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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. wimax is completely different though...it wolnt be avaliable for consumers to broadcast. Its very comparable to cellular-network based internet services. At launch, it will also be only about 1mpbs (from what ive read).
  2. Somehow you're right, but if you know what other persons have on there websites and there contents and visitors they want there website to be up again. Because of this my friend wanted to buy a hosting package but he's having second toughts on this. I"m patient enough to wait!! :wink:
  3. I should getting mine soon...im trying out the free ipod shuffle thing, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and I only need one more referral which my friend is probably gonna do this weekend. They look pretty good, but the battery isnt that good, and no screen could get a little annoying...from what ive heard from experienced users, its great for portability, but not something to use on a trip or anything. Edit: i now have all the referrals I need for the free shuffle, ill keep u guys posted in the "whats up with that free ipod thing???" topic.
  4. i have (u1 not in my home) i remote that from puttyand i want to try install linux on my computer1. i use linux and windows...?2. what is the diffrent from all the linux version...3. give me the links to best linux that you know10x for all Forsecond...
  5. i have (u1 not in my home) i remote that from puttyand i want to try install linux on my computer1. i use linux and windows...?2. what is the diffrent from all the linux version...3. give me the links to best linux that you know10x for all Forsecond...
  6. you people are crazy it deff han't been a week it's been since tuesday cuz that is when i got mine and that night into early wednesday morning it went down.....and for it being a free server is a good excuse because it's FREE you won't get as much support soo just shut up about it being down it get over it and wait and the admins or mods will tell us when they know when it will be back up for us.
  7. yeah lol thats my bad lol
  8. The domain name on the paid server would be http://forums.xisto.com/
  9. Hey, welcome!If you play Halo...that's great! I like Halo too!
  10. . It's cool i guess, but its just a redirection service :/. Doesnt supprt DNS.
  11. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    I've been searching on google, and cant find anything :S.
  12. You wrote that in another thread,maybe you should take your own advise and stop writing this crap.
  13. meh , i like phpbb >:| , mainly because of the templates
  14. iGuest


    theres a sof2 gold version for pc ,and it pwns
  15. you can play GunBound for free online too , i think the website is http://gunbound.softnyx.net/default.aspx
  16. aww cmon lol... gahhh please
  17. It seems lots of poeple (including me) are suffering from severe downtime from the webservers.> FTP is up> email functionality is up> WEBhosting is DOWN (or simply the access from te web to the account holders folders is NOT working)This is at the time of this writing (March 5) already 5 to 6 days the matter.
  18. so weird. It's the first time i need my host and i can' thave it lol.I am sure the admins work on fix it. Else if they didn't care they will just shut the service down and not pay for a broken server
  19. Were is the admin? did he/she die? is he/she went on vacation? because it seems as they are just unawere of what is going on.
  20. yes one of the mods should make an announcment that the servers are down and tell people to stop writing this crap
  21. I had one at one stage... I can't remember where I got it from though... just try searching google for free medical templates or something
  22. lil_dude1532@hotmail.com , when i was about 11 and we had earthlink dial - up, my dad didnt think I was old enough to have one so i did it secretly, still use it now lol
  23. haha... noob :DI won't tell
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