this I have a free account here and it got geleted because I was unaware of the email that tells me to change the domain name to new server. Then, I decided to have a paid account just because I thought that the service in the paid account will be better. But, unfortunately I still have some problems.
  13. I think we'll be using this one a lot! Search before posting!
  14. wow! im not expecting this! thanks for the comments guys!! :(
  15. Im using the custom i built now, and its great...for inexperienced computer users id reccomend Dell since they are pretty good systems at a good price and have good support. For gamers, obviously alienware has the best systems, but dell does have a nice xps worth consideration. I would NOT reccomend compaq to anyone, i have seen several highly unreliable compaq systems.
  16. Vcast is an ok idea, but it wolnt be popular for a few years when the price will come down...not many people are willing to pay $15 extra per month on top of some videos that cost a small bit extra to download.
  17. IPB 2.0.3 i VOTE!!! It's userfriendly, easy to manage, great features, nice skins, and alot more. I don't know what to said it's just good.
  18. iGuest


    thanks guys! :Di'll post more soon.. :(
  19. I use GameSpot and love it...I would reccomend it to anyone who has a broadband connection, cuz it would take forever to load on dial-up
  20. iGuest


    I have a 4 year old Sony Vaio...its still working great..even though its only 1ghz and 20 gig hdd, I can still run dual-boot with winxp/fedora (linux). I havnt had any problems with it, and im not planning on replacing it until I start college (3 years).
  21. okay, i'm a complete newb to this command line stuff. Can I get the exact command for it/can i get good tutorial?Thx--Z
  22. humm yeah that's right AC-VAMP. It doesn't seems so.
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